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S22 ultra WiFi calling not working

(Topic created on: 10-01-2023 09:50 PM)
I've recently got my upgrade to s22 ultra from the s20 ultra and I'm having problems with my WiFi calling on phone app dropping off. I've spoke to my mobile provider who've told me it's not an issue on there end and most likely WiFi provider. I can't get through to them at moment but have since checked the feature whilst using my friends WiFi and its doing the exact same on hers, whenever I try to make a WiFi call it drops straight away and disconnects the call them come back on. When I had my s20 ultra I never had this issue it's just since updating to s22 ultra, has anyone else had this issue and have any suggestions, thanks 😊 
First Poster

I having the same issue with my new S22 Ultra.  Call coming in are dropped then picked back up. I have a recent call showing 14 times in 30 seconds.  If I call out it drops the call, then recalls it. I finally had to turn off Wi-Fi in my house.  Phone and Wi-Fi are both Verizon.

First Poster

I'm having the same issue. Some of my research has indicated that port forwarding might need to be enabled on your routers as follows:

 UDP ports 500,4500 

TCP 143

MTU 1500

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) must be allowed

FQDNs may or may not be required for your individual ISP



First Poster

I have also been battling this phone since I got it. I have Xfinity. I had a problem where I couldn't receive texts. Restarting the phone fixed it. Then I realized when I went to answer phone calls when in wifi, it would end the call. Or if I tried to make a call it was start calling and within a second end the call. Trouble shooting identified that with wifi calling on and in wifi, it would not work. If I went outisde where I don't have wifi anymore it would work. Come back inside to wifi, it won't work. then I turned off wifi calling and it worked with cell service. Then I tried airplane mode with wifi on and it worked. 

Restarting the phone seems to fix it for a while. It took about 2.5 weeks for it to start failing again after I restarted. Xfinity says it is not their problem even though they sold me the phone. Took phone to samsung support because in warranty and they said it worked perfectly. (I had restarted it as part of trouble shooting the day before so of course it worked). They said there was no log in the phone showing any malfunctions. 

My motorola never had an issue with this EVER! When i can financially manage it, I am going back to Motorola. Have to wait 2 more months before I am eligible for early upgrade and trade in. If anyone figures out a fix, would love to know about it. I did just switch to wifi preferred but I saw someone else did that and it didn't fix the problem. For me it seems like the only solution is to get on a schedule of restarting my phone every week. Hope that doesn't damage the phone but maybe i don't care at this point. 

It's a nightmare I'm still having this issue a year down the line. If I'm on wifi I can make a wifi call out no problem but don't always get wifi coming in. This has seriously put me off getting another Samsung and have used nothing but for years, no one seems too accept responsibility, not samsung, not service provider and not wifi provider so can't get a fix.
Hey thought I better update, I ended up ending my contract with sky and moving over to 3 and as soon as I did so my WiFi calling kicked in instantly no matter where I am as long as I have WiFi. This was after repeated calls with sky telling me it was definitely not an issue on their side so may be worth everyone double checking with provider or checking another sim in phone, I did originally check with a payg 3 sim even that had WiFi calling then I took out a contract with 3 😁
First Poster

I have a similar issue when Link to windows is connected. I either have the phone linked or wifi calling. I can't do both. Restart is required for switching.