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Can no longer stop phone from auto disabling apps

(Topic created on: 28-07-2023 04:25 PM)

The phone will automatically disable (delete) apps that you have not used in awhile. It used to be possible to change a setting under battery maintencence to remove this feature, but with some update they have removed it.


Why? Do they not trust us to know which apps we want to keep and which we want to use? Its frustrating to look for an app and then see it has been removed, especially if you are in a place with poor internet. Please add this setting again Samsung.


And no, this is not "put to sleep". There you still have the app installed.



Here is the blog post showing the feature when it was first added


None of the comments have explained how to stop auto disabling apps, just how to stop them from being put to sleep. You are welcome to show me any comments that have.


Disabling an app is from a user experience the same as deleting it as I will need to reinstall it and download updates since auto disabled apps do not get updates like regular apps.


I am not asking for a way to reactivate apps manually, I know how to do that. I Am asking how to stop the phone from automatically disabling apps. If you don't know how to do that or what it is then you you and the rest don't need to comment.

Samsung Members Star ★
Disabling and deleting apps is not the same. This is where the confusion is coming from. xStevex comments explain how to avoid putting apps to sleep ie "turn off put unused apps to sleep".

We know how to do what you want to achieve and I don't need your permission to comment. I don't understand stand why you have to have "attitude " towards people trying to help.
You have been given an answer but flippantly dismissed it,quote " No, as I wrote this is not about the put to sleep feature. " Putting to sleep or disabling is the same and you need to prevent this from happening which xStevex explained.

I have never said its the same, I said that from a user experience point of view its the same, the app is gone and needs to be reinstalled. A sleeping app is still on your phone and has an icon.


I have very clearly specified what I am asking for and that it is not about putting apps to sleep, yet I get spammed by users who either couldnt bother to read the post or are just spamming any post to get their score up.


Please, go away. You have no interest in helping and just want to be annoying.

Samsung Members Star ★
People have tried to help you and all you do is abuse them so like myself I doubt you will get further replies so I hope that will make you happy.

Hi there, @Sig2. Like others, I'm not aware of any feature where unused apps are actually deleted from your phone - of course, apps that have not been used in 30 days will be put to sleep if "Put unused apps to sleep" remains toggled on.

I sense that, as this is not a feature of the phone, other users are perplexed and are trying to assist you in getting to the bottom of why some of your apps are being deleted without your direct input.

Do you have any examples of apps being deleted from your phone (without your input)? If so, have you submitted an Error report about this?:


Your "help" has been:


1. Talking about sleeping apps, despite me making clear from the initial post that this is not what im talking about

2. Telling me im wrong

3. Complaining that you get told to stop spamming this post


Why does every forum have people like you that need to spam every ***** post so they can get more of some silly score system. Go touch grass.


@Sig2: I'm sensing some frustration, however please understand that those who are contributing to your post are simply trying to educate you of their own experiences. The Sammobile article linked above is from 2019, and relates to Android Pie (Android 9) which is why there may be some confusion here. The 'Auto disable unused apps' option has been replaced by 'Put unused apps to sleep', which basically provides the same function, in that the app will no longer operate in the background, and will contribute to an overall smoother performance. As you have pointed out, the app icon will remain intact on the device, but these can be manually hidden via Settings > Home screen > Hide apps on Home and apps screen. 

Applications will not be automatically deleted from your phone, therefore if you have encountered this, then please let me know which apps have been affected, so we can work to get to the bottom of this. 

First Poster

I have the same issue. The phone keeps deleting the app data files settings and everything and all it leaves nothing but the icon. So you might call it sleep but it is deleting the apps. I disabled the feature recommend in this thread but the behavior persists. I use an app that downloads 1.5 GB of data and gets used in places with no net coverage and I get there and I find it has been "put to sleep". I too call it deleting the app. I only have the option to manually tell it to not to put individual apps to sleep. I want to simply dissable this behavior completely but there is no way to do so. I use my phone as a productivity tool and 95% of the apps I install are used for my work. I dont use all apps regularly so they keep getting put to sleep. I have to remember to manually tell it not to put new apps to sleep (deleting but pretending not to delete by keeping the icon) which is seriously frustrating. For clarification I use s23+