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Persistant Issue Charging

(Topic created on: 05-07-2024 01:58 PM)
Hi, I'm just looking for a bit of advice if possible.

I'd purchased my S24+ on the 3rd March from the Samsung Store in Leicester, and everything was fine for around 6 - 8 weeks.

Last week of May, the phone began to come up with an issue with the home, an error kept popping up that "One UI home isn't optimised for home screen" This kept meaning my apps had been opening behind my home screen, freezing and nothing loading. After a quick Re-Start this would fix it for a few hours. (All software updated)

The phone began not charging after this - moisture detected in port that would not go away. And wireless charging was not making my battery go up.

I'd contacted Samsung and taken this back to the store purchased from on the 3rd June. They'd checked the device and agreed that this was in perfectly fine condition. Taken it in to do a software flash and replacement charge port under warranty.

A few days later I've picked this up - used a new phone charger and everything worked fine again.

UNTIL, the 18th of June, my device began to not register that I cable was being used, again not charging. This time no moisture detected, again device taken in, charge port replaced under warranty returned to me on the 26th June. New cable used again after this fix.

Now - the recent one.

3rd July - phone not charging, and now moisture detected in port. Again booked an appointment with a Samsung engineer via phone as this would not let me do this online. After speaking with the store manager, they've in essence said that this recurring fault is my issue. I want to preface this by saying I'm in my early/mid 20's, and very ***** about the condition of my phone, I am not unfamiliar with phones, or how to look after them.

They have again taken this phone to have the charge port repaired - and as "a gesture of good will" are supplying me with a phone charger cable and plug. But have said if this issue happens again it will not be covered under warranty and will become chargeable.

Now, I do not work in a moist environment, I have never dropped this phone in any water and it always has a case on. Not only that but this phone was purchased 4 months ago.

From what I understand under the Consumer Rights Act, this product has to be fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality (which obviously repeated not charging is neither)
And that as I have had the phone for less than 6 months the law assumes that the fault is inheritently in the phone.

They've refused a replacement prior to this and said that this is there last attempt to rectify this for me. I am also tied into finance with them so if this next fix doesn't permanently work I'm paying for an item I cannot use.

The store manager has said this issue has never happened to anyone else but I highly doubt that. Moisture detection has been a fault for many years.

Where do I stand should this issue re-occur. After my last 2 "fixes" I'm sure this will.
Samsung Members Star ★
Complain to the finance company. They have quite a bit of sway.
Ooh! That didn't even cross my mind! Thank you that's a great idea!
Samsung Members Star ★★
I would also possibly get an electrician in to check all is OK with the electrics.
Should be able to quickly see that you have the correct voltage etc
I only mention as I remember something similar a long while ago and it was something to do with voltage was too high or there was an issue with the neutral , something like that. Cannot remember now
Just seems strange it's the similar thing all the time.
First Poster
Don't know how old this post is.

we have had similar charging issues with our s22's (2 devices) often receive moisture warning on both devices. Have periods where my device will not charge by cable only wireless charger, then suddenly begins to work again.

My wife's phone has now been 3 weeks of not charging by cable. I also see the fault a lot on the Internet when searching for resolutions.

Debating what phones to get next as samsung/EE haven't to been very helpful
First Poster
I just got my s24+ which I mainly charge in a cradle but now and again I used a cable wich seemed to work fine, fast charging was intermittent and then I did an update and then moisture problems begun. I went to O2, and they changed my phone straight away as I was 15 days into my contract. Again, everything was fine until I did the update, which I was reluctant to do, but finally gave in. Now the problem is back. My previous phone S22+ for three years worked fine, but I have the same problems after doing the update. The problem seems to be the update, as now I had 3 phones with the same problem.