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HDMI1 no display on 4K Samsung UE55KU6172

(Topic created on: 30-03-2020 01:18 AM)
First Poster

Hi guys!

I have this problem I tried a whole day solving, googling but nothing helped. I think it is unresolvable, but here goes:

I have PC connected to 1080p monitor via HDMI and also to 4K Samsung 55" TV via HDMI.

The TV has 3 HDMI sockets.
On socket 2 and 3 I can set resolution in desktop to 4K@60Hz and it works great. In games, I can play even up to 4K, however when comparing it to 1080p, it feels "choppy" so I suspect the refresh rate is only 30HZ on the 4K resolution. TO fix that, I read I should use the HDMI1 socket and that is where the problem starts.

When I use the HDMI1 socket, I get a black screen. I tried to connect both the monitor and the TV and I got black screen on both. So in TV settings I turned HDMI UHD COLOR OFF and now I got display at least on the monitor! So using extended display, I tried changing the resolution on the TV to 1080p and voila, I got screen - but only 1080P. When I changed it to ANYTHING higher than this, I got black screen again. Also when I enabled HDMI UHD COLOR again, it turned black too...

So my question is - what should I do? - How to get it working? I can play 4K 30hz but that just bleeds my eyes and makes my eyes/head hurt soon and is not pleasant in general.
Or I can play 1080p but then why do I have a 4K TV...? I just dont understand why using the HDMI2/3 sockets, I can set it to 4K 60HZ in WIndows, but in Games it is stuck with 30HZ?
And why does the HDMI1 socket behave thsi way?

Thanks to anyone who was willing to read it! 


Hi George.


If you're using a PC for gaming I assume you're somewhat technically minded. I've had a similar issue with games chosing their own refresh rate despite not being what the desktop is set to.


When the PC scans the TV it will store the EDID (Extended Display Information Data) which will have a list of all possible resolutions. You could try using CRU (Custom Resolution Utility) by ToastyX to edit the EDID and remove 4K30 so your game won't try to use it.

First Poster

Hi pal! 

Thanks a lot for the answer, I will try it probably tomorrow! 

First Poster

Dude !!!!! 


I think it works!!!! I will still have to check it tomorrow in more detail, if it really works, but it seems it does!! 


I almost gave up hope because I couldnt find a solution ANYWHERE! and so many people had the same issue and without a solution!!!! 



Cool. Let us know if it worked or not.
First Poster

Hi again!


I just wanted to let You know that it worked like a charm! Really thanks for the tip!! and I don't want to be ungrateful, because this already helped me a ton - I can now use the 4k @ 60hz... but - when I tried changing it to 1440P - 2560x1440 I think, at 60hz, the TV goes off, saying something like "the resolution is not supported, blablabla" - is it possible that a TV can only support the 4K resolutions and not the 1440p...? It is this model: Samsung UE55KU6172

And one last thing - I can use the HDMI 2+3 ports now for the 4K/60Hz, but still the HDMI 1 port doesnt work (which seems to have some nice features like HDR etc...) - would You have any opinion on that?


Even if no, thank You very much for the gadget tip! 🙂


Best regards,



Hi George. 


Had to look up the manual for the TV


I did have a look, supported resolutions start on page 108. Doesn't look like your TV supports 1440p, jumps from 1080p to 4K with nothing in between.


As for HDR, I'm not sure how it would be on your TV and it's not in the manual but on mine I can go to Settings > General > External Device Manager > HDMI UHD Color to enable HDR on an input.


I will say that I actually have this disabled as my PC is connected to the TV through the soundbar first and it couldn't get it to work otherwise. That being said, I've tested it with some HDR movies and games (like the new Resident Evil 3) and when they are outputting HDR and you check picture info on your TV (again, not sure how this is done on yours but I just press the middle button) it will tell you what resolution/refresh rate your are running and will say HDR is on. This is despite HDR not being enabled on Windows 10 desktop.


Hope this helps.

First Poster

Hi! And sorry for the late response again! Btw, You have some patience to stick with me! :face-with-tears-of-joy: 


It seems You are right - the TV probably just doesnt support it so it wont even work with this resolution...? I added it in the custom resolution utility but didnt work anyway - nevermind then.


Re- the HDR - yes I have the same setting. BUT - it is only on HDMI 1 port, it is colored yellow on the back of the TV, unlike the HDM2+3 that are not so labeled. I normally work on the HDMI2 but only the HDMI1 has the "HDMI UHD color" - the others dont... 


I tried to tinker with it a bit more and I managed to get display on the TV when I set the resolution on my MONITOR to 1080p, then I "extended" the picture to the TV too - with this setting I could get any picture at all. Other resolutions just dont do anything - TV is blank. Also, when I enable the HDMI UHD COLOR during this setup, TV goes blank again....


If YOu still find the time/patience to think about this, thank You very much, otherwise I understand if You dont want to deal with it anymore - maybe it just wont work. 


You helped me a great deal with the CRU anyway! as I can now at least get the 60hz at 4K ! :smiling-face:


So huge thanks from my side. Stay safe and healthy!



Hi George. It's no worries. I like helping people with stuff.


I've not read the whole manual as it's 117 pages long and a lot of it won't be relevant. I've copied this part that pertains to the HDR though. 


" If you set the HDMI connector to On, the TV turns off and then on automatically.
" For the SUHD models, each HDMI connection can be individually optimized for HDMI UHD Color. For the
UHD models, make sure to connect to the HDMI IN 1 port of the TV.
" When you connect the TV to the external device that supports only UHD 24 or 30 Hz frequency or any FHD
frequency, the HDMI UHD Color function may not be available. In this case, set HDMI UHD Color to Off.
" The HDMI connector with HDMI UHD Color set to Off supports up to UHD 50P/60P 4:2:0 input signals,
while the HDMI connector with HDMI UHD Color set to On supports up to UHD 50P/60P 4:4:4 and 4:2:2
input signals. For more information, refer to "Supported Resolutions for each of UHD Input Signals".


So obviously the HDR is only applicable for HDMI 1 on your TV. That connection is capable of doing 4K60 with HDR turned on or off though. I've learned recently that things are never that bloody simple with TV's.


I really don't know what else to try I'm afraid. Possibly have your monitor disconnected while you're doing it? 


This may seem like a bit of a tangent but my TV supports 4K60 and having UHD Color on but only when I'm connected directly to the TV. It doesn't make sense to me that having it enabled when I'm connecting through my soundbar (which according to the manual supports 4K60 HDR passthrough and is also a Samsung) resulted in a black screen. When I was testing that I had one cable going to the TV and another through the soundbar. I had them both set at 4K60 in Windows and HDR enabled in the desktop. The one connected to the TV worked fine. The one connected to the soundbar said unsupported resolution. Didn't make any ***** sense and that when I ended up disabling UHD Color on the TV.  


At the end of the day, HDR is alright but it's not the be all and end all. If you can get the TV to display at 4K60 then it might be worth saving yourself the trouble until some day in the future you decide to go for a new TV. Things like eARC are coming out with HDMI 2.1 in this years models and onward that should get rid of a lot of the issues people have getting their TV's to perform as they expect. 


Again, this isn't related to your issue, but since connecting my TV through my soundbar I ran into the issue that the soundbar turns off if theres not audio played after 15 minutes. This tend to happen a lot, like when I'm writing posts on here! When the soundbar turns off, I also lose picture to the TV. Samsung have no way of disabling this. I discovered that I could set an recording device on my PC, that's not actually connected to anything, to always be "listening". Basically sending a silent audio signal tricking the soundbar to stay on. Talk about jumping through hoops! This is one of the many things that eARC should solve in the future, as the only reason I connect through my soundbar is cause there's a sound delay going PC > TV > Soundbar which eARC will get rid of apparently.


All the best dude.

First Poster

Hello buddy and sorry again for the late reply, 


thanks a lot for the HDMI UHD info - I will try to tinker with it some more, but as I said, I am fine with the TV working at 4K 60hz, that was my biggest issue 🙂 It seems when I run for example assassins creed odyssey, I can turn HDR on ingame anyway - so I dont understand it at all 🙂 I just cant turn on the HDMI UHD color for the HDMI 2 and 3 slots... so I guess I will leave it as it is. 


Regarding Your issue - seems like sometimes it is just lots of magic involved to make things work 😄 I am afraid I am not able to help You like You helped me - I have a soundbar but don't send image through it to the TV, that seems too high level to me 😄 


Btw last question - I bought a monitor now, capable of doing HDR, but I tried to set it up and in games it seems terrible. Extremely bright, hurting my eyes and if I set it lower the image seems ... blah. Is HDR just not worth it today and should I rather get a cheaper monitor without HDR? Thx if You have any thoughts regarding this.


But to conclude - THANKS A LOT again 🙂 the CRU helped me a ton!

Have a nice week and stay healthy!!
