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Samsung died for me.

(Topic created on: 19-04-2022 09:34 PM)

LONG story short.

got S22 ultra exynos for pay montly which is constantly malfunctioning.

Phone is rebooting by it self, ui lagging, sound poppings, camera problems, signal problems, Fingerprint problems, Horizontal lines appearing across the whole sceen and no update solve the issue

So I contacted "VirginMedia" the one I got the phone from. The first time I've been told to wait until they contact me with a replacement in stock so that I can send the broken one back to them, they obviously never called but instead I had to call them from time to time to check their stock.

every time I called them I've been told that either I have never requested a replacement or they did not received the broken phone and thats why I cant get the replacement although the first time I reported the phone malfunctions I've been told to keep it until I receive a call from them with awaiting replacement for me.

Today I told them that how can I send the broken one back if I have no replacement and no money to purchase a different phone as I do rely on the broken one now.

She reply: We do have a replacement that are back ordered for a customers that are requesting a replacement. (Again thats a completely different story told by them because every time I asked them hows the stock they said I have to keep waiting).

So I asked how long do I have to wait for the replacement to be shipped and for how long do I have to stay with no phone at all and she replid "14 days".

I told her that this is not possible for me as I do rely on the one I have now and I dont trust this company anymore. I kept asking how long do I have to wait for the replacement, eventualy she said we dont know how long but once we got the old one sent back to us we will process the replacement.

I reply: See thats exactly what I was thinking and now you just confirmed that you are lying the whole time. I will send the broken one to you and you leave me waiting for the new one for ages.

she replied: blah blah do you want to proceed? and I said no I rather throw the phone out of a window then get out and step on it. She said: well then you will have to still pay for the phone. I then hang up.

I did not paid a single penny for the phone because within 14 days I reported the phone as defected (which it seriously is) and they stopped the charges untill they have a replacement although this lady thought I am paying for it. They might start charging for the phone now but I cancel the direct debit as I really dont care. I am disabled person living from day to day who is talking to doctors very regurarly. how can I send a phone back to them and use my parents phones (thats what she advised me to do anyway).

another thing is that I have received galaxy buds pro as a promotion which I had to send back for a repair as they came with hardware defect as well. The day I received the "fixed" headphones I immediately found out they are still having the same issue so I sent these back again.

this is the last time ive been using samsungs devices and I will never come back.

The first thing I am going to do now is rooting the phone as I dont care about voiding the warranty anymore and de-bloat all of the samsungs pre installed junk.

scammers, corruption and bribery absolutely everywhere I go.

all you want is cash in no time.

Samsung Members Star ★★
So what have you done to try and remedy the situation. Have you tried clearing the Partition Cache.
What about setting it up as a fresh phone and using backed up data to setup the phone rather than using Smart Switch.
If you are using a third party theme, or third party launcher. Have you tried removing this and just use the stock themes etc.
To have all those issues with one device points to something that's gone awry with the setup.
As some of those issues are not related to each other.

The malfunctions started right at the first power on.

I tried:

1. using the phone in safe mode for over 3 hours.
2. start from scratch again wiping cache as well as factory resetting the phone without restoring data (I never restore data) and kept the phone with stock bloat-ware apps only.
3. run the phone in safe mode for over 3 hours again.

The phone is fully up to-date. newest firmware, samsungs security updates etc.

None of these solve the issue.

stuttering and lags are constantly present on 120hz. If I lower the refresh rate to 60hz the stutters are occuring less but are still present and no matter what resolution I set, lags are still crushing me. also the overheating and battery drain is insane.

the phone has never been dropped, dumped into water etc. its cosmetically like brand new and as I said the phone started malfunctioning since day one. When setting the phone up for the first time and adding fingerprints I started to see black horizontal lines across the whole screen.

the worst part of the phone is that it reboots randomly when calling or using facebook messenger video calls.

I did tried everything I possibly could to fix it trust me. the phone is faulty.

Samsung Members Star ★★
Unfortunately there will be the odd unfortunate phones that have problems.
Just trying to think of something that could help for now really. Sounds like the buds problem is to do with the phone as well.
Have you tried uninstalling any third party themes or launchers?
Sounds like it needs the software reinstalling. That would have to be done via a Samsung approved repairer anyway.
Can see you've obviously gone through and got nowhere with your phone supplier. Have you tried going through Samsung customer support directly?
As this would be a warranty issue
Samsung Members Star ★★
It's really unfortunate for you as the phone I have is giving me a great experience.
Hopefully you can get a replacement soon. It would definitely be worth a second try with one. But I can appreciate the way you see things after what's happened.
Can only hope you get the resolution you want

well the buds pro were malfunctioning on my dads samsung phone as well so they were actually defected and I beliave they still are after second attempt of repair anyway.

I tried to use the phone for several days with stock apps installed only and I never touched google play so no third party themes launchers etc.

I also contacted samsung customer support where I've been told to contact virginmedia as they are only the one who have to take care of this situation since I got it from them.

I simply end up in a circle controlled by a dark force with a defective phone and headphones that are going back and forth due to repairs. :smiling-face:


just received the second time "fixed headphones". with the same issue happening constantly while music is playing. tried the buds on dads samsung phone where issue persists. :face-with-tears-of-joy: YEAH GREAT JOB SAMSUNG YOU ARE THE MASTER. this is seriously the last drop.

Dead company


Hllo, have you tried using the BT on another devices to see if the problem is still there? It could be some kind if problem with your dad's phone, which I hope not :smiling-face:


hi, yes I tried it on my s22 ultra, dads samsung phone, mums phone, my friends s21. the same issue persists on every device.

here is an email I received from samsung today:

I am contacting you today regarding your Galaxy Buds Pro, and the recent inspection of your product conducted by a Samsung approved engineer.


The attending engineer has concluded no manufacturing fault was found with your Galaxy Buds. They were tested on numerous different volume levels (including maximum) and there was no distortion or crackling, the audio was fine.


As the attending engineer has concluded no manufacturing fault found, the service centre have instructed that we (Samsung) do not raise any further inspections for the same issue/symptoms.


If you wish for a further inspection for the same reason, you may be required to agree to the service centres charge policy, whereby they may ask you to make a payment before they attend - this is because your warranty only supports with manufacturing faults and does not cover call outs where no manufacturing faults are present or responsible for the reported issue(s).

now back to me: thank you for your kind words. I just wants to share my current situation.