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A letter to Samsung

(Tópico criado em: 13-12-2018 12:15 AM)
482 Apresentações

My name is Bruno I'm from Portugal and I've been using Samsung products since I remember. I have a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a brand new Samsung washing machine, you name it. 

I buy Samsung products not because I just want to buy products from Samsung or some sort of a fanboy, no! I purchased them because of most of the times they offer me good quality and features at a reasonable price. I like to think that "Samsung is a good brand!"

But honestly, I'm a big fan of the Galaxy S Line phones so I have been using since the original Samsung Galaxy S was released, I purchased a Galaxy S2 on day one, a Galaxy S3 as soon it was released, a Galaxy S4, a Galaxy S5, then they started to a get a little expensive so I usually wait for a new model released. That was what I did with Galaxy S8, I purchased one last weekend. 

Because it uses a Nano Simcard only yesterday I had the chance to get it out of the box and put a brand new Simcard from my carrier. I purchased a transparent silicone case from a local store and I spent a happy day with my brand new Samsung Galaxy S8. 

I don't know about you guys, (actually, I don't even know who is going to read this, or where I'm going to put this lines) but a phone for me it´s not like just another object like a vacuum cleaner, or washing machine. No, not for me. A phone is like an extension from my self. Is where I put a lot of personal things, I build a relationship with my phone and I'm pretty sure that I am not alone in this. You are reading this right now and you probably have your phone with you in your pocket or in your desk close to you, right? We need them close! Especially on the first days. It's like dating with someone, you need to know each other to understand each other, that kind of things. 

Today is a sad day for me! 

After I spent a pleasant day with my new phone, it was time to bed. I completely fall asleep trying to catch up all the nice features of my brand new Galaxy S8. There´s still so much to discover after all. 

So I put on charging but I was so tired that I completely fall asleep and I didn't catch-up anything. 

Today when I wake up and I was trying to see what time it was like I always do on my phones, I was completely petrified, I just noticed that my phone was on the floor with a broken glass. 

The affected area it's not too big but honestly, I can't stand to look at phone right now. My heart is also broke. It was supposed to be my Christmas gift, for myself... 

One single day, one single charge, one single drop! And that's it! You have a broken old phone. 

I may be one of the unluckiest persons in the world but I can assure you that my bed by far it´s not that high. 

You can argue that it's not about the high but the way it falls down, and this things happen to a lot of people and all, but come on guys, my phone was with a case on and my bed is a "near the floor bed"! What kinda glass you are using? Gorilla Glass? Really!? Scratches are not everything you know... 

What about Infinity Display? I really love it but honestly, there's a lot of people complaining about this on youtube. Probably I should have listened to them because I don't think it worth to spend so much money on a phone with such fragile components. After all, we are still talking on a high-end model, it was what you guys have made best last year, am I right? I trust you when I purchased your phones, I trust you when I purchased this one and whats even worts I don't have money now to spent another 50 of his value to fix the glass. 

I know, I know, you guys are now very busy with the February event, I used to get very excited also seeing a lot of youtube videos about leaks and rumors about the new releases, etc., After all, it was supposed to be my future phone... Unfortunately, something happened. 

My phone was not the only thing broked on that 11 inches micro-drop you know. 

Time to say goodbye 

Honestly, as I'm writing this lines I just noticed that this may sound that I'm begging for some sort of fix but I'm not. I just want somehow minimize my deception and my frustration. I just needed to put this lines somewhere. 

I won't lie to you. At the bottom of my heart, there's still a sparkle of hope that someone out there, somehow reading these lines reply me with a "don't worry man, we've got you covered!"

But at the end of the day I know I have more chances of breaking a phone on the first charge than this will be happening. 

So, everything's ok now, we don't know each other but I fell like I need to thank you for reading this and for helping me to pull off this from my chest. 

And maybe this is just a nightmare and I'm still on my bed sleeping with my brand new S8 charging on my bedside table. 

Anyways, anyhow... 
Thank You and goodbye!


4 Respostas

Hello @bmue,


Welcome to the Samsung Community :thumbs-up-sign-emoji-modifier-fitzpatrick-type:!

Thank you for your preference and for being a loyal fan. Therefore, I am sad to hear about your recent experience with your smartphone.
Be assured that your feedback is appreciated, as Samsung thrives for constant improvement.
You may read here more information regarding Samsung's Warranty Policy and if you would like your equipment to be analyzed and repaired, you may contact an Authorized Support Centre. There is also a Samsung Support Line available for you (808 207 267).


Queremos conhecer-te. Diz "Olá" à Comunidade aqui Smiley feliz.



Olá @DanielaS,


Foi a primeira coisa que fiz, foi ler e informar-me através do numero que me indicas.


Confesso que na altura nem sabia muito bem o que fazer porque nunca tinha partido o vidro de um telemóvel. Todos os Galaxy S que tive foram varias vezes ao chão, de sítios muitíssimos mais altos e nunca tive problemas.


Infelizmente não creio que a Samsung venha a assumir qualquer responsabilidade na fragilidade dos vidros Infinity Display mas bastou uma procura rápida no Google para encontrar inúmeros relatos de pessoas que lhes aconteceu a mesma coisa em quedas de 30/40 cm.


E para quem não acredita e pensa que isto de “cair de mesinhas de cabeceira” só acontece aos mais desastrados basta ir estalando a unha ligeiramente pelo ecrã dum Galaxy S8 que irá perceber de imediato do que se fala. Se a isto adicionarmos o facto do próprio design do ecrã, devido à curvatura do vidro, ocupar um pouco mais de área do telemóvel, temos mistura perfeita. É como as fatias de pão com manteiga, quando caem a manteiga ***** sempre voltada para o chão. Felizmente as fatias de pão não custam centenas de euros, mesmo com manteiga.


Mas enfim, é como digo ali na carta, por um minuto ou dois ainda tive esperança que alguém me dissesse algo do tipo:


“… A  Samsung, em casos especiais pode resolver-te o problema sem teres de gastar uma fortuna igual ao valor do telemóvel…”


Só depois é que percebi, que se calhar ainda não tinha acordado e ainda estaria sonhar, porque o meu caso em particular não tinha nada de especial e já aconteceu (e irá continuar a acontecer) a muito boa gente por ai fora.


Agora que olho para trás, 10 dias depois de sucedido, continua a ser muito difícil olhar pra ele mas resolvi não o vender e ate já tirei o anuncio, porque assim, cada vez que olhar para ele irei lembra-me que "Topo de Gama" pode variar muito de marca para marca e gastar uma pequena fortuna numa coisa que se pode partir tão facilmente mesmo com capa, realmente não compensa o risco.




A samsung não cobre a quebra em garantia. Para os telemóveis partidos existem os seguros.
Mas percebo perfeitamente o ponto de vista, o telemóvel é caro, a queda foi pequena, já comprou muitos aparelhos da marca. Espero que lhe possam fazer um gesto.

Si j'ai pu vous aider, n'oubliez pas de valider ma réponse comme solution. Merci.
Helping Hand

Olá Pessoal, Olá Samsung... Pois é, não acreditem em milagres. Gostamos da Marca, gostamos dos nossos "aparelhos" mas, quem compra um/uma máquina Samsumg (bem como outras marcas internacionais) não fazem nada por ninguém, em particular ou por um cliente em geral. Ou seja, a filosofia que está na base de um negócio, seja ele qual for é, a venda de produtos para atingir o lucro. Isso leva a que a Marca ao ser confrontada com uma situação, a tendência lógica é descartar-se e arranjar a velha desculpa: "isso não é com a marca, deveria ter comprado com seguro, não cobrimos esses problemas". Mais um argumento pessoal: O preço que o consumidor paga pelos equipamentos é de tal maneira elevado que só mesmo esta sociedade de consumo (e contra mim escrevo) desafia a compra dos equipamentos. Vejam-se as várias marcas que colocam no mercado telemóveis topo de gama e às vezes com diferenças de preço na ordem dos 150 a 200 €. Bom, acabo este texto com a seguinte história que não tem nada a ver com o que escrevi anteriormente mas que me indignou em parte: Hoje, dia 26-01-2019 fui a uma superfície comercial que vende telemóveis (até lá comprei o meu A7 2018) e o equipamento (ok, estava em promoção) estava marcado por 300 €. O certo é que à 4 meses atrás o mesmo custou 360 €. 4 meses 60 €... Pergunto? É justo? É na minha ideia, uma injustiça... Uma chatice as desvalorizações... E mais não escrevo...

Joaquim Francisco
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