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Broken TV - Do Samsung TV's only last 3 years?

(Topic created on: 19-06-2020 06:30 PM)

Hi all,


I have many tv's and they have lasted between 20 and 30 years + 


My Samsung has lasted for three years. Is this normal? I've called support and they have said tuff luck. I just find this one expensive disposable product. If that's the case that's £200 a year, ouch.


Anyone else had the same experience? 



115 REPLIES 115

It would be good to hear from Samsung if they are monitoring these chats. 

If it breaks after just a year you may still have recourse through the Sales of Goods Act, as you could argue there is an inherent fault from the outset

I have had mine for a year now so far so good.  But when it goes I wil be getting a LG or Sony. If you buy fromJohn Lewis  you may get a 2 year guarentee

Rusty 2

Samsung tv last till just after warranty expires and this seems to be wether this is one two or three five years call me suspicious but Samsung can upgrade these tv at anytime and timber this has been done with batteries by another well known company 

have any of you tried switching these tv back on after couple days to find perfect till next day then not working 

Gordon Savard
First Poster

So I have the same issue. I bought a 75" 8K tv in 2021 for $3.999. I have had I just about 3 years.  I did not pay for the extended warranty due to the cost being almost another 1,000. And also thinking I bought a high end Tv that this Tv should last a very longtime. The TV goes dead. It happens to be the motherboard. I tried to go through Samsung to get a repair on it which would have been out of pocket. No problem. Come to find out the part is not available. It's discontinued and I can't find one anywhere. Thinking Samsung would do something for this problem. The only thing they will do is give me like 10 percent off another tv. I feel like they should do something more knowing the fact I can't even fix this high end TV. 


Go back and say 10% off is not acceptable, you can get that anywhere.  Insist on 50%.  Going forwaard not too sure of the point of getting 8K at the moment. Very few are even producing 4K programmes. Not sure about gaming though.  But here in UK it very few if anythiong is produced on 4K, not even Amazon/Netflix.  Get an LG or Sony, that is what I intend to do if my Samsung packs up. 

Samsung if you are monitoring these chats why not respond 

First Poster

My guess is that Samsung’s primary focus is getting more money.  They manufacture their products intentionally to be ticking time bombs.  They really don’t seem to care about customer satisfaction.  And they will never respond to these chats.

First Poster

Hi all,


Quite disturbing viewing all the problems you are enduring having spent so much money. I bought a Samsung 43" two year ago, just under 2 year upon turning it on & powering it off for around 3-4 minutes a constant clicking was heard & occasionally the HDMI ports didn't register what device so all I got was a black screen. 

I contacted Curry's & they sent me to Samsung..then Samsung sent me back to Curry's... On and on for months with nobody wanting to accept fault, pay the costs regardless of Law.

First & last Samsung product I'll ever buy, that's for sure.