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why no Dolby Atmos on samsung Netflix App???

(Topic created on: 14-02-2023 12:30 PM)

i have Q9FN and HW N850 Atmos Soundbar


when using Netflix App on the TV, i went into Expert Audio Settings and it lets me select "dolby digital +" for audio ouput


the hw n850 sounbar supports Atmos


yet when on netlfix still only get crappy 5.1 sound


ive owned a sony xf9005 recently and their netflix app gives Dolby Atmos sound using "dolby digital +" , yes it is "lossy" dolby atmos but still sounds much better than DD 5.1


so my question is why are Samsung not updating their Netflix App to have Dolby Atmos. i have what is required here, dolby digital + selected on q9fn and atmos capable hw n850 soundbar. this is all thats required for "lossy Dolby Atmos" same as you get on 2018 sony & LG tv's


come on samsung, please sort this out by updating to a atmos capable Netflix APP version. its all thats needed


its bad enough having no DTS after spending £2000 on your tv & sounbar, the very least you can do to keep customers a little bit happier is Fix this one






632 REPLIES 632
First Poster

I've had intermittent problems with Atmos since day 1 with my 2019 Q80 and Q70r sound bar. 

I can get Atmos using my media player no problems with HDMI straight to the sound bar. Using the native Netflix and Disney+ apps, no deal. 

I have an 8k rated HDMI cord, updated all firmware, have eARC enabled, blah blah blah and 95% of the time Netflix shows 5.1. Randomly if I'm watching Atmos content on Netflix and exit it, it suddenly shows Atmos in the info title screen... however only for the title I was currently watching. Scroll to others and it shows 5.1

Fix your issues.... i love Samsung products but i'm done with their TV's after this.

I set up a brand new 2022 Q80 and Q60 soundbar two days ago for my parents. It had Atmos on Netflix and Disney, but audio would drop out every 5 - 10 seconds. It sounded great when it was on... but unwatchable. We did everything we could and then returned the sound bar and upgraded to a Q80. Guess what? NO ATMOS ON DISNEY OR NETFLIX. Firmware updates, different cables, all the settings, still nothing! Seriously you guys are useless. 

First Poster

Any updates or workarounds to update the netflix app? Its still 2018 version built in my nu7100. I get atmos from prime, but not from netflix.


Wow thought this topic was done and dusted, I doubt you will get it on the tv you have purchased afraid, as there has been over 5 years now since that tv came out, if you have a modern games console just use netflix on that to get atmos