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Thoughts on a dedicated Samsung music player for Tizen OS smart TVs

(Topic created on: 01-11-2020 11:17 PM)

I recently purchased a Samsung Smart TV running on Tizen OS as an upgrade to my previous TV from another manufacturer. I have thousands of mp3 tracks and videos on my hard drive which I enjoyed listening to and watching on my previous TV. At present, I have noticed that playing audio files on my Samsung TV is, sadly, all but a pleasant experience. My previous TV would categorize content into either "music" or "photos & videos" based on what I wanted. On selecting "music", the TV would display all my audio files and would allow me to view them as one long list, or by album, or by artist. Upon selecting an audio file, a dedicated music player would come on and start playing the track. The music player would also allow me to create personalized playlists, navigate different music folders without stopping the music that's already playing, and to even exit the "music" category and browse through other stuff such as satellite TV or Netflix while the music continues to play in the background.  To stop the player, a small (hence less distracting) movable widget would remain floating on my screen and had an exit button for closing the music player.

Things are a lot different with the Samsung TV. For instance, I can only play music from one folder at a time; if I exit that folder, the audio track stops playing. I cannot create playlists either, and so if I have 10 songs in 10 different folders, I cannot create a playlist with all 10 tracks in one place, I can only listen to one song til the end, exit that folder, open another folder, play the next song til the end, and so on. I have checked the Samsung TV app store for any dedicated players and sadly there aren't any. I also saw another contributor on this forum asking about where to find a third-party video player that allows for video stretching/zooming to hide the letterbox bars in widescreen content because the proprietary Samsung player only allows zooming in for live TV but not for other stuff such as movies stored in a hard drive. Developing a dedicated audio player, and perhaps updating the video player, would be a much desired change to this effect. Thanks.

First Poster

Yes, have you had any luck. I found a Tizen store with vlc player but the links dont work. 


exact same problem here! this is my first purchase of Samsung TV and what makes me sad is that after more than 2 years of posting this, nothing changed!

NO playlist

NO categorizing of media content

NO background play