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S22 ultra volume not as loud as the s21 ultra

(Topic created on: 01-03-2022 09:48 AM)
Anybody noticed how the volume on the s22 ultra aint as good as the s21 ultra?
Helping Hand
The depth of sound seems weaker to me but volume is fine.

I have found that the volume is quite lower than my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. 

In addition, the sound is not as rich and full. It is lacking bass. 

In fact the sound is not as loud or as good as my Note 9, S9, Note 20 or as said my S21 Ultra.

I checked the speaker volume with a sound pressure level meter and found that the sound output is about 3 to 5 dB lower than both my S21 Ultra and my Note 20. 

Samsung must have put lower quality speakers in the S22 Ultra. That's a real shame. We all paid a fortune for these phones only to be plagued with lower quality sound and less volume. 

I've been a loyal Samsung customer for decades now. I feel betrayed since each new phone that is released costs more and I get less. 

Just look at the packaging compared to previous models. And to follow Apple, we don't even get a charger anymore!

Im debating whether to return my S22 Ultra, as I work in a noisy environment and am afraid I won't be able to hear phone calls as well. 

Not only is the volume lower, it's tinny as well. Really lacking richness and bass. 

Hopefully there is a software fix, but I really think the root cause is lower quality or smaller speakers. 

Please help us Samsung!

First Poster

100% true.
I've changed recently from a S10+ to the S22+ and I the difference is huge!.

About the internal speakers, it doesn't sound as loud as former models, but not only the speakers, I always have my phone on vibration mode, and also the intensity of the vibration on it's max value is poor.

And apart of the speakers max volume, this also applies to bluetooth and aux output. It doesn't matter if you play throw bluetooth, the best codec you might choose or using the USB to AUX adapter, there's some kind of dynamic compressor at the output that limits the bass expression, feels like it's ducking and sucked all the time. So, this is not a speakers hardware issue anymore.

In my case, I've tried to disable all the features it might interfere with dynamics, such as Dolby Atmos, EQ, and UHQ. Volume limiter is disabled, and jujst in case in developers mode disabled the absolute volume for bluetooth. None of this changed the conditions of the final output sound, so it makes me think there's a backgound process at the digital output stage of the phone where's a dynamic limiter, because there's no other explanation that can explain that a phone with much better processor and with the original DAC USB-C to AUX 3.5 converter of up to 24 bit 192 KHz resolution could result in such a bad bass range dynamic response. Just to mention, I've tested both phones output extensively and this issue is exactly as I mention, as deeper and powerful the bass response on the song, the most notorius the dynamic compressión / limiting on the S22+.

If there's a backgound process, SAMSUNG must allow users to control and enable / disable as desired.


@pmazzara Very useful information!

I agree there is some background processing/limitation going on!

The S22 Ultra makes all my high end automobile sound systems sound like garbage. 

If Samsung didn't fix it by now, will they even bother?

The sound is so compressed, it's just awful. 

Why would Samsung do this and release it to the customers is my question?  It's a horrible sound degradation!

First Poster

I maximized my volume in that setting & even got into the Developer Options to take another cap off the sound. My headphones still aren't as loud on my S22 with maximum volume, than they were on my Note 20. It makes me upset because it's harder to hear footsteps on cod mobile now lol.