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Answer from Samsung HQ about scanlines with G7/G9/Neo G9

(Topic created on: 29-07-2023 10:43 AM)

For people that has scanlines on their G7/G9/Neo G9 and having difficulties to reach basic Samsung monitor support in their country, I was able to reach the Samsung HQ and got their answer: "Scanlines are because of the limitations of the screen". While Samsung HQ admitted it , there was some confusion with my support saying that some people may say that it is all the monitors that has this problem but my support said it is not all :

" when you search the internet for an problem about an product it will always look like it is an major issue and that every product has that issue.This is an distorted view. The reason this view is distorted is because we can see the full picture.Let 's take this case for example.You have scanlines on your monitor. Of course you think "Wait is this normal?"The next thing you do is you do an google search and here you find an 1000 post about people with the same problem.Of course all alarm bels will go of and you will think that every monitor has the same ever what you can not see is the amount of monitors that have been sold world wide and do not have that issue.If there were sold 1 million devices and of those 1 million 1.000 have an problem. it is still an amazing product. but the 999.000 people who have an great monitor with out issues.will not post about it. "

They ask me if I could give them the monitor to inspect that on their side and give a replacement but I refused because I don't know if it will be the same [also what is the point if Samsung HQ admitted it's due to limits of the screen]...

Later after I ended discussion with my support, Neo G9 got released  : HDR issues, scanlines [again problems appear whenever they release a monitor] -> this proof that the example of situation that my support explained to me was totally wrong. 

I have scanlines for these images, but maybe it will be different for you:







(Scanlines are more visible when refresh rate is at max (240 Hz))
Recently, I noticed that people are having scanlines issue with some colors (such as blue, orange, purple) but not on the entire screen anymore, maybe Samsung did their best to fix the issue as they said it was due to the limitations of the screen.

Pixel inversion issue on most of Odyssey G7 32" :
on pixel inversion tests paterns like : there are some spots (green/blue/red/white) where pixels are flikering. When moving the test pattern (moving the window), these spots do not change place. They only change place when modyfing settings of the monitor [sharpness/contrast/color/black equalizer] or color of image like Night Light on Windows.


I know that nobody would watch test pattern in their daily use of that monitor, but now that websites started to add dark mode , I started to notice pixels flikering on lines (reddit post/ youtube/google search bar or in LoL)
Scanlines i can forget since it only appear on specific image but seeing pixels flikering on my daily usage....

Image where pixels are flickering: (in some test patterns you can switch with the arrows on top left)

Update: new batches of Odyssey G7 32" use the updated panel in most cases


All the issues you mentionned was already reported to Samsung HQ .

On August 2021, I made a report about the scanlines: Samsung HQ said this is due to the limits of the screen. The recent gaming monitors such as Neo G8. odyssey g6 got improved (not on the entire screen anymore but only on some solid colors such as blue, orange, green/purple)

On January 2022, I made a report about the pixels flickering ( which is the last image on your message), Samsung from my country (not Samsung HQ) recently said that the new batches of G7 use the updated panels in most cases.


I have have a G7 LC32G7TQSRXXU. I could see scan lines in the corners if the colours were yellow. Going to the links made the whole screen fill with them! I changes my scale to 101% as you suggested and they all vanished!


I have a Nvidia RTX-2070 on Windows 10 (up to date). In the monitor I have G-Sync enabled and all the other settings (that are not greyed out) set to off. Refresh set to 144Hz.

Firmware version is: 1014.1

Tony Burtt
First Poster

I have three g9 49 inch foot sim racing and anytine I turn the monitors off when they come back on there are lines and color blotches…. They go away after about an hour very frustrating.  Last night I turned them on and my third monitor lines are so bad I can’t see what is on 80 percent of screen.  It has been like that for several hours and I don’t think it’s going to get better.  Who can I reach out to? 


I have the same but only during games. It doesn't come up under normal windows. I just bought a G6 monitor. I put the latest firmware and it is still present unfortunately.

First Poster

I do have the same with my own G7 C32G75TQSI 32" - running on latest 1016.1 firmware, with 3080TI
The first time I've noticed them was while playing Skyrim - at clear dark nights with a lot of stars, as soon as most of the screen is the sky - scanlines do apper - and they are clearly visible over the moon.
I have tried different setups - overall, changing black equalizer can help - until you turn camera to another spot with a bit different color scheme, and they do appear again. Other options (brightness, color, contrast, sharpness etc.) do not change anything in regards of the lines.
The safest setting of black equalizer, to minimize the lines, is 1-2, but it is overly bright and is practically unusable. 
Turning VRR off greatly reduces the number of places where you can see them, but does not eliminate the issue entirely.
Pictures under the links above do produce them under any circumstances. 

Later on I have also encountered scanlines in another places - for example, in Age of Wonders 4 on underground (cave) maps. Overall this happens mostly within particularly dark places in many different games and even some apps. 

I have tried NoVideo sRGB app proposed under one of the reddit threads - this also did not help. 
As there are no official support in my country I doubt I will be able to replace it. 
This is VERY frustrating that I cannot use a monitor for around 900 USD without such gimmicks. 
Funny thing is that I have a secondary monitor - Odyssey G5 - which does not have these problems at all (both in games and with the links). 
I wanted to keep both monitors within one company to look nice, but I really consider now to just simply sell current one and pick something else. 


Also same here, I updated to 1016.1 and god I want to go back so badly. I also want to try earlier firmwares such as 1003 or 1007 - but Samsung in their infinite wisdom decided to not allow you to downgrade the firmware anymore. I am now stuck on a buggy firmware that's made the scanlines issue even worse for me. My monitor now has some new bugs as well - such as when it goes on standby, it takes a long time to come back on. My monitor also goes really bright before going back to being dim (how I set it) again. 

1016.1 has made my monitor even worse. I am looking for a replacement to my G7 Odyssey but I don't want to spend another £700 on a monitor only to have different issues. I just want something that works, is 27 inch, 1440p and 240Hz. 

Also, I've tried the sRGB app and it didn't help either. I did however come up with a temporary fix of applying the sharpness to 44 out of 100. Any higher and the scanlines come back.

Nice that I have to have my monitor look like someone's rubbed Vaseline all over it. 

I seriously hope they let us downgrade the firmware or just fix whatever this scanlines issue is. It's seriously bothering me.

First Poster

Stop wasting time, Scan lines are due to cabling!, nothing wrong with the monitoring, I had a DP switch and scan lines all the time, bypassing the switch, the picture is perfect with zero scan lines, this proofs that it is not the panel, it is the connectivity between your machine and the monitor, bad cable or like me a switch that probably reduces the bandwidth or introduces some noise. With a direct cable between my pc and the monitor the picture is  very clear and with no scan lines anymore! 


You couldn’t be more wrong, literally had an engineer out who confirmed the panel was faulty, and since Samsung have given me a full refund for the panel. I obviously tried multiple cables connected to multiple devices before even contacting Samsung.

the panel is faulty, from manufacturer

I use a high quality 8k direct cable on mine and occasionally get scan lines. So you are wrong.