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Galaxy Watch Active Sleep Tracking

(Topic created on: 12-03-2019 04:03 PM)

I've had the Watch Active for 3 days now (previously a Fitbit owner).  I've had sleep tracking on my previous Fitbits, and either the Fitbit or the Watch Active is wildly inaccurate. I was averaging about an hour and a half of deep sleep per night on my Fitbit and my Galaxy Watch Active says zero percent deep sleep.  🤔  Also, for the past two nights, it has two sleep records each night, saying that I was not sleeping (not 'awake', but not even in bed) for about an hour or so.  I was in bed all night so..... the first night I thought it might have to do with DST, but it did it again last night.  Is this what I should expect?


I can only answer in regards to the Galaxy Watch but it is the same issue here, I also came from Fitbit which had excellent information (I think:thinking-face:)


After setting HR to always on I started get some deep sleep on the Galaxy Watch but even now after 7 months or so its only 10 minutes or so a night for maybe 2 nights a week, I rarely look at that anymore as Im not sure it can be trusted. If I watch a film in my armchair it logs it as 90 minutes sleep, same if I am in a meeting at work (although that may be true :smiling-face:)


In fact Id go further to suggest Im not sure I trust any of the stats coming off this at all i comparison to Fitbit/Garmin. Its a nice looking smartwatch with great call/text features, thats all for me :face-with-rolling-eyes:

First Poster

I had the Samsung Fit Pro2 prior to the new Active.  I also have noticed 2 days in a row where the sleep is not registering half way through the night.  I know im not awake or moving, it just seems to have stopped tracking the sleep, then it starts tracking again in a few hours.  This seems like an issue Samsung needs to address.


I was wondering about trusting the stats too...but maybe it was th ke Fitbit that was wrong?  Now for the last two nights, it's recorded one solid block of sleep as it should, but it's saying that I'm waking up for the day between 4 and 5 am, when I don't even wake up until 6:20, and eventually roll out of bed somewhere between 6:40 and 7....I'm glad it's not just me having the issue... I just wish they'd fix it.


Possibly, it was a while ago now but I had a Garmin for 2 weeks and it was showing very similiar stats to the Fitbit I had at that time in regards to sleep/steps/HR.


I do think the Fitbit overestimates steps and possibly calories but for HR was bang on compared to machines at the Gym, day to day HR on the Samsung watch is OK for me, its just when I try to do any workouts its fails terribly.


That aside its a lovely bit of kit as a smartwatch, really nice just not up to the job of health tracking in my experience. Ive been trying for 7 months to get it right, despite 3 or 4 updates its no better at all, actually thats a lie steps/stairs are much better but HR/Calories/Sleep is poor.


Everyones different and it may be great for you, lets hope :smiling-face:


I'm having the same issue where part way through the night my Galaxy Watch Active stops registering sleep. I haven't had an accurate night's sleep recorded since the 8th when I received the product. Considering sleep tracking was one of the selling features and Fitbit seems to handle this without issue, I'm super annoyed.


I have the same issue! My fitbi would have about an hour or so of deep sleep every night...and it'd track through the whole night. My Galaxy Watch active always has an hour or so in the middle of the night where it just stops tracking and I end up with 2 sleep records. And it'd be like 0-2% deep sleep.  Why does this happen??

First Poster

I'm having the exact same issue  Keeps saying I'm getting very low deep sleep if any and now for a couple of nights there's about an hour in between where it's just blank and not tracking anything. I need something that's going to be more accurate. So far really liking everything else.  


I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one experiencing this issue . Got my galaxy active last week on release date in UK , 21st March and was so excited to get going,  but so far I'm a little disappointed.  Coming from Fitbit I kind of expected Samsung to be ,more accurate and straightforward  ,  but as others have said , my sleep has failed to track at all once,  given me 2hrs recorded sleep twice , and a longer sleep than actually happened once ? What's this about,  Fitbit was pretty much on the ball with steps , exercise and sleep but so far Galaxy watch active has fallen short . I've just watched my steps increase while sitting still , and it's also rarely recognises taking the stairs.  Does anyone else have any advice?  


Unfortuantely as these forums prove there is no advice to be given that seems to work, it just doesnt do very well as a fitness/health tracker and wont until Samsung accept there is an issue and fix it.


7 months in with the Galaxy Watch and if anything its gone backwards for me. If fitness tracking is more important to you than smartwatch features and good looks I would think about returning it if in your 30 day period.