Thankyou for adding balance to the discussion. That is what is good about these communities and there are always two sides to every coin.
👍 😉I am hoping I have made a good decision, but my S23u is such a beast of a phone that only time will tell. In normal use I don't expect there to be much difference.
I think the cameras on the s23u are really good. I never tried the s24u cameras but split opinions on whether they were better or worse than the s23u. I am hoping the 50mp upgrade and log video recording will make the s25u a suitable upgrade.
I know some phones have bragging rights in terms of specs in the Asian markets and bigger MP images. Perhaps the upper hand is with apple
🍎 in camera if the influencers on YouTube are to be believed.
However the 'overall user experience' is just as important. I find the Samsung OneUI7 far better than the playing around times that i have had with Oxygen OS on oneplus, or HyperOS on Xaomi. I am certainly not suited to IOS. Perhaps the pixels would be the one phone I would most likely switch if I decided to change.
But for me the Samsung ecosystem is the best. And rather like the analogy of owning a car with a marginally better engine but a cheap looking interior that I look at every day... I prefer the excellent OneUI that Samsung had to offer.
Of course this is just my 'customer opinion'... and others, including reputable youtubers may disagree with me.
Everyone entitled to their favourite phone and based upon their own experiences.
One thing that is for certain... good competition in any market is healthy. It helps to drive innovation, competitiveness, and pricing to ensure that sales are made. The worst situation is when a market is monopolised by a single company and they can define their own specs and prices without any competition.
User: Smiley
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My life is full of positives and negatives. I’m an electrical engineer.