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The Frame Slideshow feature request

(Topic created on: 02-12-2020 09:24 PM)

Hello, I have had The Frame in my living room for a little while now, and I have found that the slideshow desperately needs the following features: 


  • Randomize the Slideshow Sequence - When showing a collection, the sequence always starts at the beginning of the collection. We need to be able to randomize the order in which the art is being shown so that it doesn't always start with the same thing. 


  • Skip to the next picture - During the Slideshow, the ability to skip to the previous or next picture would be highly useful. We should be able to use the currently unassigned Left or Right arrow buttons to do this. Sometimes when viewing, .e.g a curated collection, something will come that is undesireable, or sometimes it can even scary for my children! When this happens, my only recourse is to start the collection over again from the first slide. 


  • Set a default mode for the Mat. I don't like the virtual frames that get put around the pictures. In some cases it looks ridiculous and totally unconvincing. I would like to default the Mat to only fill the whole frame, no digital whitespace around it. Having to set this on a picture by picture basis is not good. If the picture cannot fill the frame, then I do not want to show it. 
133 REPLIES 133

I've given up waiting for Samsung to make any changes, I'm not confident they ever will? Which is really disappointing, as I purchased the Frame TV to display our travel photos and it it just doesn't do the job, we see the first 4 or 5 same photos in the same order everyday and we have a lot of photos on the TV we just never see, random order is the basics.


I think the poor slideshow implementation for photos is deliberate, as Samsung would actually like to sell you the art mode subscriptions model.


I've now purchased a Google Chromecast for the TV, which also has a photo mode, this really defeats the point on purchasing the Frame TV for me, but what can I do?


I won't be rushing back to Samsung for my next TV, they are obviously too big to integrate feedback to into the product development team and for future iterations of their products.


Yeah, if you already own a Frame, get a Fire TV or Chromecast, they will display your own sideloaded pics or artwork beautifully. The physical design of the Frame TV is still gorgeous and quite unique, they just aren't worth the price.


If you don't yet own a Samsung Frame TV and are considering it, as of Nov 2020, please DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT. It lacks basic support for the main feature set it is marketed upon. 


My feature request for slideshow is simple.  IT SHOULD ROTATE THROUGH IMAGES, NOT STAY ON ONLY ONE!!  This is SO frustrating.  Slideshow worked for a couple of weeks, now all it does is go to first image and stay there.  No matter what settings I try, power cycling, app, etc.  Slideshow has simply died.  My slideshow now consists of me manually changing the picture.  Wasted $$$.

First Poster

This is highly frustrating. I just purchased a 55" Frame specifically because of the Art mode.


Finding that these key features are missing was honestly shocking. How could something so basic be overlooked and then not fixed after being pointed out.


I own two other digital displays by Meural. The experience with the meurals has been wonderful. I wish Samsung would work to catch up to Meural in regards to basic functionality.


Now I need to decide if it's worth the hassle of returning the Frame and getting my money back.


Do it!  
For that money you can get an equivalent TV, another Meural, and an amazing bottle of wine to celebrate your effort and good decision!

First Poster

Hello @carlh,


Any updates from the R&D team on this? We’d appreciate a follow up. Just an acknowledgment that R&D is considering developing these features would be great.





Your R&D team apparently ignored everyone. We’re making a reasonable request for a feature so basic that not having it is like a software bug. Can you get back to us with a reply from R&D?


Is there any progress on this? Just seems so obvious (just got my Art TV and searched for randomisation/reordering as I assumed there was a way). Another thing is more mat options in more subtle colours. Thank you


Nothing that I am aware of.


I agree. These are needed features to make the Art Mode worth the money. Can you give us an update please?