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Frame TV: disable the default mat for uploaded pictures

(Topic created on: 17-11-2023 08:59 AM)

I've tried to look it up on the app and online, but I couldn't find a way to set the mat mode for the pictures I batch uploaded from the USB drive. And it always set the default ugly mat that doesn't blend in to the environment at all. The ugly mat really takes away from the "real picture frame" experience.  

The only way I to work around this is to first select each individual art work and customize the mat. It is extremely tedious if I have 100+ art work upload each time... (Even worse, after I select each art work, customize the mat and go back. It jumps back to the beginning of my album... It is really hard to track which art work I have set the frame and which I haven't)

It'll be great if there was an option to set the default mat for all pictures in the app's settings! 


@bbj14: I have had a look into this for you, and it is unfortunately not possible to change the 'default' matte style and colour, as this can only be adjusted for each individual photo or work or art. To find out more, please take a look at the link below from our friends at Samsung US.


Thanks for replying... it's a shame the answer is so disappointing.  This is one of the missing features that should be an absolute no-brainer for this product!

Is there a 'feature request' section where customers can vote for missing features?

First Poster

Agreed! Would be a very helpful update to “the frame” we already love. The ability to not have to buy expensive art and allow customers to just use their own art more easily would be very welcome! 


It's been three months. I'll ask again, is there a 'feature request' section where customers can vote for missing features?


I have now worked for many hours to try to fix this stupid (automatic frame) function. The only "FRUSTRATING" solution is to set the frame for each individual picture. This is NOT acceptable. What do you think - we only want to put 2 or 3 picture into "The Frame"? Even worse if you like to set up a new slideshow of another couple of hundred pictures you have to start from the beginning. Because you have to use the internal memory space which is only 500MB - and not the USB Stick.

As well i noticed, that it is not enough to set the picture size to exactly 3840x2160px - no .... it depends which tool you use for resizing. It is working with MS paint - but not with lightroom or darktable or pixmillion or whatever batch resize tool i tried. Finally it worked with MS Powerplay for batch resize.
This product "The Frame" is unusable and SAMSUNG is not listening to its customer. This will be for sure my last buy from this company.

First Poster

Really Samsung? This is not a difficult enhancement to let users decide what default mat to apply to the art collection that customers pay to use. A fix or at least some indication of intent to add this functionality will help me to not question if I should continue my subscription at the end of the free trial.

First Poster

Just wanted to add this here just in case anyone else is still looking. The biggest thing you have to do is size each image to the correct resolution, I suggest always getting the highest resolution image you can before resizing. I was looking all over for a fix and found this site: Image to Art Converter for Samsung The Frame ( Which will convert your image to the proper size it needs to be for the Frame TV. Once you upload the photo to the app you will then see an option for No Matte. I've tried it on several photos and it worked. I hope this helps! 


This is a strategy to sell bezels. If you simply want a white border around a picture, now you need to buy the bezel instead of changing it with software. Samsung is scamming its customers by showing pictures with a black bezel and white border in their advertising, but they really can’t set the white border for all pictures and have to do it manually for each pic (which is impossible and frustrating). With the default black bezel, the pictures don’t look like art work but it looks like a TV. Pretty shady stuff being done by a company which makes high end smartphones with complex software.

First Poster

Is it possible to set default mat for pictures from the gallery?