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The Frame 2019 Needs Some improvements

(Topic created on: 16-11-2020 10:54 AM)

I’ve got a new 65” Frame. Lovely looking thing. I bought it as a device to display art and photography, that happens to be a TV if needed (not the other way around). There are two vital areas where some work is needed;


1. Art work is cropped when a mat/frame is applied. This is unforgivable, horrible cropping to peices of art and photographs rendering them confusing or meaningless, this really needs sorting. Especially in a device that’s USP is its ability to display art!


2. Own images/photographs can only be displayed with the light box effect. These desparately need to be available in full screen and mat mode if they reflect the native 16:9 ratio.


And then some things which would be much better if solved


3. There is too large a jump in brightness from mid point to the next one up.

4. The colour cast could do with more than just how yellow or white the image is, especially as at the higher ranges of warmth tennis ball green starts to appear.

5. It should be possible to chose saturation in art mode separate from the main picture setting on the TV side, either I have too saturated TV pictures and correct art or correctly balanced TV and washed out art/photographs. I’d rather have one less image setting type on the TV type to allow one to affect art mode only.

6. What’s the refresh rate with this? In art mode I can see flicker. It’s very distracting. I am sensitive to flicker but I don’t see it in TV mode, has this been slowed to save energy and if so can we be given the option to alter it?


At the moment I really don’t think it’s quite sorted, which is surprising for something which has been around for 4 years.


6. Not sure if this is just my setup but Bluetooth audio seems to break up in a way that doesn’t occur with my smart speakers.


I really hope you can do a bit more work on this to turn it into the great product it could and should be!


Thanks in advance.





It mostly works if your image is exactly 16:9. Put it in something like Snapseed and crop it. Sometimes however it still has the hump for reasons I can't fathom, so then resize/crop it to the exact pixels of the screen. 

thenmost annoying thing remains that if displayed full screen or shadow box the whole piece of art displays, if using a simulated card mount then it crops the painting/photo resulting in cut off feet/heads etc. Completed rubbish for something which is called 'The Frame' and designed to display art. It's sloppy programming that would be easy to fix and quite clear that Samsung doesn't give a monkeys. 

Of course random connection difficulties continue. 

fully agree with you. I am disappointed with the whole thing. And you did not mention slideshow mode in here. It has so many incoherences. It is incredible that a company like Samsung cannot produce better quality software.
First Poster

@JAMES4578 wrote:

  I have seen on The US community some saying that If you want to be able to use 3D mats, the photo aspect ratio must be precisely  16x9. So if you want to upload a personal photo, you  must scale the aspect ratio to 16x9,to  ensure it is a perfect aspect ratio.

To get all options I think the photo not only has to be 16:9, but also have a "standard" 16:9 pixel size resolution. i.e. 1920x1080, 2560x1440 etc.


We had trouble with this until we chose 1600 by 900 exactly.  1601 by 900 will not work. The tool we use is Preview , standard software on my mac laptop.  Crop the image to very close to 16x9 aspect (use a calculator if you need to) by dragging a selection box and watching the pixel numbers, then choose the Adjust Size tool to get the last digits exact. This worked fine, loading a USB memory dongle formatted as a PC disk, and then plugging it in to the USB jack on the side of the box.  We have not been able to get the iPhone software to work on our older iPhone 7s.  I'd try to experiment with 3200x1800 some time but I am a bit leery to get too experimental.  We had the bad experience of loading in a a number of  carefully edited 1600 by 900 images and selecting a number of Favorites from the Art Store.  After carefully choosing different mats for all, at the expense of a lot of time and energy, "something" happened and none of the images would come up and the thumbnails of all expressed "Error code 50005".  We spent hours on the phone with support who could not tell us what Error 50005 meant.  They advised resetting the software which wiped out all the work we had done and we had to start all over setting the TV and Frame up from "new" status. 


Since then we have kept fresh copies of  images for the Frame in a folder on my laptop and on a dongle.  The 50005 corruption has happened a second time, but we were prepared with the backup, we deleted all the diseased images, and loaded in fresh ones.  NO RESET WAS NEEDED.  Don't do a reset unless it is your last resort.  No matter what support tells you, take it with a grain of salt: the Frame is not one of their most popular models and they really have little or no experience with it. 


What caused the corruption we know not, but we suspect to has something to do with playing back streaming youtube files that were in some funny format... or maybe it's just a flaky storage software in the Frame box.


We do very much enjoy our Frame and the Art Store, but as you pointed out, the software and the User Interface can stand much improvement. An obvious example: Why is the Art Store only searchable by the artist's FIRST NAME?  Whaaatt?


If I were a product specialist for the Frame family at Samsung, I'd get management to OK an online Frame User Group where new images and new museums could be announced, new curators to talk about their choices, new collections and favorites could be discussed and the loves and frustrations of users could be aired. It could prove to be a superb marketing device.  The Frame is really so much more than a "smart TV" that it really does deserve better attention and care.  A separate cusrtomer care line that connects directly to Frame-cognizant service people would be another big plus.


Thank-you SO much. 

I have been working on this for 6 hours. 

I was resigned to taking down and returning it to the store tomorrow if I couldn't resolve this issue by midnight. 

looks like I have ALOT of work ahead of me to get these images onto the TV. 

wowZa. I had no idea what I was signing up for, I figured an expensive tv would come with good software. But I guess we're on our own eh? 

I agree with your recommendations as well. I would love to participate in something like that if Samsung would only pay attention!!!


I'm so glad we could help.  Let us know if we can be of more help (tho I think we posted almost everything we know).

Tom and Kadi

tscott222 at mac dot com



I've created a (free) app to easily resize any image for the Frame. After resizing all matte styles will be availbale. Including "No Matte". (Fullscreen).


Out of frustration i've created a (free) app to easily resize any image for the Frame. After resizing all matte styles will be availbale. Including "No Matte". (Fullscreen).



Apple Devices


Android Devices:


Don't use the phone app to choose passepartout. It worked for me to upload via phone's gallery and set all passepartouts or no passepartout at all on The Frame TV.

First Poster

Has anyone found out how to display an image full frame?