29-10-2024 05:48 PM
My previous android phone kept my contacts on my phone and on my microsoft account synchronised. But my Samsung phone only did this for a while and has stopped.
I view my contacts by opening the phone app and selecting contacts. In the Manage Contacts option I can see sync contacts, but when I select it I can see the account I want to sync and the last sync date (it says 5 August 2024, but that isn't correct). It says tap to sync and I do. But the screen typically just refreshes giving me the same option. Occasionally it says 'sync error'. But there are no clues on how to fix that.
So next I go to manage accounts and select the account I want to sync. Now it says 'sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly.' It has said this for over a year.
If I go to Outlook and select sync contacts from settings, it is greyed out.
I have manually exported the contacts from my phone to Outlook and imported them. But many are missing and the reverse process has multiple steps.
What I would really like is for the sync to work on my phone.
If I turn on autosync from my phone options no syncing happens. If I autosync from the contacts app, all my accounts except my microsoft account sync.
I have spoken to microsoft they say it is the phone, not them. I hope someone can help.
BTW transferring the details to a google account would be a DGDPR contravention.