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iPlayer HLG/UHD HDR on Samsung’s J and K Series TVs

(Topic created on: 20-02-2018 12:57 PM)

So, of the nigh on 400 TVs supported in BBC iplayer for the Blue Planet II  HLG episodes none are from Samsung. Oh joy. 


Moderator edit: Original thread title was "Blue Planet 2 HLG - No Samsung". With the OP's permission, the title was changed on 12/03/2018 to accurately reflect the dominant theme of the thread as it has progressed. If the reader would like to know more about the HLG format, please check out the BBC's page and FAQ's on it here: Thank you, AntS.

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I stated on this forum that I would give Samsung until the end of February 2018 to resolve this, and then I would discuss returning the TV for a refund to JL.


This still stands, and there are 8 more days until I begin the process. Samsung are absolute p*ss takers and I genuinely will never buy or recommend a product of theirs again. If they are hiding, in the hope that this will blow over, they are mistaken, and I find their arrogance and contempt for their customers extremely offensive. 


It's not Samsung who will resolve this as they are not the retailer. You need to take your issues to JL and start the process with them. Samsung are not legally responsible to rectify these issues. I don't agree with it but that is consumer law.

Helping Hand



I stated on this forum that I would give Samsung until the end of February 2018 to resolve this, and then I would discuss returning the TV for a refund to JL.


This still stands, and there are 8 more days until I begin the process. Samsung are absolute p*ss takers and I genuinely will never buy or recommend a product of theirs again. If they are hiding, in the hope that this will blow over, they are mistaken, and I find their arrogance and contempt for their customers extremely offensive. 


It's not Samsung who will resolve this as they are not the retailer. You need to take your issues to JL and start the process with them. Samsung are not legally responsible to rectify these issues. I don't agree with it but that is consumer law.

I think you have misconstrued @ukpetey's post. The way I read it is this. The resolution that he wants, and which most of us here want, certainly me, is the firmware upgrade to support DVB-DASH or HLG over streaming or whatever it is in the TV that is preventing 4K HLG iPlayer from working. That is what he's set an end of February deadline for.

Since everyone here knows that is perfectly technically possible, and new hardware is not required.





I stated on this forum that I would give Samsung until the end of February 2018 to resolve this, and then I would discuss returning the TV for a refund to JL.


This still stands, and there are 8 more days until I begin the process. Samsung are absolute p*ss takers and I genuinely will never buy or recommend a product of theirs again. If they are hiding, in the hope that this will blow over, they are mistaken, and I find their arrogance and contempt for their customers extremely offensive. 


It's not Samsung who will resolve this as they are not the retailer. You need to take your issues to JL and start the process with them. Samsung are not legally responsible to rectify these issues. I don't agree with it but that is consumer law.

I think you have misconstrued @ukpetey's post. The way I read it is this. The resolution that he wants, and which most of us here want, certainly me, is the firmware upgrade to support DVB-DASH or HLG over streaming or whatever it is in the TV that is preventing 4K HLG iPlayer from working. That is what he's set an end of February deadline for.

Since everyone here knows that is perfectly technically possible, and new hardware is not required.

Can you really see that happening?

Helping Hand



Can you really see that happening?

Who knows. I was just clarifying for you.



@mrtickleI think you have misconstrued @ukpetey's post. The way I read it is this. The resolution that he wants, and which most of us here want, certainly me, is the firmware upgrade to support DVB-DASH or HLG over streaming or whatever it is in the TV that is preventing 4K HLG iPlayer from working. That is what he's set an end of February deadline for.

Since everyone here knows that is perfectly technically possible, and new hardware is not required.

As far as I am concerned, that is the main crux of this thread as dictated by the title. As to whether its technically possible or not, we really don't know for sure as neither the BBC who own the iPlayer App or Samsung have actually stated a reason why it wasn't updated.


As for HLG itself, we know that it can work via streaming (youtube) and via USB in both VP9 and HEVC. It also works via HDMI too as that has been tested with youtube apps. It would seem that HLG itself isn't the issue but rather the iPlayer App. That of course leads to concern that the other smart apps built in will not be updated either and that the TV itself is now at its 'final' iteration (as far as software). Its still in a 'better' position than it was when virtually all of bought it of course but for a TV positioned at the 'Premium' end and not some 'budget' or 'disposible' product. Its also made worse by the fact that Samsung made very clear statements and then either implemented them half heartedly or totally backtracked and have even tried to remove evidence of these statements.


That is far worse than coming out and saying that the 2016 (and older) TV's won't get HDR10+ for example from the start or stating that HLG will be only implemented for use over USB/HDMI with External HLG enabled devices. If then you get something more, like HDR10+ over streaming only, its a 'bonus' but because they said HDR10+ would be added, if that now does happen (as in streaming only), we would feel like its a half hearted implementation and not 'good enough'.


As for the SmartThings, that is a separate issue - its worked out well for owners as they have been able to use that as a loophole but I bet many of those who have used that loophole couldn't care less about SmartThings and a fair few only heard of it through this thread. I am not criticising those that did exploit that btw.


I really don't know if Samsung will open up with their community and explain why things are the way they are. Its certainly not good enough but I can't see them changing...




What are peoples thoughts on the John Lewis situation. As many know myself and others have been in contact with them at various levels of customer service from as low as entry level first email responders up to the managing director's office, The official line at the moment that I have been given (and a few others who have posted) seems to be that they are still communicating with Samsung to find a 'resolution'.

Most I believe have stuck to the failure to deliver the smartthings extend usb adapter as that is all that John Lewis are responsible for so what could this resolution possibly be? How long would you consider is an acceptable time to wait? At the end of the day the contract is with John Lewis so they should be the ones sorting it out.

My last response from them was today and that they are still in talks. I guess the only option is to wait as long as it takes for them to decide on the next step and then decline if the issues are not fixed and to push on for a refund...

Might as well wait and see with JL, Samsung told me the same, it's still being discussed.

You're right about the contract and I think it's even easier with JL as it's in the product description.

But no harm in waiting, I'm thinking we are caught up in something a bit bigger.

Although the refund thread is probably best, although the user who called it an exploit is a bit over the top, being sold what was promised is what we should all expect.

Just an update for those wondering about HDR10+.

As I mentioned previously, I'm from Canada, and I am only here to lend support to your cause of getting iPlayer HLG, but since HDR10+ is being discussed, here some info.

I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau a few weeks ago and I've been discussing this with Samsung through the BBB. Initially, the person who was responding to me was some rep from the office of the President, but they forwarded my inquiry to the engineering department. Today, I finally got this response:

"Please be advised that Samsung is working on the firmware update for HDR10+ and our Samsung team will respond to individual customer with a message by the month of May."

I asked a couple of follow up questions to get a firm guarantee that HDR10+ will be added to the 2016 models and an estimate of when we might get it, as well as for confirmation of HDR10+ over HDMI, so we will see what they say. But if that is to be believed, it looks like we may get it by May.

Just an update for those wondering about HDR10+.

As I mentioned previously, I'm from Canada, and I am only here to lend support to your cause of getting iPlayer HLG, but since HDR10+ is being discussed, here some info.

I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau a few weeks ago and I've been discussing this with Samsung through the BBB. Initially, the person who was responding to me was some rep from the office of the President, but they forwarded my inquiry to the engineering department. Today, I finally got this response:

"Please be advised that Samsung is working on the firmware update for HDR10+ and our Samsung team will respond to individual customer with a message by the month of May."

I asked a couple of follow up questions to get a firm guarantee that HDR10+ will be added to the 2016 models and an estimate of when we might get it, as well as for confirmation of HDR10+ over HDMI, so we will see what they say. But if that is to be believed, it looks like we may get it by May.

Sounds promising.  Did you ask about HLG support for streaming such as BBC Iplayer? It would be interesting to know if this upgrade will be available for U.K. Models?



Just an update for those wondering about HDR10+.

As I mentioned previously, I'm from Canada, and I am only here to lend support to your cause of getting iPlayer HLG, but since HDR10+ is being discussed, here some info.

I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau a few weeks ago and I've been discussing this with Samsung through the BBB. Initially, the person who was responding to me was some rep from the office of the President, but they forwarded my inquiry to the engineering department. Today, I finally got this response:

"Please be advised that Samsung is working on the firmware update for HDR10+ and our Samsung team will respond to individual customer with a message by the month of May."

I asked a couple of follow up questions to get a firm guarantee that HDR10+ will be added to the 2016 models and an estimate of when we might get it, as well as for confirmation of HDR10+ over HDMI, so we will see what they say. But if that is to be believed, it looks like we may get it by May.

Sounds promising.  Did you ask about HLG support for streaming such as BBC Iplayer? It would be interesting to know if this upgrade will be available for U.K. Models?

I was speaking with Samsung US, so they wouldn't have any info on that.


But the HDR10+ stuff applies to the UK models as well, since if they release it in one region for the 2016 models, they will do so in all regions.