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(Topic created on: 25-05-2020 02:01 PM)
First Poster

Please bare with me as I'm technically challenged.

Im a mobile photographer and I'm trying to work out the best way to shoot, edit and save images that I take with my Samsung Note 8.

When I shoot an image using the camera app that comes with phone, it captures as a jpeg.

when I go to the PRO version to shoot RAW, it shoots and captures a RAW image and a JPEG. Sadly not nearly as sharp as when I just shoot a straight JPEG.

As an example of image size, I've just shot something using both with a pixel size of 4000 (also a camera setting in pro photo editor which comes with phone. A setting above the RAW image)

The first JPEG shot is 1.46mb

The second on PRO, RAW image 18.01mb and JPEG 2.71 mb

Now when I want to edit on Snapseed, my first go to editing tool, I open the PRO shot (2 images to choose from) and choose the JPEG file. The RAW IMAGE opens so I have to close that in order for the JPEG file to be visible. (Weird) Then I edit and save and it pushes file size up to 4.9

When I edit first straight JPEG (which is a much better image on my screen) on Snapseed and save file is tiny 1.44 mb


If I open RAW image in photo editor pro, and edit, it saves in my DCIM/ camera folder and I can't view it..


Im sooo frustrated. So I have a few questions I guess.

- should I be using a different camera app?

- how do I get the best resolution in my images?
- what am I doing wrong?


First Poster

Hi mate, 


i can understand your level of frustration. But could you please let me know have you found any best solution or not? If not then please leave a reply i have a best solution for you. Awaiting for your positive response.