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Will Samsung ever acknowledge the S22 bootloop issues?

(Topic created on: 07-01-2025 05:46 PM)


Will Samsung acknowledge this? Or are they simply too busy telling us to pay upwards of £300+ to repair a phone they broke just outside of 2 years from the release date. The timing just seems too perfect to ignore. 


I will never buy a Samsung product again.

Samsung Members Star ★★

I would urge anyone affected to send feedback directly to Samsung via their Samsung Members App @ScamsungBrickdMyS22U 

The more people send the feedback the better to help suppprt people are experiencing very real issues with their phone's. 

Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "


I have already spoken to a Samsung tech who said they would escalate the issue. But I've yet to see any official acknowledgement yet all it takes it a simple Google search to see multiple articles, a huge number of reddit threads, threads on this official forum and some more on smaller sites from tech help to mobile providers. 


Clearly this isn't a small issue but sadly most reddit posters seem to be writing it off, knowing they're out of warranty and would rather purchase a new £500 phone than repair a 2 year old one. 

Some reddit threads go back as far as 8-9months so I'd say the possible motherboard issue is nothing new, just the 6.1 update seems to have caused something putting more strain and heating toward a motherboard component causing them to fry.


As a S22U owner yourself I implore you to update to 6.1 on that device and use it as your daily driver for a week, make sure WiFi and Bluetooth are on and see if anything happens. But if you don't want to that's fine too.


I'm praying the 7.0 update clears whatever issues may be occurring so I can fully utilise my phone again.

Samsung Members Star ★
May I please ask how you paid for your device?

Debit Card
Credit Card
Online transfer
Network Carrier purchase

Where did you buy it from?
S24 Ultra
Debit card directly from the Samsung website. I have the S22U Online exclusive Grey colour.
Samsung Members Star ★
Mmmm unfortunate. Had you paid by credit card, section 75 could have been your friend.

Other than paying for a repair....

Remember, whilst some users are reporting issues, given the S22 Ultra sold in it's millions it is more likely not an issue with 6.1 but with apps on the device or the way the device has been handled. If it was a system wide issue, every device would be impacted.

Sorry you won't want to read that but unless it affects every device or is a safety issue then a recall is highly unlikely I'm afraid.
S24 Ultra
I'm not asking for a recall. Just acknowledgement of the issue, saying it's due to apps or how the device is handled is a joke. Why is my phone seemingly fine while certain features remain disabled. Yet I bet if I turned them on my phone will bootloop within the hour.

I acknowledge that millions of S22U units were sold. But there was a Snapdragon and Exynos, different regions, some people may not update, some moved onto a different phone. Ect ect.
Yes, not everyone has the issue. But this is also CLEARLY not a unique issue. 15 different sites writing some sort of news or blog post don't pop out of nowhere due to a small handful of users. You don't need to look too hard.

Right now, I simply feel like the hilarity of the timing of being a few months out of warranty is ridiculous. Upon purchasing the phone, I was promised 3 years of updates and 5 years of security updates. Guess F me right, my 2 years of warranty is up, better pay up for a new motherboard.

Hmm, actually checking. I did actually purchase it via a credit card. Care to elaborate, or should I just Google section 75?

Какая разница сколько проблем?


У многих возникли проблемы.

И если это никому не интересно, значит придётся попрощаться с этой продукцией.


Есть подозрение что проблемы у тех, ц кого Exynos.


Да и что мы обсуждаем?


Дорогие телефоны превратились в кирпич. Это перебор

Samsung Members Star ★
Please translate
S24 Ultra

Who cares how many problems there are?




Many of them had problems.


And if no one is interested in this, then you will have to say goodbye to these products.




It is suspected that those with Exynos have problems.




And what are we discussing?




Expensive phones have turned into bricks. It's too much