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Answer from Samsung HQ about scanlines with G7/G9/Neo G9

(Topic created on: 12-01-2023 08:06 AM)

For people that has scanlines on their G7/G9/Neo G9 and having difficulties to reach basic Samsung monitor support in their country, I was able to reach the Samsung HQ and got their answer: "Scanlines are because of the limitations of the screen". While Samsung HQ admitted it , there was some confusion with my support saying that some people may say that it is all the monitors that has this problem but my support said it is not all :

" when you search the internet for an problem about an product it will always look like it is an major issue and that every product has that issue.This is an distorted view. The reason this view is distorted is because we can see the full picture.Let 's take this case for example.You have scanlines on your monitor. Of course you think "Wait is this normal?"The next thing you do is you do an google search and here you find an 1000 post about people with the same problem.Of course all alarm bels will go of and you will think that every monitor has the same ever what you can not see is the amount of monitors that have been sold world wide and do not have that issue.If there were sold 1 million devices and of those 1 million 1.000 have an problem. it is still an amazing product. but the 999.000 people who have an great monitor with out issues.will not post about it. "

They ask me if I could give them the monitor to inspect that on their side and give a replacement but I refused because I don't know if it will be the same [also what is the point if Samsung HQ admitted it's due to limits of the screen]...

Later after I ended discussion with my support, Neo G9 got released  : HDR issues, scanlines [again problems appear whenever they release a monitor] -> this proof that the example of situation that my support explained to me was totally wrong. 

I have scanlines for these images, but maybe it will be different for you:







(Scanlines are more visible when refresh rate is at max (240 Hz))
Recently, I noticed that people are having scanlines issue with some colors (such as blue, orange, purple) but not on the entire screen anymore, maybe Samsung did their best to fix the issue as they said it was due to the limitations of the screen.

Pixel inversion issue on most of Odyssey G7 32" :
on pixel inversion tests paterns like : there are some spots (green/blue/red/white) where pixels are flikering. When moving the test pattern (moving the window), these spots do not change place. They only change place when modyfing settings of the monitor [sharpness/contrast/color/black equalizer] or color of image like Night Light on Windows.


I know that nobody would watch test pattern in their daily use of that monitor, but now that websites started to add dark mode , I started to notice pixels flikering on lines (reddit post/ youtube/google search bar or in LoL)
Scanlines i can forget since it only appear on specific image but seeing pixels flikering on my daily usage....

Image where pixels are flickering: (in some test patterns you can switch with the arrows on top left)

Update: new batches of Odyssey G7 32" use the updated panel in most cases

First Poster

Go to Windows settings, display settings, set custom scaling 101%. It works for me.

Let me know if it works, also if you notice any negative impact on setting scaling to 101%.



First Poster

I have the same issue on the G65B, and I really wish there was a fix for it. It was only an issue on 240hz, and I was thinking that it was maybe the HDMI cable or my computer itself, though it seems like it isn't. It's rather annoying that they would say that it's a 1/1,000 chance of happening, since it seems to happen to a LOT of people. Probably a hardware issue if I had to guess, and hopefully Samsung will fix it in the near future.


If the problem would had been 1/1000 then why not just replace the faulty monitors? But anyway if Samsung thinks that paying 600€ and getting scanlines so obviously visible on the screen its ok then there is nothing much to say really. As i said this was the very last product i had bought from Samsung and its not becouse of the scanlines issue on my g7 32”, but becouse  Samsung thinks its fine and doesnt want to replace the obviously malfunctioning product that they are selling as 100% working.


Hello @GHY ,
Could you give me more informations about your scanlines:
When the scanlines appear, does it appear on the entire screen or only on some colors such as orange and dark/light blue ?
I sent a report 1 year ago to Samsung HQ, I tought they could not fix it since it is a limitation of the screen, I still hear complaints about scanlines but recently they seem to be different: it appears on some colors and not on the entire screen anymore.

First Poster

I got my third Neo G9 after some dead pixels. The previous two and the current one also have scanlines. Mostly in orange and light blue colours. I do think the issue on the current one was less visible than on the last two. But lately, it is starting to get more noticeable... maybe it's in my head. I'm not sure. And I do not really feel like going through the return hassle again knowing this problem is likely on all their monitors.

One thing I'm sure of this will be my last Samsung monitor. Ever.


I've just had my monitor (Odyssey G7) in for repair for these issues with Samsung, they sent it to a third party that said they'd seen the issue clearly and ordered parts to fix it. When I chased it after two weeks, i was told Samsung had told them this:-

"Samsung are currently reviewing the issue & once the root cause is discovered we will advise accordingly. At this time we do not accept this is a defect, but are actively investigating the reason for the appearance of this particular phenomenon, thank you for your patience."

So enjoy your monitor's phenomenon, it's not a defect apparently... This might be the maddest response to a defect I've ever seen.


when did you bought it and which issues you got on your g7 ?

What was the problem the third party found and which parts they ordered in order to fix the issues ?

Also if you don't know, There is also a new firmware(1016.1) released in February for G75


Hi Pontiyeur! I bought it early last year and it's on the latest version of firmware (1016.1 as you state).

The issues are pretty much everything in this thread on Reddit:-

One of them for example is the website below makes the screen flicker and shows these horrendous artifacts around the copy:-

This is a video I recorded just navigating Youtube in dark mode. It's a constant occurrence and can be seen in any content type at any resolution and refresh rate. I have tried HDMI and Display Port, and it's been connected to both a Macbook and PC (I use the Macbook for work and PC for gaming and game dev).


I cannot see the video (I do not have access I get this error: "You do not have sufficient privileges...")
For your flickering issue:
-if you update the firmware, and the monitor restarts after it finishes the update, do not forget to plug off the power after and wait 30 seconds before plugging it back.

- Don't forget to enable VRR in your monitor's settings (Go to "System" -> go down and you will see "VRR" -> enable VRR)

if you meant seeing some spots (red/blue/green) where some pixels are flickering, then this is an issue with the panel.


Hi Pontiyeur,

I've done all this sadly. the issue is scanlines (photos with and without below but it's more obvious with the eye). It looks like every alternative row of pixels is darker than the others, and it appears/ disappears when the screen's overall darkness seems to hit a certain level so scrolling down a full-screen web page in dark mode (youtube for example) triggers this on and off repeatedly.

 Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 11.17.27.pngScreenshot 2023-03-01 at 11.17.16.png

Also, i get the below when viewing pattern 3 from here
IMG_6122 Large.jpeg

As mentioned Samsung acknowledged this as an issue, just not a defect but i can't see how this is deemed acceptable...

Also the video is currently "Awaiting Approval (Hidden)" hence the problem sadly, looks like it needs an admin to approve it