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Nightmare Watch Active Promotion

(Topic created on: 06-02-2020 12:14 PM)
First Poster

Recently Purchased a Samsung Note 10 Plus 5G phone, and was given a free Watch Active through a Samsung Promotion.

It arrived faulty, and I've been since trying to send it back for around 3 weeks. Anyone else had this issue?


I've made 4 phone calls to Samsung, been passed around from pillar to automated response post, and spent probably an hour and a half on the phone in total. 


I decided to try the online Chat after so much messing around; after 30 minutes of speaking to them and troubleshooting on two occasions; they advised me to call Samsung. ( So on to my 5th phone call ). 


From the final phone call, a member of the Samsung Team sent me a free post label to attach to my parcel. The freepost label literally says two words 'Freepost Promotions'. I queried this via email to the lady who sent it, and consequently sent me a link to the royal mail site explaining that companies can send parcels for free with a choice of their own words on a label. 


Ok great, i thought; took it around to two post offices, that have no idea what it is! 


I'm at a complete loss now and wish i stayed with bloody apple iphone! 


I'm interested to hear if anyone else has been through this process?

First Poster

Same problem. I don't know what do. I have been to 2 different post offices and both have refused to accept this.

Have you managed to sort this out?

Contact 03307261010 and complain. You will speak to a call centre based in the UK 


First Poster

Well, I understand the process better now; the bottom line being, the promotions team are useless! 


Basically; your supposed to send the parcel to the Royal Mail with the label attached 'Freepost Promotions', and they can find out who has sent it back based on the area you dropped it off to. (Apparantly). A word of warning though if you do, do this; you can't get proof of postage with the Royal Mail, and I personally don't like the idea of sending £100's of pounds in the post. 


I ended up asking them to collect via email; but 2 weeks in, and they're still struggling to collect it. I gave clear, and simple instructions to pick it up at my home address on weekends, and work address on a weekday. Well; they only do weekday collections, and they decided to collect from my home address. Also, each time you email them, a different person replies, who has no idea what's going on..... 


It's apparantly now getting collected today (unlikely at this time), or tomorrow. But i shalnt hold my breath. 

I'm just hoping that they still exchange the watch, as it's took me nearly a month now, and the warranty expires after a month, (maybe it's a part of the master plan!). 


Good luck with sending yours back; you're going to need it! 



First Poster

I forgot to add; most small post offices don't have a clue what it is; but the larger ones will send it (but even they don't reccomend sending it this way too). 

First Poster

I would suggest to email the CEO of Samsung. Google Samsung email CEO or just click the link and scroll down to the bottom.