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S22 Ultra constantly losing carrier signal after syste update

(Topic created on: 3 weeks ago)
Hi Everyone,

After a software update last January, my phone suddenly started to lose signal in areas where i normally would still have connection, it would go on "Emergency calls only" in certain areas where i could call or connect to mobile data previously(my house is one such area). I read online that it was caused by an update and many users were experiencing it with the S22 Ultra Units but i can't seem to find an official statement from Samsung about a fix for this.

I've checked with my carrier and they said it was a known issue with samsung(i plugged my sim into an oppo phone at home and i was able to take calls and access mobile data but on the s22 i do not have any signal at all) and talking with my samsung dealership tech, he said the same thing and that i should just wait for an update to fix it but now it's 2 further updates in and the phone is still not usable in terms of being a phone or a mobile device.

I've done all the troubleshooting steps like airplane mode and resetting mobile networks etc, nothing works or fixes this.

I read that the only way to fix it was to factory reset it and to roll back the system update to when the phone was still working perfectly but that doesn't seem to be a long term solution since i've noticed before that these phones start to perform slower if they don't get the newest system updates.

Does samsung have an official thread covering this? i tried searching and they haven't even mentioned this bug at all.
Samsung Members Star ★★

Hi @Viersche 

I own the Samsung Galaxy s²² Ultra which I use with the o² network which seems to be working in terms to signal connection , however this in no way dismisses the issue you are facing. 

Have you tried inserting the sim in the second sim slot 🤔 

There is a diagnostic tool found in your Samsung Members App. 

You can also send feedback to Samsung via your Samsung Members App if you haven't already. Samsung can then look into your issue. 

Just to advise a factory reset will not roll back the phone's current software. 

If I can be of any further help then please don't hesitate to ask.  😎 

Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "



I've tried inserting the sim on the sim2 slot, basically every troubleshooting step i could find online, also with the factory reset, i meant that the service center did a factory reset and rolled back the software updates which fixed the signal issue with the device.

I've seen multiple threads online about this issue with the s22 ultra, which was why i was asking why there was no official fix from samsung yet but maybe because it only affected a small number of s22 users, me being one of the unlucky few

Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't tried the samsung members diagnostic tool, i'll give that a try.


Have had the exact same issue with my S22 Ultra, sent it to Samsung 'Trusted' partner to get it repaired as Samsung were able to extend my warranty by 90 days cover this issue.

The 1.4* rated repair company decided my phone was 'damaged' with a crack on the back panel (which wasn't there when I sent it) so quoted me £300 as the phone needed a new motherboard due to the issue. Furious with Samsungs rubbish customer service and having a £1k+ phone only last 2 years is an absolute joke.

I've now requested my broken phone back with a nice new crack as I don't want to pay that scummy repair company any money (loads of other reviews saying the same thing) - if you do send your phone off please take photos before hand, this was my mistake.

What a load of rubbish. Also if you have the restarting issue, the only fix is a new motherboard which is a joke.


Did your service provider signal go back to normal after the repair?

I went to one of their certified service centers last week and was told other people also had the same issue and that they found out it wasn't a hardware problem but something with the OS after the software update. I was told to just wait for another software update that could hopefully fix the issue altogether or that they could roll back the installed update on my phone to when it was still working correctly.

Kind of disappointed with samsung at this point considering the price of this phone and the non existent support that we're getting to fix an issue that seems to be specific to this model.


I tried the diagnostic tool and it registers the mobile networks as working correctly. I brought it up to the technician at the samsung service center and he clarified the diagnostic was only for the phone hardware, they had other users who brought their S22 Ultras in and they found that it wasn't a hardware issue as replacing the motherboard inside the phone but getting the same software update has a 50-50 chance of getting the same issue back causing intermittent signal with mobile networks.

They recommended i just wait for another software update to fix it but there's been 3 updates so far and the mobile network issue is still there.


My s22+ keeps rebooting itself. I did all the steps wipe cache, clean restart, safe mode, updating google services - EVERYTHING, andddd... nothing helped. They ****** something app, many users reports problems with signal, rebooting etc.   For me turning off the wifi helped but not sure for how long. Warranty ended in march this year 😞  Hopefully samsung will notice this and give us some fix 😢


Does samsung tech support actually check these forums? All the threads and forum articles i've seen about this exact same problem does not seem to have a fix, they were all told to buy a new phone because samsung made their phones useless because of their mandatory system update that you cannot opt out of otherwise your phone will slow down


Same. I updated back in December and hasn't really worked since. I just updated to 6.1 today and it didn't fix it. In fact, it's noticeably worse. At least before I could toggle airplane mode and it would temporarily work. Now that doesn't even do it
Not sure what to do now