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Samsung trade in is a horrible mess and a sham!

(Topic created on: 22-04-2022 12:16 PM)

So sit down, gather around let me tell you the story of how bad of an morning I'm having right now.


So it started a few days ago, got charged £570 from Samsung to my bank with no warning or email etc, which obviously made me think it was a scam so I thought nothing of it and declined it telling my bank, the next day though just in case I emailed Samsung which has been absolutely an awful experience.


Fast forward to last night my mum about to go home after doing my medical routine for the night and I've woken up from a nap to find out my device has been locked due to failing to complete a purchase, now at this point I'm utterly confused as to why this dumb situation is happening so I obviously call Samsung support where I talked to a lovely lady who was very confused and told me that Samsung shouldn't take a payment out of my account and lock my phone without prior notice via an email with the surcharge amount and how to pay, so we went on a wild goose chase unfortunately none of the departments shockenly helped and said it wasn't there issue just no help at all so this poor lady kept apologizeing, in the end she managed to find the trade in email which is impossible to find along with the number.

So I sent an email last night and went to bed, this morning I called the trade in people but apparently they only receive and inspect but don't lock the phones the people who do work at home and only respond via email! but she told me that my devices are still being processed so there shouldn't of been a reason to lock me out of my phone yet nor charge me!!! So I ended up having to send another email with the updated details like my IEMI and the passkey because no one previously nor online told me I had to do that. So now I'm waiting for some person who's not even seen my device's etc to review my email and get back to me but I honestly don't have high hopes and feel pretty disgusted by this whole situation.


Let me explain additionally that I'm extremely disabled (I won't go too deeply but I have stage 4 liver and bowel failure and stage 2 kidney failure along with a load of other health issues that can be very bad ) and have life threating conditions, I have obviously a multitude of beacons and devices to help me but my number one device is my phone as it's something I carry with me 24/7 on my phone I have home built and specialist apps that can with a press ping my surgeon, my family and the emergency services to there code recovers yunno the little box thingies that shows text on them. 

Not only that but because I have no phone my mum's had to take time off work to be around me just in case.

So it's no joke to say that without my phone it could be fatal for me, I know it's ridiculous but I have no back up phones because frankly with the whole situation these past few months money's not been amazing and this new Samsung phone was a gift from a very good friend of mine because frankly while I'm very upset with Samsung I've never had a issue with there products funnily enough and has lasted my falls, trips, being run over by a wheelchair(older phones not the one I traded in lmao) etc etc, also it has to be a smartphone and I refuse to buy a new phone in the 300£ range just because Samsung messed up why should I have to spend what little money I have left which I can even put the heating on btw on a new phone I don't have that luxury

Anyways what I'm trying to say is the fact that Samsung has done this with no prior warning via any of the noted methods of delivery and have never once even in the past 4 days or so contacted me about why I missed the payment or telling me about why my phone was locked has put me in a horrible situation this all could of been sorted with a prior WARNING OR NOTICE but honestly at this stage my trust with them I doubt they'd care if I'm a very bad position.


I can feel the venting stress come off my shoulders, sorry it's a long winded and rant filled anger post but I'm sick and tired of being treated like trash by Samsung these past couple months with the amount of ***** they've pulled with me on yer this isn't the only thing that happened this month!

Anyway hope some can get a semi laugh out of my crappy situation or relate to my situation atleast, thanks for reading this novel lmao.




~Me and Samsung are in a love hate's kinda messy though!~
Helping Hand
That's well odd, I had an issue with them having an issue with the trade in, and they sent me a email stating I owed money, with a sage pay now link. It's straight up disgusting that they have done this to you.

Send a formal complaint to Samsung social media team, they will send on to relevant team.

Also, I got a cheap xiaomi phone when my Samsung was faulty, paid 53 for it on a misprice but would of been 109 otherwise, and usually 200, xiaomi do some great prices, this may tide you over til this is rectified.

Yer just no letter, email nothing at all to tell me what I owed just went straight to taking money from me! I've already filed multiple complaints but shockingly they've been ignored of course I might take it to the newspaper since I know some people in some good job position who would love to hear this but I'll give Samsung another day to sort this!

Yer, the thing is even if I brought a phone now the only way to set-up and transfer all my medical beacons etc I need the other phone to be able to transfer but obviously I can't because it's locked but when I'm not being broke I'll definitely look into another phone once this one eggs unlocked.

It's honestly just distrusting the route they've taken and feels like one big scam to me I'm tired and upset and I have enough problems to deal with let alone this I just want it done over with quickly I'll probably sell my devices elsewhere instead of trade in next time because I can't trust this not to happen again!

~Me and Samsung are in a love hate's kinda messy though!~

Also thanks for the advice I appreciate it.

~Me and Samsung are in a love hate's kinda messy though!~
Samsung Members Star ★★

Hi @Jakku  Sorry to hear of your experience which falls short of the standard expected and no payment should have been taken  or phone locked without prior knowledge.  sorry to hear of your medical issues  and obviously in your case having a working device is of paramount importance, just hope there is a resolution shortly. perhaps you can get a backup meantime.

I do not work for Samsung or make Samsung Products but provide independent advice and valuable contributions.

First Poster
Hi, My IMEI was locked since I cancelled my trade in deal few days ago. And now I want to buy another phone but wasn't able to reuse the old phone IMEI. Can you help please?

The current situation has been resolved, though still waiting for my device to be unlocked! No apology or anything from the trade in team despite it being there fault that they didn't check my parcel for the other device (they thought I never sent it despite it being mentioned both devices for trade in where sent together!)

So her it's been resolved just now wondering how long it'll take to get my phone unlocked again!

~Me and Samsung are in a love hate's kinda messy though!~

Yer uh nothing I can do for you, you need to get in touch with either customer support or trade in, I'd go through the live chat system first and talk to a agent.

If you cancelled your IMEI then you'll either have to pay the full amount for the new phone or send the new phone back since you ended up not sending in your trade in device.

~Me and Samsung are in a love hate's kinda messy though!~

I just don't how they can get away with trying to take away money from me with no warning or explanation and without my permission and then lock my device again with no explanation or warning and act like it's my fault and giving no apology what's so ever.

I had to figure it out myself that they had failed to realize that the second device was in the same packaging it's just mind blowing and feels like I'm dealing with a loan shark or best collector no empathy or anything felt like talking to a robot.


I will be writing a formal complaint and getting in touch with a few people once the situation has been fully dealt with aka when my device gets unlocked and my trade in has been processed just in case there another mess up which honestly I'm not going to be surprised if there is ugh, just really disgusted at there behaviour.

Also I explained the issues of getting a backup at the current moment because I'm very low on funds and I need my current device to transfer all the apps etc to the backup so I can only setup a backup when my current device is unlocked by Samsung, just don't have the money to waste on a backup currently just because a company can't deal with there own faults.

~Me and Samsung are in a love hate's kinda messy though!~

While I appreciate the great offer, you shouldn't offer such nice gifts to strangers on the internet haha, keep it for yourself I've just had a family member offer there old phone to me anyways but again I really do appreciate the sincerity you've spoken I hope you'll have a good rest of the year.

~Me and Samsung are in a love hate's kinda messy though!~