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Faulty Z Fold 3 - TMT Refusing to Fix

(Topic created on: 10-09-2022 01:32 PM)
Izaak Spencer

Hello all,

I've had my Z Fold 3 for 8 months now, on the Samsung Upgrade programme.  About 3 months ago, I started to notice some cracks appearing in the center fold on the screen protector.  I had another issues so I went to the Kings Cross store to speak to an engineer, who told me that the cracks were nothing to worry about and I should leave it.  

A few weeks pass and I end up having to have a Samsung engineer come do a doorstep repair (My bad!), I mentioned to him as well about the cracks appearing up the fold, once again I was told it was nothing to worry about.

Skip forward to about two weeks ago, I open up my phone as normal and SMASH.  The whole crease had shattered and taken the screen out with it.  There had been no drop previously, no previous damage, just the previously mentioned cracks in the protector.

I try to call Samsung, no answer.  Used the online chat, explained everything that had happened and demanded a repair for this faulty product.  I'm told this isn't a common issue (it clearly is, Google it...) and they will arrange a pickup.

So now the phone is with TMT Repairs, who funnily enough have found any excuse under the sun the void the warranty and charge me £480 for a repair.  They said there is a small mark on the screen (on the left side, the working side) that has punctured the screen (which it hasn't at all) and voided the warranty, which I know for a fact is not true at all.  At this point, once again I have spoken to Samsung Customer Care who said they have no records of my previous visits to Kings Cross or my Doorstep Repair so cannot vouch for the engineers who said not to worry about this faulty device that has now broken.  Customer Care seem to just want to hang up on you, couldn't give 2 monkeys.  TMT sent me some pictures, but once again have said I either pay up now or they'll send it back.

Anyone had a similar experience?  At this point, it's looking like I will be stuck with paying £50 a month for another 2 years with a unuseable, clearly faulty device that Samsung refuse to take ownership of.  Shocking service from top to bottom.  I'm very tempted to go to Klarna (who the upgrade plan is financed through) and dispute this as a faulty item. 

First Poster

Mine been fixed just waiting on return only had it February z flip 3 they sorted screen protector hopefully it will last sansung said z 4 screenprotector been put on shud last years 🤣

First Poster
So I am not alone, appalled to see such shocking behaviour from this evil collaboration between TMT first and Samsung. There was absolutely no mark/physical damage on the phone zfold 3 inside screen and still TMT wanted to charge £480, this is when the device is under warranty. I have asked them to send it back and will see if I can upgrade it by paying some additional amount
First Poster
I have the same problem with my Z Fold 3, owned the device from August 2021, I look after my phones, but since I've owned it, it's been returned twice to have the screen protector replaced as cracked, the third time it cracked I was fed up of returning it that I removed if, I then noticed a very small crack in the actual screen along the fold, contacted Samsung numerous times via chat, they kept saying return it for inspection, I know what that means as their repair partner tried to rip me off in the past when I traded in my Z Fold 2, they said it was damaged and tried to charge me £150, I refused to pay it.
I contacted sales this time about trading in my Z Fold 3 and said since it's damaged they could offer me between £170 - £200, I said it's in perfect condition and the only reason it's damaged is due to a design flaw.
I have contacted BBC Watchdog as I've seen others mention it.....🤬🤬🤬🤬

My fixed flip 3 has split again. Not sure I have it in me to start this all over again......thank god my contract is up in December and I can upgrade to something reliable and non folding!

I think the way we are using them wrong , keep on opening them is the problem....🤣😭😭
Izaak Spencer

Hi all - long time since I started this thread.  Quick update - after A LOT of backwards and forwards with Samsungs abysmal customer service team over about 4 months, I actually went and spoke to Klarna (who it was financed through).  I filled a claim that it was a faulty product, and they replied very quickly asking for more information.  I sent through every chat log I had, every recorded call and explained how they were being purposely obstructive and denying facts.  After a few days they came back and refunded me every penny - and Samsung have not been in touch at all.  The account and order I had with Samsung has been closed.


I'm happy that this was finally solved - but it's made me incredibly unlikely to ever buy their products again.  I would recommend speaking to your bank/loan provider to get the issues sorted.  TMT are a bunch of scumbags and Samsung will never admit fault - so ignore them both and go to the next step!