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Issues with Active 2 reporting low heart rate

(Topic created on: 10-01-2020 04:41 AM)
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So I replaced my Fitbit with a Samsung Active 2, which was a great pair with my phone. After some time, I began to notice that the heart rate was reporting very low during the night while I was sleeping. I have been getting reading like 35 bpm at 2 am and then it would return to normal at 61 bpm at 3 am. I began to notice that this is a repeating problem occurring two or three times throughout the night obviously this is very unnerving. It's obvious that anyone with a heartbeat that low would be in intensive care at the hospital. Is anyone else experiencing this problem on the active 2? I have only owned the Active 2 for about 90 days.


Apologies if you have checked this, but is your strap reasonably well adjusted at night?


I mention this because on my old Polar A360, I tended to slacken it off a notch before bed, or else I would often wake up with tingles in that hand, and/or with a partially numb hand because the strap was just too tight for sleeping when I would not then automatically tweak its position as I would do during the day.

If the unit is not well located on your wrist, such as if you slacken it a notch before bed to avoid it causing your hand to go to sleep such that the unit can move around more, or move away from your wrist more than during the day, then the sensor may struggle to fix your heart rate accurately.


Then, when you wake up and it naturally sits more centrally, or you subconciously tweak it, as one does, it then has a much better go at getting a more accurate fix, hence why you notice it improves once you have been awake for a bit.




I've exactly same issue since I got my Active 2, before I was using Fitbit for 2 years and the HR is more accurate during the day. Here's an example of my HR during sleep time

Screenshot_20200229-135233_Samsung Health.png


See how the HR goes, while I was wearing Fitbit same time and my HR ~50-62


Model = SM-R825F

Software = R825FXXU1ATA1/R825FOXA1ATA1/R825FXXU1ATA1


I have now definitely noted mine sticking many times reporting my Heart Rate, when measured at rest and via the continuous setting, at 100% more than actual.


It seems to do this for up to 20 minutes or so at a time, and just keeps doing that, until it then suddenly elects to correct for no obvious reason that I can see, when it then quickly climbs down to the correct reading.


I have tried everything, cleaning the Sensors, making sure the Strap is well adjusted, holding the GWA2 to my wrist in the best position, keeping it well charged, letting its charge deplete, you name it, even re-setting it, but this bug keeps appearing at random.



I have same issue with my Active 2. I also have a Garmin Vivoactive 3 watch and when I wear both of them while sleeping, Garmin reports the sleeping heart beat accurately which is about 52-55. But GWA2 reports it about 35-39. There is definitely something wrong with sleeping heart rate reporting. I guess that's why they limited the stress reporting just for the day time.
First Poster

Same thing here! A while ago I bought the Fitbit charge 4, recently I got the GWA2 as a birthday gift. And while I really enjoy all the extra features that Fitbit lacks, I can't seem to trust the GWA2 heart rate readings, specially at night! It varies wildly, and goes down to like 32 bpm. 

It's better during the day but the Fitbit is still more accurate during workouts and the like.

I really hope it's a firmware fixable problem!

First Poster

I am having this same issue right now. Didn't notice it til now as I was looking over my heart rate trends... seems to have been an issue since at least June, I have no further records than that. I did think it was reading incorrectly at one point, aside from this issue, a month or so ago, and contacted support who only offered a link to wearing the watch properly. 🙄  Now after seeing this I'm certain something must be awry as there is no way it could be recording beats in the low 30s. I am glad I found this forum. I was feeling rather unnerved as I am not a highly fit person, and even then that is rather low. Certainly making me sort of regret switching from a Fitbit. 

First Poster
I'm currently having the same issue with my Galaxy Watch, it warned me that my heart rate dropped to 32bpm last night, when I checked the graph it dropped, then stopped logging for around 30 minutes then went back to my normal resting BPM. strange that the sleep monitoring also was 30 minutes less than I normally would expect to see on most days and showed a large gap, seems like it locked up for 30 minutes or so then recovered itself.

irony being it nearly gave me a heart attack when it warned me about it, thanks Samsung!
First Poster

I have looked at my sleep cycles and heart rates and haven't noticed a drop. But today while in the store I decided to use the continuous reading for my heart rate. While shopping and noticed heart rate dropped to 40BPM this startled me and then felt a skipped beat like a sinking feeling in my stomach. I took the watch off cleaned it and put it back on then it was showing 60BPM. I then checked my pulse with my fingers and notice my heart rate was much higher than what the watch was showing maybe 100+BPM because I was scared something was happening. This also calmed me down since I figured this was a bug with the watch. I do suffer from skipped beats but they are not common in my daily life. I mostly get them while resting, and sometimes while exercising. Been to a cardiologist and they didn't see anything so its something I deal with.


Here is a screenshot of when this happen.


First Poster

Mine has been doing this for the last month or so also. It says my lowest hr this week is 31 lol