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Steam Link will no longer be available on Samsung TV

(Topic created on: 17-10-2023 06:28 PM)

Well done Samsung (and Valve)! After making the xclud app exclusive for your brand and once the abk deal was done for Microsoft it's time to take away the competition, yes the Steam Link app will no longer be available on Samsung TV after November 30th 2023 and will be likely automatically uninstalled from our TVs just to mess with us consumers, better be prepared for antitrust and class actions cases for both the suspicious timing and for taking away an advertised TV feature


Please post here and upvote to make ourselves be heard before it's too late

Helping Hand
Maybe a deal expired and they're legally required to remove it.


If you occam razor the story the steam link app was made by Samsung with a third party dev and collaboration from Valve 2016(+) and was heavily advertised as a Samsung TV feature. Once a deal was made with Microsoft for the xcloud TV exclusive the steam link app was put on support only and not available on models from that year 2022(+) and onwards. After the two years and actively sabotaging the Steam link app with the volume on the right stick thing and forcing the TV OS home menu on the controller home key the app will be now forcebly removed from our TV even if it could work perfectly fine a few days before the abk deal was made... So Microsoft needs gamepass user now and Samsung will help while Valve does not care for us


The "Steam Link" application on Samsung TVs has not been developed by Valve but by the company "Handstudio Co. Ltd." which is a recognized technology partner of Samsung. In other words, the application was commissioned under contract by Samsung itself to the said company. I am commenting this to clarify the situation and to make it clear where our complaints should be directed.

As others have commented this is not just another application, but one that was directly pushed and prominently promoted by Samsung itself throughout last year. In fact the page relating to this feature of Samsung Smart TVs is still available.

If this is the degree of accountability and customer support that can be expected from Samsung then it is clear that this will be my last product from this brand.

It has long been common knowledge that TV brands cannot be trusted to support the apps they include on their TVs and that the natural path is to migrate to devices that support Google TV. This undoubtedly helps greatly to strengthen that position.

First Poster

I'm personally very disappointed in this decision as I purchased my TV on the basis that the steam link feature would be supported instead of ripped out from under the feet of loyal customers. Samsung could take a lesson from the Nvidia Shield which continues to receive updates after years in the market. In my view it's not acceptable for Samsung to do this and I'm not likely to purchase further Samsung products as a result.

First Poster

I have bought a samsung TV specifically for this over an android TV, now my tv doesn't meet my requirement anymore after 30 nov and I will need to buy a Google TV or Nvidia Shield now.

Disgusting decision by Samsung, shame on you! Please revert the decision.

First Poster

I can't believe this is happening! Like many others in here, I've purchased my Samsung TV exclusively because of the Steam Link feature. There is absolutely no way I'm getting another Samsung TV after this. I've paid for my product to have this feature, how can it be taken away from us?

First Poster

Take back that decision, you are ruining it for all of us.
Dont expect anyone to keep on buying samsung products after that ridiculous NON support and expect serious antitrust issues.


Guys, is there any way to preserve and use this app after that date? I'm thinking about having a Samsung Developer account for instance, which allows to install apps that Samsung doesn't officially support (cough cough Twitch cough).

If not I'll get an Amazon Fire Stick and I'll install Steam Link on there. Of course I'll never trust this company again.