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Samsung boost not working

(Topic created on: 02-05-2023 01:15 PM)
First Poster


I am trying to redeem my boost offers for YouTube Premium but there are no buttons once I have signed in for any of the Boosts and it is really frustrating. 

How can I get this working as I also can't see any conceivable way to contact support either. The only option it allows is community. So I thank you for your support :smiling-face:





First Poster

I have also tried numerous times and failed......sent email to support and no worthwhile response.....this sums up the state of companies that take large sums of money from us for tech and supposedly "give back" with insensitive that don't accountability

And to add insult to injury half way through writing this a survey pops  up to ask how wonderful samsung are! Well Needless to say the reply was not positive.....

But as no one from samsung will ever respond to this I wish them all a good day underachieving for there customers....

First Poster
I have just spent the last 45mins trying to get the Disney+ Boost code and been going round and around. Turned off my WiFi and switched to 4g, worked straight away. 🤷🏼‍♀️
First Poster

Same with me! Been trying all afternoon.

After like 5 minutes, I get the option to select my device. I click that... nothing. I waited a bit longer and saw a recaptcha.

"Finally!" I enthused. "I can finally get my 3 months free of youtube!"

Turns out that it had expired and I have to start this whole miserable process again.

Truly, truly, dreadful user experience this. Do better, Samsung. 

EDIT: Looking at the developer tools, when I click to select the device, I'm getting the following error on

{"code":404,"message":"Not found"}

So something dodgy is going on with the site there. 

Just for more context (as a dev myself, I love it when someone puts more context in the bug report)

  • Go onto the boost site
  • Sign in to redeem (sometimes this errors out and gives me a forbidden message)
  • Wait about 5 minutes for the "Select Available Device" 
  • Once it appears click "Select Device". Nothing happens. 
  • In the console, nothing appears for a while either
  • After a wait, I get the following errors:

    Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
    youtube-premium/:5394 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Network Error
    at e.exports (youtube-premium/:5394:193799)
    at y.onerror (youtube-premium/:5394:192591)

  • If I click many times, this error sometimes repeats itself per click. Other times, it waits a while and then repeats.

The biggest concern here is the validateDevice url being blocked by CORS policy. I suspect that's the issue. 

I'm praying some Samsung dev sees this and goes "ah, that's why we're getting so many complaints that we can't replicate. I will escalate this ticket and get it fixed post-haste".

My brain tells me that this is not the case though and this ticket is buried deeper than Maggie Thatcher herself.