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Things to think about to make a good photo

(Topic created on: 11-01-2022 02:37 AM)
Samsung Members Star ★★★

Would you like to take a picture like this :


Taking a photo and trying to capture the magical moment of an event can be difficult if you don't know your device and that's why I decided to write this article. (To see all the beauty of the photos, click on them!)


Here we can see the surprise in the eyes of HalfMoon

Do you know your device, have you read the manual offered by Samsung via Settings / Tips and user manual of your device ? Reading the manual will allow you to quickly progress in photography.

I have talked about the different modes of your device here:  Learn what the different modes of your camera are for (great for beginners) - Its ...

Always be ready, this is my motto

1- Each time you want to take a photo, you have to ask yourself which mode you will use to take the best possible photo. If you are inside and the place is slightly darker than the outside, it might be better to take a photo in NIGHT mode or in Single capture mode rather than using Photo mode especially if it is a photo of a child or an animal that will necessarily move at the fateful moment. 


Photo mode (blur behind the scene) VS Night mode (sharp everywhere)

Unfortunately, I was hoping that Samsung's Scene Optimizer handled the different scenes efficiently, but I found that this one doesn't always have the efficiency that I wanted. As an example, we will see the photo of a cat taken at such slow speeds such as 1 / 14th of a second not allowing the image to "freeze" which will therefore give you a BLUR subject that is often underexposed. . In other situations such as landscapes, the optimizer will make sure to saturate the colors of the image which you will appreciate. You must therefore test and test your device in order to fully understand its capabilities to make the most of it.

(In my time with Argentina, in order not to waste too many photos and money because we paid for the development and the printing, it was necessary to know our camera well and to know what each adjustment was used for. Today, you have the chance to take as many pictures as you want BUT it no longer allows you to understand your camera and it is a shame because you could "spoil" wonderful moments. 

( Do not lose these magical moments because of a lack of knowledge of your device)


(Blurred picture)

2- The most important thing to consider is without contradiction the focus and to focus quickly it is preferable to click in the screen at the place where you want this focus to be done, a square will indicate that the focus is where you touch the screen . If the subject is moving, you could also enable TRACKING mode in the camera settings, this will ensure that the subject is in focus even if the subject is moving. A yellow circle will indicate that this is the best possible pose depending on the device  ( On some devices, you will see 2 yellow circles).



Super good tripod in low position with my  Phone Holder Joby Griptight Pro  .

The phone Holder switches to landscape mode or Photo mode according to your needs. Having no springs to grip your device,   it cannot break your screen, especially if it is rounded.


Photo Mode


Landscape Mode

Having a tripod is not an obligation ... On the other hand, having one shows your interest in becoming better at photography because it will allow you to do long exposures to succeed in astrophotography photos, light trails and even to succeed in taking quality photos when there is no light to illuminate the scene.

(Look at the next photo or the light is almost zero) Would you think I would get such a clear photo with so little light? 

Here is another photo tip: Sometimes it can be difficult to focus given the low light, having a small flashlight to focus allows you to overcome this problem and that's  why I favor the Pro mode which allows me to do long exposures up to 30 seconds. I would like Samsung to add the BULB mode which would allow me to do exposures of more than 30 seconds, it would be ideal for astrophotography and I could keep my ISO number at 50 to have grain free photos.


(Enlarge for better viewing)

3- I also suggest that you always have the grid activated which allows you to frame your image. An image that is not LEVEL is disturbing and attacks the eye. Fortunately, you can easily fix this problem in Samsung editor but you will lose part of your image ...(Since Android 12, a level has been added to the screen in the Photo, Pro and Video Pro modes of the camera)


You can play with the degrees to straighten the image as well as with the crop tool to maintain certain proportions.


Cropped to keep proportion



4- Light plays an important role in the composition of all photos. Make sure you have your device close at hand when the light is highlighting your subject. The focus was made on the white hairs which allowed the rear area to be underexposed, bringing out this beautiful girl in the foreground. 


5- I often use Pro Mode because it allows me to choose the adjustments of my device. If I know that I will take pictures on subjects that are likely to move and / or that move, I can choose a fast speed to freeze the movements of the characters, this allows me to take great pictures of my kitties or of people in movement and I choose a slow speed for scenes where there will be no movement such as landscapes. The only thing that could spoil the photo is too high an ISO number which will add grain to your image. But since I'm in Pro mode, I can also change my ISO number so that doesn't happen. I suggest you read my article on Pro mode here:

Pro Mode explained here, stop being afraid of this Mode - samsung community

6- When using a tripod, always remember to deactivate the image stabilizer otherwise it conflicts with the stabilizer of the device: on a tripod, things are stabilized and not removing the stabilizer could ruin your video / photo.

7- Many people do not know that certain modes are often added during MAJOR Android Updates, to see these modes click on MORE ... you can add these modes so that they are accessible in the photo application.



Also make sure to update your device regularly, here's how to check it:  How to check if your device has received all its updates! - Samsung Community COMING SOON

8- You can crop and / or enlarge a photo to make a photo that you can use in your decor whether in a frame, a canvas, a sweater or a cushion that you can have printed in a specialized place. It is above all necessary to inquire with these businesses to know the resolution, the format and other specifications required to have a good result.

I am talking about cropping in the following post:  How to achieve 100X photos even if your device does not allow it! - Samsung Community


Cropped image

9- To achieve a realistic photo, it is better to use Pro Mode rather than Night Mode otherwise you may have an image that is too bright and does not reflect reality.  


10- Use the correct lens to take your photo, DO NOT ZOOM as this will degrade your photo. It is better to crop your image to maintain the best resolution possible rather than relying on a program that will try to recompose your image. Make sure your lens is not a hybrid lens but a lens that has the true magnification announced ... A 3X hybrid lens is not equivalent to a lens with 3X magnification, prefer the last one if you want a better photo quality.  Note that since the S22* series, we can have an enlargement without losses because of the evolution of Samsung's Artificial Intelligence which has evolved considerably.

11- Use the right Mode, there are dedicated modes to enhance your photos. EX: why are you trying to take a photo of the meals prepared with the Photo mode when you have the Food mode at your disposal which will bring out the colors and which will make a clear photo of the dishes chosen according to your selection and which blurs what is to be side ? Why use Photo mode when it's dark instead of using Night mode (unless you want to have a realistic photo)? Why not choose Single Mode if you find it difficult to take a picture of people when you're indoors and it's a bit dark. Why Why Why?

12-  Nightography: Samsung has managed to quickly advance the Night Mode and they have almost succeeded in removing the noise that is found on almost all existing devices as soon as you exceed ISO 3200. But like all devices, the only way to avoid to have noise in the image is to use Pro Mode and a good tripod. That said, Nightography has become a must to have a good quality image at night even if you don't have a tripod with you.



Looks at the grains before Nightography



 Now, with Nightography 




Asking me any questions allows me to do a much more complete article, so do not be shy to ask me or point me to an important point to think to succeed .. good picture . If you are wondering which mode should be used or which setting to use in such and such situations, you can ask me the questions directly in this post. I have a Note10 +, I cannot guide you on all the photo features if your device is very recent, but I will find someone who can answer you.

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Samsung Members Star ★★★

Thanks @Cherepko 

If you want more, you can click on this link (but you will need your translator)  :

I haven't finished yet to translate them in English...

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I'm pushing samsung to add an AI artistic impression filter to the camera. Would you use it or would you stick to the traditional methods you have and use now?

Samsung Members Star ★★★

Hi @DkalL_Mc ,

I like to try new things so...

Vous aimez la photographie ? Si OUI, cliquez ici :
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Samsung Members Star ★★★

Thanks @Carhuy  and @excelent ...

I am happy to see that you reserved your first post for one of my photographie's articles... 😀

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Thank you for the tutorial, really educational, really sparked up my interest in photography. 

First Poster

It bothers that I'm not using my camera to its full potential (s22 U)... probably never even half its potential because I have no idea how to use to correctly.  Thanks for this and all your other articles regarding camera.  I'll be reading as many as I can!!  

Samsung Members Star ★★★

Hi @Coleyt ,

If you have any questions about photography,  just ask me OR you can read all of my articles here* :

 Note that some articles are in french and can easily be translate with any good translator. To be sure to see all of the pictures,  i suggest you to open all links in your favorite browser. 

Vous aimez la photographie ? Si OUI, cliquez ici :
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