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A54 Keep Restarting Randomly

(Topic created on: 26-05-2024 06:56 AM)
First Poster

I just bought this phone late last year. But now, it keeps auto restarting randomly. There are no notifications about it what caused it. It already occurs for the past 3-5 months? Don't remember the exact month 


I also turn off auto restart from device care. It happened randomly. Last week it just auto restart one time when I asleep. But this week it happened almost everyday. It already happened two times this day alone.


Anybody experienced the same issue? How to fix this? Is this hardware or software because I use my phone with care, it only drop one time, and I only use it in the light rain one time so I don't think it's a faulty hardware.


I've seen this issue in multiple series lika A15 or M53, is it a common issue?


@Reddbay: If Auto restart is disabled in your Settings, then I recommend restarting your phone in Safe mode, as this will disable all third party apps and help to determine if the problem is stemming from an external source. 

To enter Safe mode, press and hold the Power button until the 'Power off' prompt appears on the screen then release > Touch and hold Power off until the 'Safe mode' prompt appears then release > To confirm, tap Safe mode.

With Safe mode active, monitor the performance of the device for a few hours, based on the frequency that you encounter the issue. If you find that the restarts no longer occur, then please restart your A54 as you would normally and uninstall any apps that you have added to the device since you first encountered the issue. It won't be possible to determine exactly which app is at fault, therefore we recommend approaching this via a process of elimination. 

First Poster

Bonjour, acheté en mai 2023, problème identique depuis le début. je croyais à un problème avec intune mais après pas mal déchanges avec SAV Samsung avec les rapports du téléphone, une suspicion de problème de RAM est évoquée. Envoi en SAV chez Orange, au retour de téléphone problème identique. le problème semble aléatoire. environ 80 redémarrage depuis juin à avril 2024. seul, un moment où le téléphone est posé tranquillement, une seule fois la nuit, quatre ou cinq fois la communication téléphonique a été coupé. je suis en discussions avec Orange pour voir quelle solution est possible.