12-08-2018 08:10 PM
Hello People of Samsung I have a 40" 4K UHD LED 6 Series MODEL CODE: UN40KU6300 which had for about 2 Years and I notice these light Purple Patch Spot on my Screen. I did all the test and still shows these Purple haze discoloration spots on my screen one is in the right corner and the other one is in the Middle of the screen. " I would like to know what causes the Problem and if there is a simple FIX to remove these annoying big purple spots? If anybody know or have Youtube Video that can show me how to fix this problem Please post. To be honest I love this Samsung 4K TV and was about to buy a couple more for my business and House but, I have to reconsider because Samsung has not address this issue. After doing my research I notice a lot of People been having this same Problem with Purple Blueish spots showing up on their Samsung 4K LED TV SCREENS. Once again if anyone knows how to FIX and get rid of the Purple Clouds off the Screen Please reply.
03-10-2019 02:10 PM
I agree 100% been in touch a waste of time mines out of warranty but tv only 2 yrs+ old it should not happen
03-10-2019 02:15 PM
@Mj65 wrote:I agree 100% been in touch a waste of time mines out of warranty but tv only 2 yrs+ old it should not happen
Why don't you contact your retailer? If it is a known fault which it clearly is then you make a 2015 consumer claim against them, up to 6 years after purchase, you just need to show it is known fault, which these forums show it is. Go onto the thread ks owners refund more info thread and their are links and advice on how to get your free repair, replacement or refund taking in the time you have owned.
05-10-2019 09:57 PM
05-10-2019 09:58 PM
06-10-2019 06:11 AM
@Mj65 wrote:
Everyone who has the same problem should keep on at Samsung I am customer services are not good
Have you informed you retailers, as well as Samsung, as it is the retailer who is responsible under the 2015 European Consumer law, not the manufacturer,like Samsung. Also remember if it is a known fault the retailer is responsible to provide a repair and if not successful, you can insist on further repairs, or replacement, or refund taking in to account usage.
I put more info in the ks owners refund more info thread here.
06-10-2019 06:01 PM
06-10-2019 06:03 PM
07-10-2019 10:43 PM
10-10-2019 09:21 PM
I have the same issue bt no joy from samsung
10-10-2019 09:27 PM