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Join our course! Turn Climate Anxiety into Positive Action: How can technology unlock activism in everyone?

(Topic created on: 15-10-2020 12:32 PM)
Helping Hand

We're really excited to announce that the first of our co-created Not a School self-learning courses, Turn Climate Anxiety into Positive Action: How can technology unlock activism in everyone, opened on 21st September 2020. This course is free and available to anyone who is interested, and its self-driven style allows you to absorb and reflect on the content at your own pace,  so why not join the conversation?


We’re all fully aware of the urgency and gravity of the global climate crisis, but at the same time, we may feel it’s too daunting to tackle as individuals. This year, Samsung Not a School explores the climate crisis by framing it around accessibility and community building – taking you on the sustainability journey and exploring how we can apply tech solutions to unlock activism in everyone. We’ll explore topics ranging from food waste and plastic, to fast fashion and the impact of COVID-19.


This course is designed to help us put our critical thinking caps on to look for solutions to inspire a better future by broadening our knowledge and perspectives by connecting and conversing with peers and experts to answer the big question about turning climate change into positive action.


What this course covers

  • Climate Anxiety to Active Hope
  • Balancing act(ivism) - using it and protecting it
  • Turning anxiety into positive action
  • A better way: How technology and compassion can create a better world for our increasing population
  • Being an optimist in the age of anxiety
  • How to create positive environmental change
  • How can technology unlock climate activism in everyone


Join us on this course by registering on FutureLearn. This topic is also a passion point for us here in the Samsung Community and we will be creating spaces to have bring conversations inspired by this course to life in threads in our Not a School Discussion boards.


We'd love to know what you think about the course and if you'll be joining us. 


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The global climate crisis is close to my heart so I decided to do what I could do with my limited amount of time to do whatever I could to solve the issue for myself. Honestly I'm quite lazy in areas that are not my specialization so I have taken some shortcuts (Costs a bit of money, but it's well worth it!) :smiling-face: 


Unlike most people I was aware of this due since 30 years ago, this is because my father already had innovative solutions that are mainstream right now - But only "environmentalist crazy people" would be interested in, yeah that was the average attitude back in the day :smiling-face: 


In order to reduce my carbon output I have decided to not own a car and instead I will cycle everywhere or use public transport if that's not available. Which costs me €20 euro at most to go to the other side of the country which is great if you only do that a few times a year (Gosh, cars are expensive compared to that!). 


The savings I got from not owning a car are something I use with a fintech bank (BUNQ) I use (They have a banking license), and they plant one tree for every 100 euro I pay with my cards, for both my personal and business expenses. The only downside is that the scheme doesn't support iDeal but oh well, I can live with that :smiling-face: 


So yeah, since march of the year I managed to get 74 trees planted in my name. - My hope is that this compensates my personal carbon blueprint and hopefully also a bit of others that are less fortunate than me. 😃 


Using this scheme I made my own business (Which has next to none carbon output considering it's purely digital) Co2 negative (!) and I'm building towards making myself Co2 negative while I enjoy the good life (tm). 


Besides of that - I will also re-invest all my income (Not revenue!) from my company though my other bank (ING) using a "green portfolio" :smiling-face: . So effectively I'm living a normal live while also supporting green initiatives while also saving for later. 


Than you might be wondering how I pay for my daily expenses - Luckily I also have a dayjob besides my company and that is used to sustain my lifestyle :smiling-face: My business income is simply a bonus. 


Life's good! 

Samsung Members Star ★★

That is commendable @SjorsK ,  not aware of Banks with similar approach in Uk though my own Bank has  carbon neutral policy for 2020.   I am interested in this course but still to register and so will comment more in due course. Certainly  the climate crisis a major issue  which does not always  get the attention it deserves  (and that was the case pre covid). How we can be more active and effect change is an area I would like to look into further, technology can certainly play a part  but need action on a variety of fronts.   Whilst I do my bit  in terms of recycling, reducing plastic use, trying to buy certain produce  more locally, reducing red meat consumption and using public transport where possible can still seem a bit limited.  Mind you not doing  much travel at the moment anyway.

I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.


All the points you touched and the way you are helping the planet not owning a car and planting trees is truly inspiring, @SjorsK. Also, as @JAMES4578 said, we can make a big difference for the future of our planet by changing the smallest habits in our life, such as opting for food that is not in a plastic bag (any fruit for example) or opting for public transports. 


I think this course touches so many good points that it would be of great interest to anyone. When you talk about the health of our planet linked to the change of the climate, you indirectly refer to all human beings and the way our life is having an impact on the future of every living thing on Earth. 


I always try to recycle as much as possible and to limit the amount of water I use. For example, opting for a bowl full of water for shaving instead of the tap running continuously. I try to avoid palm oil due to it linked, up to a certain extent, to deforestation; and to buy products that I know come from "green" countries. Also, I have always been a massive fan of WWF since I was a kid (always in love with pandas), and I donate and buy their teddies, books and arts every so often to support them. They even tell you how many trees are planting or how many medications will be used to help animals in endangered areas with the money you donate ‌‌😍

We need to try our best to help the planet we live on, it's the only one we have after all.




Hey all,


I just started this course yesterday. From the first few lessons and reading your posts here, I can see I have a way to go! 


I have become more and more interested in doing something more to help mitigate climate change. It's the only world we've got, we need to treat it better. Whilst doing things like not owning a car and making sure to recycle everything I can, I feel like these things are not enough.


Following the course through, they pointed us in the direction of a Carbon Footprint Calculator, and I'm sitting right on the UK average (seems to be even higher than the global average). It seems that the biggest changes I need to make are in the food department. Moving forward I'll be reducing meat days and trying to source more local products with less packaging. 


I'm hoping that with better education, people (myself included) will be more aware of what to do for a brighter tomorrow. The boost of education will then lead people to think differently and find ways to create a positive environment. I'm only in week one of the course at the moment, but the future of the course shows how we can do our bit to help, and how technology will help us do this. I’ll keep you posted with how it goes! Has anyone else signed up?

Welcome to the Community!