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Very bad quality sound when video recording on Samsung A14

(Topic created on: 09-10-2023 08:31 PM)
Just got an A14 and sound is very tinny and distorted when videoing guitar playlng. Never had this problem on earlier Samsungs. The sound is mushy as though some special effect is turned on. Voice sounds weird too, degraded somehow. But when I record sound only on J4T app, all is fine!
Anyone else aware of this? Tech support are no real help, they said all my videos were distorted, even on the S20 a few years ago. They said I was too close to the mic. I sat further away and the sound was still awful.

They liked the J4T sound (recorded on same phone). The trouble is I can't run J4T and Samsung video record at the same time!
Anyone got any ideas please?
First Poster

Same problem !!!  Very substandard sound...  really tinny, sounds like it's underwater...  a huge difference in quality which I noticed straightaway.     I'm a jazz singer  and had relied heavily  on my previous phone (Samsung A13) to record my gigs / promote my music.  I'm going to try and take it back.  Luckily I have old videos to compare it to.

When I got my new phone I expressly asked if the video quality was as good as the previous phone. They assured me that it was "even better".

Yes, same here. Samsung support are less than useless! Never again.
First Poster

Same problem. Clearly software issue, getting the same result with an external mic and third party apps. Samsung must update the camera app and any other software involved.


I'm an Organist and I'm really disappointed I can't make both Audio and Video recordings. Please is there any alternative i can try, such as using a video recording app such as Snapchat? Or using external microphone sources such as earbuds

First Poster
Exactly the same thing,even when a good way from the phone
First Poster
My first ever change of phone brand to Samsung from Sony. Absolute garbage video play back sound. Used it at at a festival and its shockingly bad. Just awful .
I csnt beleive they can sell these A14 and put their name to them.
First Poster
When will Samsung accept this is such poor quality product. I bought this phone specifically to video my daughters music gigs. The sound quality is appalling. Sounds like it has been recorded under water. Last Samsung i will purchase
Mark Angel

So disappointed with the live band recordings. Exactly like you described distortion special effects and some. 

What's going on. I thought I was updating my phone. I know its a cheap one but should be better than the A12? My girlfriend doesn't have this problem. 

Mark Angel

I think we all have been sold a pup.



I've been having the same issue with my A14 where it sounds like the phone is underwater when recording videos of anything musical, but have manged to improve things a little. I tried downloading the 'Open Camera' app and then going to:

Settings > Video settings > Audio source and select 'Unprocessed'

The audio quality on videos recorded through the same app seems to be much better after this, though the volume is quite low (at least this can be boosted by editing). Hopefully that helps! I was very close to getting rid of the phone because of this so hoping the fix holds up ok over time!