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Wifi keeps turning off automatically

(Topic created on: 14-07-2024 11:14 PM)

Smart Wifi features all turned off, router configured properly, it only happens with my Samsung phone and while I am casting to a Samsung TV. I am not on an unlimited plan and it has cost me a small sum of money already. Casting has tons of it's own issues. I paid €1400 for this phone and it's the buggiest I ever had by a long shot. If I create a routine, alarms will stop working randomly. 

My Galaxy Watch? It always shows that stupid media player overlay and I always have to dismiss it. It will only turn on the screen while I am moving my wrist to my face around 3/10 times. 

The only things which work flawlessly are my buds.

There are so many problems with Samsung software and frankly, I am sick and tired of it. I am sick and tired of this phone not working when I need it to. I am sick and tired of paying premium price that rivals iPhones and receiving a fraction of the reliability and stability of Apple software. I am sick and tired of being abused as a beta tester essentially. I am just sick and tired of Samsung's BS.

I know that there are no people from Samsung who will ever read this and if there was an easy to reach channel, I would vent there. But I need to get this off my chest or I will throw this ***** Samsung phone through my ***** Samsung TV and beat the remains with my ***** Samsung watch.

Sell it, find another manufacturer and don't look back. I hear Apple products are nice this time of year. Not sure if this post was a cry for help or a general rant about the multi-trillion dollar company that make the phone you're using. But if you don't like it, get rid of it.
Samsung Members Star ★★

Hi @LeonidasFettiku 

I'm sorry to hear of the issues you are experiencing with some of the phone's features. 

If you perform a forum search you should find existing threads with some further help within.  

To send feedback directly to Samsung please use the Samsung Members App. 

What method are you using to cast to your Tv. 

There are inbuilt methods and various apps in the Playstore to use. 

My Samsung Watch⁴ Classic and Watch⁶ Classic work 99% of the time when I turn my wrist to wake the screen.

Perhaps reset the watch. 

If i can be of any further help please don't hesitate to ask  😎 

Daily Driver > Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512Gb ~ Titanium Black.

The advice I offer is my own and does not represent Samsung’s position.
I'm here to help. " This is the way. "

Tourbillon De La Vie
Samsung Members Star ★

Settings that need to be checked and tweaked on both your phone and watch to make it work as you expect. Whichever brand owned