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Q80T:Xbox One X:Game Mode: Faint vertically scrolling lines?

(Topic created on: 16-11-2020 08:18 AM)

Hi all,


On the new firmware I’m finally able to get a good picture on game mode BUT there seem to be faint vertical scrolling lines. Almost looks like when you’d record an old CRT but obviously not that exaggerated. Can be seen on dark grayish scenes especially.


Oddly enough, this goes away if I turn on game motion plus which I don’t want to have to do. It also doesn’t happen in any of the non-game modes.


Any ideas?




@daparky , If I disable VRR on the Series X then the rolling scanlines disappear.


To confirm. I have it all the time when I am on the source screen and manually turn on game mode and then game motion plus off.


I also, have it when my series x is running and VRR is enabled (in Game mode as I don't even think VRR is available in other TV modes). As soon as I switch off VRR the scanlines disappear. I have also tried various other settings such as 60hz, 120hz, colour modes etc. but nothing helps and only disabling VRR 'fixes' the issue.


I too am thinking of returning the TV. Between this, the DSE and poor motion on terrestrial (50hz) content it's wearing a bit thin. I've already had the x90h and had some issues with that but nowhere near as crippling. I think I have two choices, either switch back to an x90h and except it's other issues or stump up for an LG CX. I just hope the CX doesn't have deal breaking issues too!


I've heard nothing but praise for the CX, the only issue I've seen is the gamma issue but that's because you need to calibrate HDR for each game.


I have my 5th replacement, yes you read right, 5th replacement coming today if I unbox it and see any sign of DSE / scan lines etc then it's going straight back in the box and i'm going to send it back for a CX and see how I get on with that.


I've never had so much trouble with a TV before and this experience does put me off Samsung in the future so if they're thinking "we can't fix it for 2020, wait for 2021 models" think again. I've always been loyal to Samsung because their previous TVs (KS8000) i've not had an issue with. The KS8000 I have in the back room looks better than the Q90T - no scan lines, no ghosting. I bought the Q90T as an upgrade but so far it seems like a downgrade. No what I expected for a 2020 flagship TV.


@daparky . I just arranged for a return and exchange on the Q80T for the LG CX. I'm just struggling to ignore the many issues I've been having and don't have much confidence in them being resolved, even if I was going to start going down the road of swapping the panel for another Q80T. Time will tell if I have opened up a load of other problems by switching to the CX!  😫

First Poster

Relieved to see this isn't just me! I thought I was going mad. Only got the TV and Series X last week. Only happens on this, doesn't impact main TV or Netflix etc. as others have said. 

I've tried many settings and I can't replicate any of the fixes you guys have seen (VRR / 120hz, the lot!). If I turn Game Mode off it certainly improves, although is still there faintly. It's certainly backlight related and sort of looks almost like someone is shining a faint torch directly onto the screen. 

The worst game example for me is Sea of Thieves - it's terrible on there and really noticeable / distracting. Tried it on my lower spec Samsung upstairs and no surprise that it's not happening on there. So clearly related to the Q80etc.


I did a U-Turn and ended up going for the Sony XH95.


Game mode on XH95 is a lot better / clearer especially in the darker games as Sony still has the FALD working in game mode.


Also no scan lines!! No need to turn on motion interpolation to get rid of scan lines.


Don't get me wrong, Q90T does look beautiful in game mode on the brighter games but when it comes to darker games like Resident Evil 3 Remake you can tell the difference. Turning off game mode on Q90T and you have a Sony XH95 with game mode on.


It's a real shame because outside gaming the Q90T is fantastic, watching movies and SDR content is brilliant. Just let down by these game mode niggles.


Glad you managed to finally get a TV that's not crippled by issues! I started out on an XH90 and loved the overall colour and motion but ended up exchanging it for the Q80t because of bugs connecting to my soundbar and heavy vignetting.

In retrospect, it was a much better TV than the Q80. I just hope that the LG CX ticks enough boxes for me and I don't also end up returning that one when it arrives! 😫


Please let me know how you get on with the CX.


How long did you have the Q90T for and where did you get it from? I've had mine for a couple of months now, purchased from Box in the UK but have only encountered these VRR and scrolling line issues since receiving my Xbox Series X last week. Never encountered the issue with my PS4 Pro before that. I would love to return this pile of trash TV and get something else, but I'm way past the 30 day returns window...


@daparky , I've had the LG CX for a few days now after swapping out the Q80t and can confirm that the difference is night and day. So much happier with the CX and not regretting paying the extra at all. I may just be lucky with this panel but screen uniformity seems almost perfect, motion handling is great on 50hz sources and game mode is a massive improvement. I've not noticed any issues with 4k 120hz VRR yet on the Series X but time will tell as I try out some more games. How are you getting on with the Sony?


Same as you really, super super happy with it especially in game mode where the FALD still works. Game mode on the Sony looks like Movie mode on the Q90T. Like you say, it's night and day, no more washed out look.


I'm glad you've found a TV you're happy with and didn't put up with something you're not happy with.