20-08-2020 05:57 AM
My model number is ue32t5300ak. How do I pair headphones? Either by blue tooth( not sure if tv has it), or manually
20-08-2020 05:39 PM (Last edited 20-08-2020 06:32 PM ) in
@Mystery1 wrote:
My model number is ue32t5300ak. How do I pair headphones? Either by blue tooth( not sure if tv has it), or manually
Hi @Mystery1 Do you wish to connect Bluetooth headphones or wired ones? Whilst this model does not support Bluetooth Directly https://www.samsung.com/uk/tvs/fullhdtv-t5300/UE32T5300AKXXU/#specs you would be able to connect with a Bluetooth Transmitter, https://www.headphonesty.com/2019/05/how-to-connect-wireless-headphones-to-tv/ Once set up the Sound Output would need to be changed from Tv to Speaker List where the Headphones should appear but more details in link.
There is no Headphones port so for wired Headphones you would need a optical-to-analogue converter.
Information in this thread https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/tv/where-is-the-audio-out-on-my-un55nu7100/td-p/790940
I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.
22-08-2020 07:01 AM
Cordless headphones. What are the options regarding cost and performance? Is the sv1770 and good?
22-08-2020 10:57 PM
ok @Mystery1 Well the Sv1770 does get quite good reviews on Amazon, though some not satisfied. One comment was that usb power scource may not be powerful enough (after one customer had problems)and to try a mains power usb plug which may need an extension lead.
Basically prices seem to range from around £20-£65. My Tv has Bluetooth Support and have not used the transmitters in thse links but would be worth looking into, others may be able to give you their experience.
I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.
24-08-2020 05:52 PM
Thanks, only I'm really confused now as live chat says any Bluetooth adapter may not work? Is this correct or not?
What would be an alternative Samsung TV that already has Bluetooth?
What is the LG Customer service department like?
25-08-2020 08:38 PM
@Mystery1 There is no guarantee but as far as I am aware a decent Bluetooth Adapter should work , see more here: https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-add-bluetooth-to-a-tv
The 32 inch Frame has in built Bluetooth but is more expensive : https://www.samsung.com/uk/tvs/the-frame-lso3tb/
You may prefer a larger UHD TV (43 inch) if that would be convenient, afew of these probably better value :
The TU7100 https://www.samsung.com/uk/tvs/uhdtv-tu7100/UE43TU7100KXXU/ and the TU8500 https://www.samsung.com/uk/tvs/uhdtv-tu8500/UE43TU8500UXXU/ for instance both have Bluetooth built in.
Personally do not have experience of LG TV's and their customer service, though varying experiences with different products https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/lg.co.uk here:
I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.