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Samsung Q80t eARC issue

(Topic created on: 16-06-2020 11:52 PM)

I recently purchased a Q80t television and a Sonos Arc and am having an issue with the eARC. I have everything in the sound settings set to automatic and when I turn the TV on the sound will come on but then cut away after 5-10 seconds and then keeps happening. 


The only way to remedy this is to turn off and then back on "Dolby Atmos compatibility". Anyone else having this issue with their q80t eARC port.


I am using a hdmi 2.1 cable and have tried 2 other hdmi cables.


Hi - its a workaround, but we should not have to do this. If the product is advertised as having eARC capability, and the soundbar does the same, then this is a technical issue that needs resolving by the mfrs. 

Is a product such as Q85R did not have eARC, then this sounds like a good solution though,

Absolutely agree but my worry is that this will just get kicked into the long grass as too difficult. Interesting that the guys who are developing ARCANA can solve the problems but Samsung and Sonos can't, maybe they should talk to each other.


I think it may well solve the issue for a lot of people, might be appropriate if Sonos and Samsung paid for the solution between them to satisfy the customer need that they sold us. (but have completely failed to deliver)




just spoken to SONOS Support (Xander P) and the following are the quotes from the "Chat"


It does look like there may be some issues arising when the eARC function on the TV is enabled. DD+ is capable of carrying a compressed ATMOS signal, so you should still be able to experience ATMOS from your Arc. In the mean time however there's no fix for this.


I'm not able to give you a solid answer right now unfortunately, however the Arc is known to work with other TVs so my inclination would be that this is a Samsung issue. We are certainly aware of this however and we are reaching out to Samsung in order to get this resolved.


I would expect this to be fixable via a Firmware update, however I can't guarantee this unfortunately.


We are reaching out to Samsung in order to get this issue resolved. Due to the huge number of TV models and manufacturers, issues such as this do sometimes arise - in any case we are looking in to getting it resolved and we are happy to assist any customers which are affected by this issue.


So basically SONOS are blaming Samsung because the ARC works with other TV's. No firm promise of a fix, not very impressed with SONOS at this point as Samsung could be classed as a major supplier of global premium TV's, you would have thought that they would have ensured their premium soundbar would work with the new Samsung Flagship range, but apparently not.


Can't say I'm surprised. And I'll bet Samsung will say other soundbars work fine with their tv. 


I suspect this is a Samsung issue but getting them to even look at it is another matter.

I have emailed both CEO's of Samsung and Sonos as follows:
Dear Patrick/Sang Ho Jo gwi-ha

Apologies for the direct approach, however I must make you aware of a situation with regards to two of your companies top consumer products.

I have been a loyal purchaser of both Samsung and Sonos products for a number of years now, and most recently have purchased your Sonos Arc Soundbar and Samsung Q95T television products.

On receipt of these products, I have noticed a compatibility issue between the two aforementioned products around the eARC connectivity. Simply put, once eARC is enabled on the Samsung device, no sound is transmitted via the Sonos Arc. Once Disabled however, sound is apparent.

From a samsung perspective, I have been issued a second device which has had the same issue, and no further known resolution to fix has been offered with technical advising its not a Samsung issue.
From a Sonos Perspective, the response from technical has been to "confirm that the issue you are experiencing has been raised with the right teams who are looking into it, regarding e-ARC needing to be off to get audio from this TV. We don't have a timescale on a resolution at this time".

From a loyal user, this is far from perfect with no eta to fix, or even a guarantee that it will be fixed and no clear view on where the issue resides, with Samsung or Sonos?

On looking at the Samsung forums, this appears to be an issue not just for myself but for many other users now. The following is one example of feedback from Sonos on the Samsung Forums:

"It does look like there may be some issues arising when the eARC function on the TV is enabled. DD+ is capable of carrying a compressed ATMOS signal, so you should still be able to experience ATMOS from your Arc. In the mean time however there's no fix for this.

I'm not able to give you a solid answer right now unfortunately, however the Arc is known to work with other TVs so my inclination would be that this is a Samsung issue. We are certainly aware of this however and we are reaching out to Samsung in order to get this resolved.

I would expect this to be fixable via a Firmware update, however I can't guarantee this unfortunately.

We are reaching out to Samsung in order to get this issue resolved. Due to the huge number of TV models and manufacturers, issues such as this do sometimes arise - in any case we are looking in to getting it resolved and we are happy to assist any customers which are affected by this issue.

So basically SONOS are blaming Samsung because the ARC works with other TV's. No firm promise of a fix, not very impressed with SONOS at this point as Samsung could be classed as a major supplier of global premium TV's, you would have thought that they would have ensured their premium soundbar would work with the new Samsung Flagship range, but apparently not."

So my ask is simple - please can your organisations work together to resolve this issue as opposed to the blame culture that has been our experience - Many users have purchased both devices on the strength of this eARC capability, and this is clearly advertised as a function of your devices.
My retailer in the UK is on standby to take these products back if we can't get to a resolution which would be a major disappointment so I hope you can find a solution to this issue for me.

Lets see what I get back.....

Well summarized, was it easy to find their contact details?


Yes, and the response is as follows:

"I am contacting in response to your recent communication received to the CEO of Samsung UK. I am sorry to learn of the challenges you have faced with connection of your Samsung television and Sonos sound bar.


While our department is not technically trained, following receipt of your email I have reached out to our AV head technicians to request their comment. They have reviewed your concerns and note that the response you have received from Sonos appears to be that they are aware of this issue and are investigating, while regrettably not having a timescale for solution. Our AV department has given assurance that this issue has not been reported by customers using Samsung sound bars with this television, and so trust that Sonos will continue to investigate and take steps to improve their product compatibility.


We appreciate you taking the time to raise this with us, and while our AV department have taken your comments under review, as above this does not appear to be an issue affecting compatibility through Samsung devices. "


So back to Sonos....


This is really strange. Both products seem to be compatible with everything else apart from each other.


Given the market share that Samsung have with their tv I do feel that it is for Sonos to find a fix. The sales lost by not resolving it and sales gained by doing so should make it a no-brainer for them.