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Lowest Blood Oxygen Levels Drops During Sleep?

(Topic created on: 07-12-2023 01:40 AM)
Sporadically I will check on my nights Blood Oxygen levels and whilst they generally are above 90% the entire night I'll get a random few here or there that have plunged to the low 80% range and now recently I've hit 78% on multiple occasions. Just trying to guage how normal this may be. I use a single loop nylon band that keeps the watch perfectly in place and clean it with a microfibre cloth before sleep, opting for the left wrist roughly an inch above the wrist bone. I have a few theories I wanted to throw out there firstly. I do enjoy sleeping with my arm under my pillow. They are orthopedic memory foam but still  I'm thinking I could be cutting off circulation to my arm with the watch during sleep. That or I've got sleep apnea. Or is just normal. I don't have anyone to compare data with so would be interested in knowing what others get. 
First Poster
Think my have it but waiting bon study how long did yours take
The doc said if I didn't wake up gasping, or the wife didn't tell me I was stopping breathing or pauses in snoring it wasn't going to be a problem (or it wasn't worth looking into). Still have it turned on and most nights it drops into the mid/low 80's with occasional high 70's results. Last night the lowest was 86%.
First Poster
That good to hear
Sort of, because it's still showing low & it's supposed to still be 90+. It's always going to be in the back of my mind now!
I've got type 2 diabetes & high blood pressure now so the watch can keep tabs on the latter now too! 🤣
First Poster

From my personal experience, it's always best to look after yourself. I was diagnosed with apnea and sold a cpap machine (a great money maker because most of us have to buy the machine out of pocket). For many reasons, I could never get on with the machine and gave up. Fast forward 5 years and I get a watch5 and started monitoring my sleep.

I noticed trends in my SP02 and how they corresponded with how much, what time, and what type of food I ate for dinner, and if I took, or what time I took, an OTC acid reducer (like Prilosec). I took note and started eating an earlier and lighter dinners and taking an acid reducer at an earlier so it kicks in well before I go to bed. My SP02 graph while I sleep now looks normal!

It's really cloudy out there on the web trying to sort through this. The sleep apnea/cpap industry only pulls the parts out of research to supports them (and sells you a cpap machine). It's hard to do a search and get past this. Pay close attention to the source and read vetted papers. The industry is pulling what they want you to hear from the medical papers. These are excerpts from medical papers/studies:

"At least 50% of patients with sleep disturbance seen in primary care practices have comorbid conditions."
"In one study, it was suggested that an increase in weight by 10% could lead to a six-fold increase in OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)."
"Compared to those who had never smoked or who had smoked in the past, current smokers were three times as likely to have OSA"
"The prevalence of GERD has been shown about 58-62% of patients with OSA. However, these results may all be confounded by obesity."

It’s clear that there’s a lot of conditions that can confound the results. For an overweight person a cpap may help reduce GERD. Some papers lean that way, but there aren’t any strong statistics to back it up. The industry sites leave out the overweight person part and goes on to how a cpap will help you. Again, keep in mind the source!

it's also clear that a cpap can help if you can get on with it. But isn't that like prescribing aspirin because you keep bumping your head rather than mitigating why you keep bumping your head? I’m an athletic man, low BP, low resting heart, BMI=20, and all I could get out of the sleep clinics is, “keep trying to use the cpap.” NOT ONCE did anyone remotely try and look for an underlying cause or any other method to help me out. It was always just “use the machine.” Which is sad considering that 30-50% of the people stop using their machines. To me, the sleep clinic industry is fraudulent, and people should be made aware of it.

I’m not advocating anyone to not see a medical professional. I did after I figured this out. But you need to look out for your best interest and the medical industry isn’t always going to do that.

First Poster

I have been looking for my blood oxygen history. How do you find that? Everything was fine all night then I had a weird dip in the morning. I wanted to see if it had happened before. Can you tell me how to find the old readings? Thanks.

First Poster

Hi. I have similar concerns about blood oxygen during sleep. Whilst I can see graphs that show a daily level, how do you get to see these hour-by-hour graphs? I can't find within Samsung Health. Thanks

On Samsung Health if you click on 'Sleep' instead of 'Blood Oxygen' and scroll just below where it shows your sleep stages it will display the graph for that day.
First Poster

Thanks for the graph. I have had a sleep test and started with resmed cpap and has worked well. Then I got my samsung watch 5 pro and have a graph like yours while under treatment. Some nights 50 per cent or so will dip below 90 rarely below 85. So decided to check if this was normal so checking this thread. I suspect it is based on your graph. Also samsung also talks about cold as well changing oxygen. I guess if your sleeping on arm and  reducing blood flow will also affect it. 


I have a question. Where do you see the underlying oxygen readings for the range that's shown in Samsung Health app? Perhaps, between the time of your post and now, they've removed it?  I don't see it.