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Z Flip 3 Screen Cracked along fold!!

(Topic created on: 01-12-2021 11:09 AM)


I was so stoked about my new Z 3 flip. Thought it was the best phone I've ever had!! Woke up one morning to the above. This is not a photo of my phone as I couldn't take a photo of it as I had no other cameras around. So it was quite easy to typing "Samsung Z Flip 3 Screen problems" and have countless pictures of my exact problem of my phone. Right down to the tinny cracks you can see on the screen. The phone is 28days old, I have tiny scuff mark up the top, from before I got my cover. Now Samsung are saying this is physical damage done by me. I swear on my children's lives I never dropped my phone!! That want charge me $410 and take $110 of as good will!! I would happily pay that if I had done the damage!! There is a major fault in my phone. Articles and pictures as soon as you type into Google. It's the exact damage I have on every photo. If the phone was dropped then how is countless people have dropped to cause the exact same damage. There is a fault in my phone and Samsung aren't taking responsibility!!

164 REPLIES 164
If still under warranty
Contact support

I've already sent it away and the Tec said it was physical damage when it's not.  Wanted to charge me $410 to fix. It's under warranty. I have refused to pay and escalated the claim. If they refuse I will take them to fair trading. This 100% not my fault. As the whole phone we haywire. Including the front screen. 

Anonymous User
Not applicable
How did you pay for your device?

IF on a CREDIT card (not debit card) then do a Section 75 Claim through your bank for defective goods.

IF on a debit card, go for chargeback through your bank. Less rights here but worth a go.

Its on a plan, had the phone for only 28 days so it's under warranty. But not for physical damage. Im with Vodafone. They're just as bad!! Ive escalated it  i said i refuse to pay it!...

Im an honest bloke, if i had drop the phone i would admit it. But ive got a 2 year plan and im less then a month in... im hoping maybe posting thie it mighy help my case..


US user here... happened to my Z Flip 3 also. Pre-ordered it, waited for it to arrive, used it less than 2 months, go to close it one time after normal use and hear a faint "crackling" sound. Open it back up and the center of the screen had that same wide grey fold crack. Yes this happened after closing it like normal!  Within minutes a black blob formed at the center pixels around the crack and within hours spread until the entire screen was black! The center crack itself also spread like spider cracks as I frantically tried to get my data off the phone before it went completely black.

Sent the Z Flip 3 to Samsung for warranty repair and they "inspected" it and denied it was a warranty repair! They hold my phone hostage while I tried to argue my case and said they have to ship it back unless I pay immediately. I saw online they currently have a "trade in your cracked screen device" for a credit toward a Samsung phone. I asked if I could trade in my cracked screen Z Flip 3 for a much lesser model (S10) and they can just keep the phone I mailed in. Customer service said no my phone isn't eligible and there is nothing they could do for me! Not even a trade with a little $$!

 Next, they shipped my broken Z Flip 3 back, because the "online payment" link they sent didn't work (self admitted by customer service) but because the phone was "already processed" by the repair department it was going to be shipped back. Nothing they could do.

Receive the broken phone and shipped it back to Samsung again a SECOND TIME. 2 weeks with no phone now. 2 more calls on hold with customer service because email payment link is once again not working. Pay the $379 repair fee because they once again investigated it and denied it was a warranty issue.

Brand new $999 device lasted 2 MONTHS, then another $379 for a new screen. How long will this one last with regular folding... 3 MONTHS?! Stay away from these phones. I am selling this defected phone ASAP and will be looking to join a class action lawsuit in the US against them. You can find several people like me with this same issue with a simple google search of "Z Flip 3 center screen crack"

I want a eyePhone

Less then a month I had a manufacturing defect...

z-fold should be named z-crack

Less then a month I had a manufacturing defect... The zfold screen cracked... Called on the 26th of December.... After being on hold for a very long time a talk to a rep about this defect..... They advised me that the closes place to fix my phone was 30 drive away... This place is open only from noon to 5 pm..... this means I have to take off time from work .. So I go there pay for parking just to be told that no one I'm the region has screens because everyone has this problem.... Less then a month I had a manufacturing defect... The zfold screen cracked... Called on the 26th of December.... After being on hold for a very long time a talk to a rep about this defect..... They advised me that the closes place to fix my phone was 30 drive away... This place is open only from noon to 5 pm..... this means I have to take off time from work .. So I go there pay for parking just to be told that no one I'm the region has screens because everyone has this problem.... I live in San Diego California....not this random City in the backwoods. So after taking time off work driving back 30 minutes I call again..... I call the call center.... I talk to a rep....They told me now I have to ship my phone out..... Ii ask to talk to manager... I tell him send me a replacement phone.... He said no..... even if it a defect he cannot do what Apple does....or any cellphone provider would do.... samsung even if it a design's my responsibility to do out of a phone to get it fix..... How does that workout look? This from a company that airlines treated sumsung phones like a bomb 4 years ago because they would catch on fire! I told this manager that I have spent 40$ on screen protector and case... one the case has been installed that you can't use it..... He basically said... ohhh well.. He can do nothing..... I said I can send the phone but can't remove the case... I need my Sim cards I can work.... I am afraid to break the phone due to it being a lemond..... He said to go to Best Buy and the technician can do it for me... He told me they are Samsung certified.... he said he will personally follow up in 2 days.... So I make a opponent on there and wait 45 minutes.... the technician said he is confused why Samsung sent there because they don't have the parts or the training yet.... So I call samsung customer service again.... because the manager never followed up... I trier to do the Samsung chat.... Explained my problem and ask for a follow up. They put me on hold.... then told me a manager would follow up..... They never did..... I call every day... no call back.... Called yesterday.... the rep to meet would get manager on line....after 30 min I told to get a manager to call me... He called a few hours ago and said he has a manager.... waited 30 minutes and he said apologized for the wait. I ask for a manager to call back. He said he garrenty me that within 2 hours manager would call back... Never got a call. So now over 1o days of having 1800.00 Phone...bought the most expensive phone on the market.... Phone defected....less then a month long.... No place to fix the phone... No spare parts to fix the phone Loose 40$ of screen protector a case Called and talk to many reps that now adds up to 20 hours. Drove 2 Location for nothing Paid for parking Left work to try to get the phone fix... Got lied from representatives and management Refuse to replace the phone.... Basically you pay for something but you use it. Imagine you buy a meal at a restaurant but you can't eat it.... Imagine you buy a car at a dealership but you can't drive it.... Imagine you buy a house but you can't live in it..... How does that make sense? If I bought this phone at AT&t they would give me a replacement same model phone but because you buy it from samsung..... Screw you customer..... I keep reading the option on the phone on line.... it doesn't mention that the screen will break if you open the phone.. Get Outlook for Android I live in San Diego California....not this random City in the backwoods. So after taking time off work driving back 30 minutes I call again..... I call the call center.... I talk to a rep....They told me now I have to ship my phone out..... Ii ask to talk to manager... I tell him send me a replacement phone.... He said no..... even if it a defect he cannot do what Apple does....or any cellphone provider would do.... samsung even if it a design's my responsibility to do out of a phone to get it fix..... How does that workout look? This from a company that airlines treated sumsung phones like a bomb 4 years ago because they would catch on fire! I told this manager that I have spent 40$ on screen protector and case... one the case has been installed that you can't use it..... He basically said... ohhh well.. He can do nothing..... I said I can send the phone but can't remove the case... I need my Sim cards I can work.... I am afraid to break the phone due to it being a lemond..... He said to go to Best Buy and the technician can do it for me... He told me they are Samsung certified.... he said he will personally follow up in 2 days.... So I make a opponent on there and wait 45 minutes.... the technician said he is confused why Samsung sent there because they don't have the parts or the training yet.... So I call samsung customer service again.... because the manager never followed up... I trier to do the Samsung chat.... Explained my problem and ask for a follow up. They put me on hold.... then told me a manager would follow up..... They never did..... I call every day... no call back.... Called yesterday.... the rep to meet would get manager on line....after 30 min I told to get a manager to call me... He called a few hours ago and said he has a manager.... waited 30 minutes and he said apologized for the wait. I ask for a manager to call back. He said he garrenty me that within 2 hours manager would call back... Never got a call. So now over 1o days of having 1800.00 Phone...bought the most expensive phone on the market.... Phone defected....less then a month long.... No place to fix the phone... No spare parts to fix the phone Loose 40$ of screen protector a case Called and talk to many reps that now adds up to 20 hours. Drove 2 Location for nothing Paid for parking Left work to try to get the phone fix... Got lied from representatives and management Refuse to replace the phone.... Basically you pay for something but you use it. Imagine you buy a meal at a restaurant but you can't eat it.... Imagine you buy a car at a dealership but you can't drive it.... Imagine you buy a house but you can't live in it..... How does that make sense? If I bought this phone at AT&t they would give me a replacement same model phone but because you buy it from samsung..... Screw you customer..... I keep reading the option on the phone on line.... it doesn't mention that the screen will break if you open the phone.. Get Outlook for Android
The zfold screen cracked...
Called on the 26th of December....
After being on hold for a very long time a talk to a rep about this defect.....

They advised me that the closes place to fix my phone was 30 drive away...
This place is open only from noon to 5 pm..... this means I have to take off time from work .. So I go there pay for parking just to be told that no one I'm the region has screens because everyone has this problem....
Less then a month I had a manufacturing defect... The zfold screen cracked... Called on the 26th of December.... After being on hold for a very long time a talk to a rep about this defect..... They advised me that the closes place to fix my phone was 30 drive away... This place is open only from noon to 5 pm..... this means I have to take off time from work .. So I go there pay for parking just to be told that no one I'm the region has screens because everyone has this problem.... I live in San Diego California....not this random City in the backwoods. So after taking time off work driving back 30 minutes I call again..... I call the call center.... I talk to a rep....They told me now I have to ship my phone out..... Ii ask to talk to manager... I tell him send me a replacement phone.... He said no..... even if it a defect he cannot do what Apple does....or any cellphone provider would do.... samsung even if it a design's my responsibility to do out of a phone to get it fix..... How does that workout look? This from a company that airlines treated sumsung phones like a bomb 4 years ago because they would catch on fire! I told this manager that I have spent 40$ on screen protector and case... one the case has been installed that you can't use it..... He basically said... ohhh well.. He can do nothing..... I said I can send the phone but can't remove the case... I need my Sim cards I can work.... I am afraid to break the phone due to it being a lemond..... He said to go to Best Buy and the technician can do it for me... He told me they are Samsung certified.... he said he will personally follow up in 2 days.... So I make a opponent on there and wait 45 minutes.... the technician said he is confused why Samsung sent there because they don't have the parts or the training yet.... So I call samsung customer service again.... because the manager never followed up... I trier to do the Samsung chat.... Explained my problem and ask for a follow up. They put me on hold.... then told me a manager would follow up..... They never did..... I call every day... no call back.... Called yesterday.... the rep to meet would get manager on line....after 30 min I told to get a manager to call me... He called a few hours ago and said he has a manager.... waited 30 minutes and he said apologized for the wait. I ask for a manager to call back. He said he garrenty me that within 2 hours manager would call back... Never got a call. So now over 1o days of having 1800.00 Phone...bought the most expensive phone on the market.... Phone defected....less then a month long.... No place to fix the phone... No spare parts to fix the phone Loose 40$ of screen protector a case Called and talk to many reps that now adds up to 20 hours. Drove 2 Location for nothing Paid for parking Left work to try to get the phone fix... Got lied from representatives and management Refuse to replace the phone.... Basically you pay for something but you use it. Imagine you buy a meal at a restaurant but you can't eat it.... Imagine you buy a car at a dealership but you can't drive it.... Imagine you buy a house but you can't live in it..... How does that make sense? If I bought this phone at AT&t they would give me a replacement same model phone but because you buy it from samsung..... Screw you customer..... I keep reading the option on the phone on line.... it doesn't mention that the screen will break if you open the phone.. Get Outlook for Android

I live in San Diego California....not this random City in the backwoods.

So after taking time off work driving back 30 minutes I call again..... I call the call center....
I talk to a rep....They told me now I have to ship my phone out.....
Ii ask to talk to manager... I tell him send me a replacement phone....
He said no..... even if it a defect he cannot do what Apple does....or any cellphone provider would do.... samsung even if it a design's my responsibility to do out of a phone to get it fix.....

How does that workout look? This from a company that airlines treated sumsung phones like a bomb 4 years ago because they would catch on fire!

I told this manager that I have spent 40$ on screen protector and case... one the case has been installed that you can't use it..... He basically said... ohhh well..
He can do nothing.....

I said I can send the phone but can't remove the case... I need my Sim cards I can work.... I am afraid to break the phone due to it being a lemond.....

He said to go to Best Buy and the technician can do it for me... He told me they are Samsung certified.... he said he will personally follow up in 2 days....

So I make a opponent on there and wait 45 minutes.... the technician said he is confused why Samsung sent there because they don't have the parts or the training yet....

So I call samsung customer service again.... because the manager never followed up...

I trier to do the Samsung chat....
Explained my problem and ask for a follow up.

They put me on hold.... then told me a manager would follow up.....
They never did.....
I call every day... no call back....
Called yesterday.... the rep to meet would get manager on line....after 30 min I told to get a manager to call me...
He called a few hours ago and said he has a manager.... waited 30 minutes and he said apologized for the wait. I ask for a manager to call back. He said he garrenty me that within 2 hours manager would call back...
Never got a call.

So now over 1o days of having 1800.00
Phone...bought the most expensive phone on the market....

Phone defected....less then a month long....
No place to fix the phone...
No spare parts to fix the phone
Loose 40$ of screen protector a case
Called and talk to many reps that now adds up to 20 hours.
Drove 2 Location for nothing
Paid for parking
Left work to try to get the phone fix...
Got lied from representatives and management
Refuse to replace the phone....

Basically you pay for something but you use it.

Imagine you buy a meal at a restaurant but you can't eat it....
Imagine you buy a car at a dealership but you can't drive it....
Imagine you buy a house but you can't live in it.....

How does that make sense?

If I bought this phone at AT&t they would give me a replacement same model phone but because you buy it from samsung.....

Why if I buy a 5$ toy from Walmart I walk in and get a new 5 $ toy....

Screw you customer.....

I keep reading the option on the phone on line.... it doesn't mention that the screen will break if you open the phone..


Add mine to the list. I have never posted an issue before but after wasting an entire day trying to get this flip 3 fixed on warranty, I decided people need to be warned. I love the flip. I had the flip 2 which worked great then decided to buy the 3. After 2-3 mths I opened the phone and heard the same crack that others have posted. The screen is totally unresponsive now. Samsung directed  me to an authorized service centre but when I called, none of them have been trained on the flip yet. I then drove 35 mins to get to a Samsung store. The clerk didn't even pick up the phone. They said that won't be covered because there is damage. I assured them that there has been no damage ...but they seem to have all been taught to give the same response. "There is damage" I asked to see the evidence of damage. They said sometimes you can't see it. So basically they get out of all of their warranty obligations by stating physical damage. I pointed out that I own many Samsung products, refrigerator, multiple phones, multiple tablets, multiple tv's, earbuds and other accessories. Are you prepared to lose a loyal customer over this and they said, " sorry, nothing we can do, it's physical damage". Unbelievable !...  terrible service. I will be telling everyone I know to steer clear of Samsung. Would be interested in joining any class action if one is started in Canada .  Everyone beware !

First Poster

Hi, have you received an update from Samsung on this yet? or have you taken it to the tribunal? The same thing has happened with my mum but she only had the phone for 7 days and I just don't know what next steps I should take for her. 



I think I have taken as far as I can. I will have to pay for the repair or buy a different phone