06-03-2024 08:43 PM
Hello everyone, it's only been 2 week since I got my hands on my brand new pre-ordered s24 ultra and I'm already in for a treat.
So, last Sunday everything was good but after March 4th update ( it could be a different reason) , whenever I switch to ultrawide angle my camera gives camera error or lags. I sometime see rgb lines going across all the screen while changing zoom from 1x to 0.6x.
On reddit, there is an issue similar to changing 3x to 5x .
I don't know what to do. I really don't want the support to open this one so early.
06-03-2024 09:17 PM
06-03-2024 09:31 PM
The problem is my camera is working fine except when I switch to ultrawide and that's why it's not showing in diagnostic. Thanks though. Do u know how can I ask for replacement
08-02-2025 02:32 PM
من هم این مشکل را دارم آیا با آپدیت وان یو ای ۷ درست میشود
08-02-2025 02:33 PM
آیا مشکل شما حل شده است چیکار کردید مرا راهنمایی کنید