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Micro SD card - Bring it back

(Topic created on: 01-05-2022 11:08 AM)
Hi Samsung, please bring back the micro SD card in your next version of the galaxy phone S23. If not on all models, run a trail and only place on one variant (ie the S23+) and see how the sales go. 

I'm not the only out there thats not happy with yhe companies decision to remove the micro SD card slot. 

Please consider and implement. 
238 REPLIES 238

This is the reason why I still not upgrading from the s20 series. Samsung obviously forgot what happened to the S6 when they tried this last time 

First Poster

I have decided to not purchase another Samsung device until they begin not acting like "Apple." It is foolish to act like "Apple," as being "Samsung" makes this company different. I am disappointed about Samsung dropping the SD Micro Card, as this is a very affordable option for most people to upgrade their storage for movie files, video files, and other files. Many SD Micro Cards are very reliable with ten year warranties. This gives an owner the ability to really maximize the storage capabilities of their phone. Samsung also is no longer including a charger, as supposedly, it will save the environment, according to Apple. I find that marketing strategy laughable. I have never seen a person throw a USB C  charger out. These are extremely handy. Samsung, stop trying to become Apple. That strategy will actually lose you market share in my opinion. Be Samsung. Be different. The Note was innovative and offered something different than an iPhone. Apple actually copied some of those innovations by making a Pro iPhone with a larger screen and adding the Apple Pencil. Be innovative. The foldable screen is a good idea that might become popular with more work. Include the SD Micro slot and a Charger. 


So many reason to have an SD card – cannot see any as to why not – unlikely I will buy Samsung again without the SD card back on the Flagships – Phono issue is bearable as you can buy USB C converter leads for audio and they do work ok on my s10 when I tested (no good for charging and playing music like in a car hence not brought the S20)…..BUT SD Card - that’s nuts – when you have a tray ready for the SIMs  and SD etc. I keep a lot of useful info on my SD that can be shared across devices, but when you on a flight you cannot connect to Cloud, roaming charges restrict access to Cloud and then if you are remote from a connection, how do you retrieve Cloud - as happens a lot still – even in London!! E.g. Tube building etc… Before we talk security, costs speed etc. So, if Samsung cannot see the value of SD Card and cannot be bothered to listen to the customer/logic and just be like Apple – may as well buy Apple as that works far better for Cloud – My work Apple phone even connects better to Google Suite than the Samsung…and then there's the additional products like Samsung wearables that burn your skin - its getting unbelievable!! Think Samsung is losing the plot fast and will soon be another Ericson, Nokia and Blackberry phone company – Don’t worry though the new s23 is going to be flagship its going to be thinner! O, Just what I wanted!!

First Poster

I just bought an A53 instead of an S22 because it included an sd card slot. I will not buy another phone without a slot.

First Poster

I have bough up to now all the models of samsung Note, from the first up to the note 20 Ultra. i have skipped to buy the s22 ultra and I still use my note 20 because i cannot do without the SD Card as internal backup in case my phone die falling accitentally. I will wait the coming out of the new model and i don't really care if the trend wants and loves the cloud direction. i want ALWAYS my data on my hands! i dont think is samsung. problem if i use want to use a sd or not. Dear Samsung, Just put it on! Who wants to use it can do it, who doesn't goes on cloud. Let the customers choose their own way to save somewhere their data.

I will wait the next model to see what will happen then i will leave samsung forever. I have always bought Samsung Galaxy/Notes phones as IT Manager for all the emplooyes of the company where i work due i trust Samsung quality, but if i cannot feel safe on the way i think is the best way for me, I will choose others phones brand where the SD is available.

PS. Usually i have almost 1TB of picture on a SD card.... Do you think i wish to keep them in the internal phone memory or retrieve them from a cloud system when i am in a Faraday Cage or in the middle of nowhere with no connection???? Yes. this can happen to who works in a ship crossing the ocean!

First Poster

😂😂😂🤣🤣 whos gonna buy samsung now for what reason 

First Poster

This is the missing feature that has kept me from upgrading to an S22 Ultra from my Note 10+ 5g. No retailers have the 1TB version, and the 512GB version would be a noticeable downgrade in storage from the phone I have now. The Ultra should have all the things. Why else bother to make a supposed flagship, just to ask your faithful power users to downgrade?  I've just bought high end bluetooth headphones capable of doing hi-res audio, and now if I get an S22 Ultra, I'd have to go back to using garbage mp3 files due to lesser storage space.

Also, I record quite a bit of video, and going to a newer phone with larger sensor, the photos and videos will only be larger, but I would have less storage space! Simply an absurdity.

Samsung is no longer making a phone for the power user or for travelers who ever leave the city or their home region. The cloud is not always there, people, and my media on my phone should still work.


Yeah that's why I went with the Note 20 Ultra. Last best phone from Samsung where I can still have the Samsung pay that can be used anywhere, and still have the micro SD slot

First Poster
Exactly the same as me, I refuse to upgrade my s20 as I want to keep the sd card! Hope they bring it back soon, love a new phone.

Yep, Samsung if you're listening, if you put a Micro-SD in the S23 I'll be upgrading. If not, I'll stick with my S10 until I find something that does.