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How to turn off Image post processing?

(Topic created on: 21-03-2024 03:55 PM)

Is there an alternate application or option to turn off post processing completely on the stock camera app?

I really dislike that images after a second or two in the gallery "upscale" and change. (usually negatively impacting the image by making detail streaky and chsnging the colour balance) In my opinion the sample prior to this upscaling taking place is generally far better and more natural.


I have super HDR off in the gallery application and have image optimisation at minimum but can't seem to find a way to completely disable the post processing on photos I take. 


It seems far worse at 50mp and 200mp, where I would expect far more detail when zooming in on an image but instead it's "optimised" erasing all detail.  Expert RAW and Pro camera still have this post processing also. 

Then I'm not sure there's anything else you'd be able to do, except hoping the upcoming update resolve some of these issues.

So it's almost the end of May 2024 and on my S24 Ultra this same thing still happens - and ruins my shots 😞

why is it so hard to TURN OFF ALL IMAGE PROCESSING?   and the side effect of the creation times being all messed up as they're stamped after the processing has taken place and NOT when the image was taken!

this totally messes up your workflow esp if you take a series of shots quickly one after the other like in a sports scene - everything gets messed up and the time stamp is wrong so you have to manually figure out what is supposed to be where and WHEN!

PITA - just allow us to turn all that ***** off, and it doesn't help in pro mode - god knows i've tried.


Seriously has me considering something like a pixel pro or a cheap motorola just to get some shots  without all this drama..   i may not be buying another Ultra level phone again, and i am sure as hell going to test this on the next one i do look at just to prevent a bad purchase in the future.


I agree with this 100%, the camera is one of the primary features I look for in a phone. 


I am literally waiting for the next Pixel release to see if they have a good trade in deal. Otherwise I'll sell it locally and pick up a pixel or the next iPhone. I might even go for a mid tier Xiaomi as my 8 year old Xiaomi Mi Note 10. I have sitting in a drawer still takes better photos more consistentently and only cost me 1/5th cost of this phone at €300 new about 8 years ago.