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Workout in Samsung Health on phone, but can't find on Galaxy Watch? TAKE 2-2021

(Topic created on: 03-05-2021 11:17 AM)
So I am reposting this query following a longstanding thread (see link below) which Samsung have marked as resolved - I hasn't been resolved nor responded to. 

The below is a quote from the original thread but the principle is the same and the problem still exists.

Samsung - could we 1) ask for a formal response from yourselves as customers who have spent millions of £/$ on your watches 2) could you please allow all the exercises on the Samsung Health app to appear and work on the watch? 

"When I open the Samsung Health app on my phone, I can select rowing (outdoors) as a workout. If I go into that exercise (still on phone app), it even shows my Galaxy Watch (42mm) as an accessory that is connected. But when I try to select that activity as a workout directly on my watch (so that I don't need to have my phone with me on the water), it doesn't show up" The same is thr case for many other excerices that just do not cross over between a watch and app and the app has exercises you just wouldn't take your phone with you and the reason you bought a watch!! Such as snorkeling!!!

Thank you in advance! 
First Poster

Hey Samsung, kindly look in to this feature update, I have same issue with the watch. Workouts can be added on phone but those workouts won't be seen in watch thereafter. 



I have found Samsung not to care about what customer needs!! So many people are having various issues but Samsung are just ignoring them! Not impressed with customer care, I must be honest


I bought Galaxy Active2 watch few weeks ago. I can't believe that I can't use it for sports like cross-country skiing, kayaking etc. Samsung, please add all sports profile from mobile S Health to smart watch S Health.

First Poster

Yeah, it thought it was just me! I want to add rollerskating. I really don't get why this isn't a function yet. It's not hard to add tbh


I completely agree and hope someone from the Samsung team will not only "read & skip" but also do something about this, as it's actually a deal-breaker... 

Not having this function is something that will spread around and those who want the watch for it's sports function will notice this.


First Poster

I just purchased the Active 2 and will be returning immediately!  I am a muay thai style kickboxer and I am not going to have my phone on me to track a workout.😒 Even Fitbit allowed me to start a kickboxing or martial arts exercise from my watch. Get with the program Samsung!

BD Athletics

I just bought and Watch Active 2 and will return it because of this. It seems that the Fit 2 can do what we want, for far less money


Just want to add my voice to this.  It is ridiculous that the phone and watch do not have the same options when it comes to exercise type.  My main exercise is boxing, and I cannot record it on my watch to get heart rate etc.  The only option is "Other Workout" which records far less calories burned than boxing.

BD Athletics

I was unable to transfer the badminton activity widget to my Watch Active 2 (44mm) from the S Health app. I purchased the galaxy fit 2 for a fraction of the cost and was able to transfer the badminton widget to the fit 2.  I used it and it tracked my activity duration, HR with a chart, reported my ave HR and Max HR. Counted my steps, estimated calories burned, all reported back to, and recorded in S Health. Actually quite nicely.

This should be able to work on the Galaxy watch Actives  also.

Hoping to find a work around I then tried running the badminton widget directly from my Galaxy phone SHealth app while connected to the Galaxy Watach Active 2  thinking it would capture the same data but it didnt.  It only reported the duration and estimated the calories burned. No HR information, no steps counted.  Very frustrating.


I have sent a link to this thread to Samsung UK technical support advising that we have a complaint and would appreciate a response. We would like to work with Samsung to resolve this gap in service from the Galaxy Watch.