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NU8000 USB Hard Drive?

(Topic created on: 05-12-2018 11:35 AM)

Hello all,

I have a new NU8000 and am not getting on very well with recording to USB HDD.
I've read plenty of forum postings about it both on and elsewhere but here's my brief story.


I had a USB powered 500Gb seagate HDD which worked but not consistently. It would sometimes not record when the TV was in standby. So, following forum threads I got an external powered 1Tb USB drive.   When I plugged it in, 6 USB drives appeared!  USB HDD, USB HDD(1)...up to USB HDD (5).   The "real" one is USB HDD(3) and if the TV is on, I can record to it. However with the TV in standby, nothing records, ever.  Both of these drives are USB2. If I unplug and replug the 1Tb, the 6 drives appear again, so obviously this drive has some compatibility problem. I had formatted it NTFS on my PC just prior to using - the manual does say NTFS is supported. 


So the question is, what make/model of USB HDD will actually record when I set something on series link properly when in standby?  Perhaps there is a "more reliable" USB port?  Perhaps FAT32 is more reliable? - I know this is clutching at straws. 


many thanks in advance for anyone who has a drive plugged in that actually works 100% and can recommend.




Perhaps someone from Samsung ?


Latest info:

I have now tried

a USB2 external bus powered HDD

a USB3 external bus powered HDD

a Startech USB3 mains powered enclosure with sata HDD

a Dynamode USB2 mains powered enclosure with sata HDD

a Buffalo USB3 mains powered HDD


So that's about every combination of external drive. I have also tried formatting NTFS and FAT32


Not one of them will record while the TV is in standby


Black Belt 

@Zacepi wrote:

Latest info:

I have now tried

a USB2 external bus powered HDD

a USB3 external bus powered HDD

a Startech USB3 mains powered enclosure with sata HDD

a Dynamode USB2 mains powered enclosure with sata HDD

a Buffalo USB3 mains powered HDD


So that's about every combination of external drive. I have also tried formatting NTFS and FAT32


Not one of them will record while the TV is in standby


Samsung's tvs have issues recording scheduled program's. Support will try to blame everything except tell you it is a known issue. Just look on the threads here under recording. 

I have read some Paul - hence trying the powered drives which seems to be the only thing that works for some people.

Disappointing that spending >£1000 on what is such an otherwise amazing TV has such an obvious bug. I can watch the TV on my phone, watch the phone on my TV, watch online services in amazing quality with no lag, but a basic function like this is hobbled so I have to continue with my 10 year old PVR.
Black Belt 

@Zacepi wrote:
I have read some Paul - hence trying the powered drives which seems to be the only thing that works for some people.

Disappointing that spending >£1000 on what is such an otherwise amazing TV has such an obvious bug. I can watch the TV on my phone, watch the phone on my TV, watch online services in amazing quality with no lag, but a basic function like this is hobbled so I have to continue with my 10 year old PVR.

Yep I had a ks9500 which was replaced with a q9f and then a 8k q900r and all failed to do scheduled recording after a couple of weeks. Nothing to do with the drive,  as they still did time shift and pause. It is a know fault,  therefore if it does not work as advertised then it is faulty.  I moved on to a LG C8. Very happy. 


Moving away is a  serious course of action!


Although I've used forums for a long time, I've never used this one. Do Samsung reps ever jump in and contribute, or it like every other company forum without compay moderation - ie. a whingefest with hardly any satisfactory outcomes?


Oh - and I don't mean a "call our support line" as useful input from a company rep.

Black Belt 

@Zacepi wrote:

Moving away is a  serious course of action!


Although I've used forums for a long time, I've never used this one. Do Samsung reps ever jump in and contribute, or it like every other company forum without compay moderation - ie. a whingefest with hardly any satisfactory outcomes?


Oh - and I don't mean a "call our support line" as useful input from a company rep.

Yes the moderators do answer and are quite good but they can not fix broken stuff. That's where support is supposed to help. In my case not much use and was only when I escalated to the UK CEO that it got sorted. 

hmm well I think I will start on the support journey then.

Could you (privately if possible?) send me the contact for the UK CEO as I suspect it may get that far!
First Poster

Hi from Australia!  I have a new  Samsung UA55NU8000WXXY.  APRIL 2019.   I thought that I could watch a program and record another to my 32g USB at the same time. Apparently not!  The reason  is I'm told is that I need a recorder with another tuner.   I can schedule a recording and it will record when the TV is in standby-and it will record if I am watching the program- but that is not a lot of good is it.    I do has a recorder - a quality Panasonic DMR EX88 which when I connect with a HMDI is able to play programs I had recorded  on it some time ago with a my old Sony TV.  However, if I try to record to it ( having revemoved the USB)it comes up with a message that there is no USB connected!!  I cannot find out how to connect the recorder to record!!

Tried all I now to get it to record- but no good- it only plays back what is already on it. Otherwise the TV is ok- although I don't like the remote very much.  Any help appreaciated.