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Here's how to correct the distortion caused by Wide Angle and Ultra Wide Angle lenses !

(Topic created on: 18-08-2023 07:20 PM)
Samsung Members Star ★★★

Part 1 of 2 (This is a translation) To see pictures in full screen mode, just click on them !

I decide to wrote this article after reading this one  wrote by @Libb on :Mobile photo: optical defects and how to deal with them 

When you have a distortion problem*** caused by one of the Wide Angle or Ultra Wide Angle lenses and you want to correct this distortion on your photo, you have to play with the perspective corrector available in your Samsung editor.

Remember this, if you have distorsion, it's often because you're too close to the subjects, so step back a little bit more when you can !

For a better visualization and to see all the pictures, open this link in your favorite browser : 

Do you remember this great photo sent by @GéantVert? Did you know that below 35mm, lenses can cause distortion in your photos?

What is distortion will you tell me… Distortion is when the subjects you photograph do not correspond to reality and they seem distorted by having the effect of curving inwards or outside rather than standing straight as in reality.

I admit that the photo that struck me the most in terms of distortion is the photo of @GéantVert who put this photo in the Galaxy Gallery of Samsung France. Here is his beautiful photo:


To the untrained eye, you might tell yourself that everything you see in the photo is just normal and that's where you're wrong. Have you noticed that the lampposts or the shrub to your left lean towards the center instead of being straight? 

So leaning towards the center implies that the center itself is thus crushed. This is a normal phenomenon* on the majority of lenses under 35mm which correspond to Wide Angle OR Very Wide Angle on your camera. On your S23 Ultra, you will have a 24mm (wide) lens, which corresponds to the Wide Angle and you will have a 13mm, 120˚ (ultra wide) lens which corresponds to the Ultra Wide Angle!

Some lenses cause the streetlights to lean outwards rather than towards the center as can be seen on the French  Digital website:

There are very few lenses under 35mm that don't cause any distortion ...

Can the distortion made by Wide Angle and Ultra Wide Angle lenses be corrected? The answer may be YES, it all depends on whether the distortion is horizontal or vertical, it can be corrected… On the other hand, if you have the 2 different types of distortion on the same photo, it will be practically impossible for you to make a good correction.

So I'm going to show you where to go to correct this distortion with the Samsung editor: By clicking on the perspective icon shown by an arrow, you will be able to correct the distortion caused by lenses less than 35mm.



You will have to play with the horizontal and vertical perspective until you're satisfied and here are my adjustments. 




and here is the final result obtained. It's not quite perfect as you can't go beyond 45 degrees with the Samsung editor...but at least, you can do it in two times and now you know where the settings are to change perspective issues on your photos in the Samsung publisher. If you weant to see better if you're OK, you can open the Samsung Editor on your computer with Samsung Dex...

If you use other photo-editing apps, here are some results I was able to get with Google's Snapseed (free), Samsung Editor, and Adobe Photoshop Elements. It is also possible to correct this distortion in Lightroom  and Alex_Mn could show you where..


Original photo taken by  @GéantVert 


Samsung Editor 


Snapseed de Google (free)


Adobe Photoshop Elements


As you can see from this screenshot, I had a little problem with Adobe Photoshop Elements trying to fix the various perspective issues and had to rebuild it in the bottom right corner of the image. I don't have this problem with Samsung's Editor.




This photo is different from the version shown in the painting because I wanted to keep the lamp post leg complete. Tell me which one you prefer... (I know i probably have a 1 degree mistake but you can understand.

*** To avoid distortion, step back as much as you can and try to avoid people or subjects you are photographing at the edges of the photo, otherwise it is best to exclude them by doing a photo crop.

The Ultra Wide Angle is mainly used for landscapes that are far away or to take a photo in a cramped place where you try to fit everything into the frame and sometimes you get away with changing the format of the photo.

(Example changing 4:3 to 16:9 or full.)

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Samsung Members Star ★★★

Part 2 of 2 (examples). 

To see pictures in full screen mode, just click on them !

Hello everyone. As promised here are some pictures that I tried to correct the distortion caused by the Wide Angle and Ultra Wide Angle lenses and I was really surprised with the result. (to see full-screen photos, click on them)  or open this link in your favorite Browser.

I tested 3 apps to see which was the best and easiest to understand for correcting the distortion but first I have to tell you that  @Derbi   did a great job erasing 1 panel that was on the original photo that is here :


Original photo uncorrected distortion


Sign erased effectively, distortion uncorrected


Screenshot, distortion corrected Photoshop Elements


When  @Derbi   sent me the original, I didn't want to waste time erasing the sign with the 3 apps used. So here is the result:


DXO ViewPoint 4 * Read the notice at the end


Photoshop Elements 2022, maybe 1 degree off mistake


Samsung Editor 


Surprisingly, the most effective app for correcting Wide Angle distortion and the easiest to understand is Samsung's Editor  AGAIN which only took me 5 seconds to achieve this wonderful result. The Samsung Editor is really friendly users.

In addition, it is the one that keeps the most detail on the edges of the photo. Other apps crop the photo causing us to lose some detail.

Unfortunately, the photo taken in Ultra Wide Angle by  20ce  cannot be corrected despite my attempt with the 3 applications and yet, DXO ViewPoint 4 is a professional application. DXO ViewPoint4 who bother to tell me that none of their optical modules can correct the photo. ( Read the text at the top right of the screenshot).


Ultra Wide Angle


Too much distorsion, impossible to remove distorsion


In this specific case, it is better to crop the image than I straightened

first and cropped to remove the photographer's shading


* Notice: DXO ViewPoint 4 asks for the original photo to maximize their work but for them, the original photo is a RAW photo. It does not recognize a .JPG photo as being an original photo, which in my opinion is quite bizarre, not to say ridiculous...

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