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S24 plus is the goat!

(Topic created on: 14-02-2024 04:58 PM)
I traded in my s23 ultra for the s24 plus and I am so impressed with this phone. I have the exynos version here in the UK and the phone is running flawlessly and the battery life is great. I hope people let the past be the past and embrace this new exynos chip..

I have always thought to myself hhmm inwish i coupd blend bits from one ui with bits from ios and finally my ideal phone is here. First of all let me clarify I have always always used android devices. I did try ios with the 13 pro max as my first ever iPhone before switching back to the s23 ultra. I have always liked the hardware and certain design choices of ios but I can't get along with using the os and the restrictiveness of it. The s24 plus is like having the best of both worlds in your pocket. The design of the phone is almost identical, but I actually think better than the iPhone. I much prefer the rounded corners to the box square shape of the s23 ultra. 

The things that have really impressed me with the s24 plus and one ui 6.1.... for a lot of people other than the ai features, this is being considered a minor update, but I totally disagree. Samsung have absolutely refined the os to near perfect now. With my s23 ultra and one ui 6.0 the animations were better but still laggy and not perfectly smooth. In particular the swipe up to go home animation could be very janky and have a delay when going home from the swipe gesture. The animations are now so smooth I would argue as smooth or smoother than ios. They have added a little touch reminisent of ios with the wallpaper slightly zooming out when you swipe up to go home which is a nice touch and makes a big difference to the animation which I'm sure wasn't there before in 6.0 or previous. Again something taken from ios which adds a nice touch.

They have also added the ios like widgets to the lockscreen which again was a design I liked from ios which has now been brought over which I personally appreciate.

The homescreen widgets such as weather with the nice animation... the calendar widget... gallery widget... all copying each other between ios and one ui but they look great and I prefer them to ios version of the widgets. The fact the widgets are stackable all great touches which is another example of the two companies taking inspiration from each other but is a win for the consumer.

The screen now matches the same standard as the ultra model and actually has a better ppi than the ultra due to its slightly smaller screen which is great and much needed.

The cameras are great. The 50mp main camera is in line with the rest of the industry and is more than enough. I have a mirrorless Sony camera a7 iii which shoots at less mega pixels. I can't think of a time I have ever thought to myself oh I need to zoom in 10x plus to get a picture of that wayyyy in the distance. Some people might but it's never been used for me so I don't need that.
The 200mp camera of the ultra by default bins to 12mp anyway so unless you are taking a specific shot where you need those extra pixels for the much larger file size you will never take full advantage of it. 
I rarely use the spen of the ultra so again that will not be missed by me personally.

The s24 plus is the perfect phone and samsung have done a great job and you can see they are really working on improving. I could carry on and on about the improved rollout time of android 14 or the great eco system samsung have compared to Apple but I'll stick to the point of the phone. 

Well done samsung and keep pushing the envelope and refining. Samsung are in a good place right now and definitely heading in the right direction. 

If you made it to the end well done and thanks for reading my opinion of the s24 plus. 

@Wastedagen: For peace of mind, you cam improve GPS/Location accuracy on the S24+ by heading to Settings > Location > Location services > Google Location Accuracy (On) > Wi-Fi scanning (On) > Bluetooth scanning (On). 

While some customers were initially unhappy with the vibrancy of the display on the S24 Ultra, an update was rolled out to introduce a 'Vividness' slider in Display > Advanced settings, allowing you to adjust the display to your preference. I hope this helps.