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Android 13 update - Issues with Freestyle Libre 2 sensor & Bluetooth Low Energy

(Topic created on: 09-01-2023 03:25 PM)
Merry Christmas!

My Samsung Galaxy A53 5G updated from Android 12 to Android 13 sometime in November 2022/early December 2022.

I have a piece of medical software on my A53 called Freestyle LibreLink. 

Freestyle Librelink is supposed to receive Bluetooth Low Energy signals from a Freestyle Libre 2 sensor attached to my arm and trigger an alarm on my A53 when my blood glucose has gone too low, or too high.

Both the Freestyle LibreLink app and Freestyle Libre 2 sensors are made by Abbott Laboratories.

Since the update on my A53 from Android 12 to Android 13 I no longer receive low or high glucose alarms. 

The update of my A53 from OS 12 to OS 13 also coincided with the manufacturer of the Freestyle LibreLink app updating the LibreLink app twice: the first time on or around 15 November 2022 and the second time around 1 December 2022.

This failure to receive low and high glucose alarms can be very dangerous.

The Internet suggests the issue of Android phones with OS 13 having the Freestyle LibreLink app on such phones not being able to receive low and high glucose alarms was known about and reported on Google's Issue Tracker as early as August 2022. 

Clearly the issue has still not been fixed yet.

Abbott Laboratories's customer services have suggested every possible permutation to try to resolve the failure of low and high glucose alarms on my A53 (checking all app permissions are granted, including overriding "do not disturb"; clearing cache of Freestyle LibreLink; force stopping and restarting Freestyle LibreLink; uninstalling and reinstalling Freestyle LibreLink; switching Bluetooth off and on; switching A53 off and on).

No solution suggested by Abbott Laboratories has resolved the issue of no low/high glucose alarms permanently, only temporarily and only for a few hours at best.

The Internet also suggests that this problem may be unique to Samsung mobiles (although I have read that it has affected dome Google Pixel mobiles as well as iPhones).

Does anyone know when the issues with Android 13 disrupting Bluetooth Low Energy signals stopping high and low glucose alarms being received and given off via Abbott Laboratories's Freestyle LibreLink app on Android phones, (and my Samsung Galaxy A53 5G specifically) will be resolved permanently?

Thank you!

First Poster
Thank you! I thought I was going mad. I was trying everything to get the app,instead of using my reader. It had been suggested to me to use my phone as it would be more convenient. We'll have to wait and see. At the moment I can't afford to be messing around finding a phone that IS Compatible. 👍🏾
First Poster
Same problem after updated system
Does anyone - ANYONE - know when either Abbott or Samsung are going to fix permanently the problems with no low or high glucose alarms and scanning issues with Freestyle Librelink?

It's been two months now. That is FAR too long to wait for a medical device app (Librelink) that diabetics rely on to work as it is supposed to work.
First Poster

I too have run into this issue since updating my A52 5G phone to One Ui 5. At first I thought there was something wrong with the sensor. I thought something was interfering. I checked every possible permission the Libre app could possibly need. I even reset my phone to "factory settings". (Which are not the actual factory settings because I'm still on the latest android version after the restore).


Nothing worked.


I have to carry around with me a secondary phone with an older operating system, just so I can get the alarms when I need them.


Samsung/Google/Abbott please fix.

First Poster
Using Samsung s20 +2 weeks ago stop giving alarms,occasionally beeps
First Poster
I am using Samsung s21 and having the same issue after I have updated my OS to android 13. Really frustrated and as AJKohl mentioned it can be life threatening especially when one is asleep and sugar level drops to very low. Since this os update I cant even sleep properly as I too worried of getting hypos and not knowing can cause me stroke. Hope samsung/google and Abbott resolve this issue ASAP.
First Poster
Can someone post a solution rather than bringing up same issue
The only people who can resolve the issue are Abbott Laboratories, Google or Samsung

I have had the same problem since November 2022. The company sent me a their Reader which works ok but having tried 2 different Android phones I cannot get a reading at all. I just get Scan Error messages etc etc. The App used to work ok with no problems all through 2022 up to November. I have just looked at the Librelink App feedback on the App in Androids Play Store. Literally 100s of people are having the same problem but the company refuses to admit they have a hardware or Software bug. I have also noticed that Librelink web site has removed their link to Compatible Phones. 

First Poster
I've had the same problem since around Christmas when i updated to Android 13. Alarm just stopped, occassinally if i toggle Bluetooth on/off alarm will sound once if I'm outside of range, but then stops again. Twice in the last week I've woken up with BG at, or above 20. Considering downgrading to android 12.