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A70 screen drain

(Topic created on: 28-01-2020 04:29 PM)
First Poster

Got my son an A70 on contract and looked at reviews beforehand.great battery life was key as he fishes away for weekends and needs his so fed up as the battery drains really fast despite him disabling all the unused apps and having it on half brightness.he spoke to tech and it was discovered that his screen is using 20 % of his charge .he has his screen black.he only runs facebook YouTube and Instagram.he gets about 6 hrs.he has run it down three times.factory reset it etc etc. He literally has done everything to extend the battery time. I dont live near to a Samsung testing centre so has anybody got any great ideas ? 20 % on screen seems excessive to me esp when it's just a black paying 32 pound a month for something that's not right .its only three weeks old.thanks 


@Treze wrote:

Got my son an A70 on contract and looked at reviews beforehand.great battery life was key as he fishes away for weekends and needs his so fed up as the battery drains really fast despite him disabling all the unused apps and having it on half brightness.he spoke to tech and it was discovered that his screen is using 20 % of his charge .he has his screen black.he only runs facebook YouTube and Instagram.he gets about 6 hrs.he has run it down three times.factory reset it etc etc. He literally has done everything to extend the battery time. I dont live near to a Samsung testing centre so has anybody got any great ideas ? 20 % on screen seems excessive to me esp when it's just a black paying 32 pound a month for something that's not right .its only three weeks old.thanks 

So Settings > Device Management > Battery doesn't give further hints as to other apps ? There's the Samsung Members App, which has an built-in interactive check. Use it to check the battery, if it reports any problems bring the device back to the vendor. In the meantime use some additional external battery pack to reload. I had a similar problem with a new S9, some batteries are worse than others, even when new.

Helping Hand
Do you mean 6 hours total battery usage between charge or 6 hours screen on time ?
I have an a70 too and I make sure all my apps are set to sleep when not in use.
I get between 8hrs 30 mins and 9hrs 15 mins actual screen on time
Helping Hand

I go to
Device care
Tap the battery icon bottom left of the screen
Then tap the 3 vertical dots top right and select settings
Then select sleeping apps
Then add apps to the sleeping list

Helping Hand

Everytime you wipe / factory reset your device it needs to learn your usage patterns again, and sometimes the process of the learning , at least on my phone sometimes felt like it was using more power.
But it seems to have settled okay

Samsung Members Star ★★

Can you take a screenshot of his Battery Usage from the Device Care section so we can see a clearer picture.


Facebook is designed to be constantly online to recieve notifications etc. The Facebook Lite App may be better for him.


YouTube and Instagram can both be resource hogs too to be frank.


If network signal is poor then the phone could be working harder to maintain connection especially if he's out fishing rurally etc.


If a Network supplied the phone originally then they have a duty of care to provide support.


They apply the 24 month manufacturer's warranty not Samsung.


Most have a cooling off period to have the phone swapped out. Check their Terms and Conditions.


However this may mean them wanting to send it off if you go to a Network Highstreet Store.


A Samsung Experience Store  / Samsung Service Centre would typically run a diagnostic in house.



Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "