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Problems with GSM network on Galaxy S22 Ultra

(Topic created on: 29-11-2022 02:32 PM)

I received my Galaxy S22 Ultra 512GB, Exynos version, over a week before official release date. As I was using the phone I discovered several bugs with my unit, screen blackouts, occasionaly freezes, conversations loosing sound, phon not reachable over GSM network even if my signals was good. I decided to wait until official release date to see if new software would be released. On the 25th Samsung released new firmware for my phone, and I did a complet factory reset after new firmware was installed. I am now on firmware S908BXXU1AVBF and fresh phone setup.

My screen problems seems to be gone, but GSM network issues are still there. Several times I have been made aware of that my phone can not be reached by callers, even if phone is showing signals. Solution, reboot. Turning on and off flightmode did not help. Also I am experiencing sound dropouts during calls, call is not droped but sound oth ways are lost, duration 10 - 15 seconds. Also when making a call the phone uses much longer time to set up the call than other phones I have had. Calling my self from other phones give simular results, setting up phone calles to my Galaxy S22 Ultra take much longer then calling others.

Have been in contact with Samsung support, but there is no help to get there. Try this, try that, over and over again. I am starting to loose my patients now, and its impossible for me to have a phone I dont know if I can be reached at, and when I manage to set up a call, sound is lost several times during the call.

992 REPLIES 992

There is definitely a hardware issue with some of the builds - users across the globe have reported it and when I sent my phone in Samsung didn't send it back and say "Wait for Android 13", they replaced the bad part and sent it back. 

That being said, some time after the replacement Android 13 did finally release here for Tmo in the States, and it has definitely improved the performance of the phone in general terms. 

Might it have fixed my original issue? I don't know for certain, but I do know that Samsung is 100% replacing parts if you send it in for a warranty repair so folks insisting that it's only a software issue really need to stop. Anyone who has this very real issue should try a warranty repair while they still can instead of waiting for some phantom patch that might magically make everything all good again. 

Helping Hand

In France, the November patch solved a large part of the problems encountered.
Some unresolved problems probably require a change of motherboard, but today this no longer seems to be the case for many of us; so it wasn't just a hardware issue. :winking-face:

Mon smartphone : S23 Ultra 512 Grey exclusive

@akcoding There are two different errors that are often mixed up:

1. The poor network reception is most likely a hardware failure that occurred on many early S22Us.

2. The second bug, the phone bug, doesn't seem to be a hardware problem. There are several users in Germany who got their board exchanged because of the telephony bug and it continued to exist afterwards.

Which of the two errors did you have?


Helping Hand

The network quality problem in France and for the majority of us appeared following a monthly update in May or June. The fix was made with the November update.
In the problem of network quality there are therefore also several cases...
There is also certainly a hardware problem on the first series. Several cases imply different solutions to solve the problem...
Therefore, the source of the problem should not be generalized...

Mon smartphone : S23 Ultra 512 Grey exclusive


my problem (silent calls) appeared straight from the start in May. I bought the phone on May 19t.
On May 31 I've opend a case at Orange.

Really looking forward to see if the November Patch fixes the dam*n thing ! But I guess I will be good for service repaire ! 😞
Orange is always late with updates. So, the November patch should be ready within a few weeks.

Helping Hand


Orange is late because it must also modify its own overlay for Android 13. In version upgrades, it takes 60 days of delay with smartphones not badged by operators.

If you send your smartphone to after-sales service, you run the risk that it will be damaged by the technicians. I advise you to wait...

Mon smartphone : S23 Ultra 512 Grey exclusive
First Poster

Similar problems. Expert in phones , always with Samsung phones since model 4.

S22 is unreliable one. Cheap electronics. 

First time i am switching in Apple as well


Even though I am running the latest software I am still having the LTE issue - signal is very weak and the LTE disconnects, ping is insanely high... I took my old phone (cheap xiaomi device) and I have full signal, no problem with LTE whatsoever. I can't believe high-end phone has problems like that - even though Samsung can fix it. I've checked that my unit has been produced November 2022 so it should run pretty recent hardware. Besides from core functionality (LTE) - upper speaker cracks (I've tried to open SIM tray) and it's all indoor (no temperature changes).

I like the phone overall but problem with LTE is no-go, I am certain it's my last Samsung device.


I live in Spain and It happens the same. I don't have access to mible data.

I had made all the things they said even Restart the phone AND NOTHING



Can anyone confirm the problem is gone in S23 Ultra? Thanks!