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Terrible New Samsung Update

(Topic created on: 22-02-2021 10:49 AM)
First Poster

Now, I  know there might be some people out there that are riveted by this new update and how it has changed just about everything.  However, I am not part of that group and am sour towards the update.  My biggest issue is with the Message application.  Before the update, I was able to customize my text messages.  By that I mean I was able to add a background to the conversations I had going on with other contacts.  Why is this important to me?  Because I am one of the individuals who has painfully sensitive eyes.  Before the update, I had my text messsage set with a dark background, a night sky, because that is the only thing my eyes could handle.  I have searched my entire phone and I cannot find a way to do this after the new update.  I am stuck with the all white background for everyone coupled with the bright teal text bubbles.  It is quite literally, painful for me to use the Message app. The white is too intense for my eyes.  Yes I can just dim my birghtness if I so need it, but then I cannot see anything else on my phone.  Sure I can just get a whole new phone and toss away the Samsung, but money is not a leisure I have. I hope everyone else's suggestions get listened to, and I really hope I can customize my text messages again because it is ridiculous that I can't; especially with my eye sensitivity. 


I'm with you, I've always been loyal to Samsung!  Now my Note 8 drains in a couple hours.  I hate to say it, my daughter has an Iphone, screw Samsung, I'm going to drink the koolaid and we're all going to Apple.


I hate conforming but if I'm spending $1,000 per line, they need to work.  


Goodbye Samsung..............HELLO APPLE!

First Poster

Absolutely, what a nightmare, I cannot see my messages any more. I am colour sensitive and it's hopeless. I've tried changing the night mode, all sorts, nothing solves the problem. Is it possibel to revert back to the earlier version? 


I agree with you. So much has been messed up. First, I cannot "set" my brightness on my phone other than auto or "outdoor, real bright". So every time I use the phone I have to go to display settings and click the outdoor setting. The second, most hateful thing is NO LONGER CAN I JUST SWIPE DOWN FROM THE TOP AND MUTE OR UNMUTE MY PHONE. AND I DO NOT WANT TO FIND OUT ANOTHER WAY TO DO IT. IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN SIMPLER.

NEXT, More icons/apps have been added, slowing my already slow phone. I do not want any more apps and if I do I WILL DOWNLOAD THEM. 

Why mess with the setting app, why does Samsung thing they know how you want your phone to be customized? My keyboard setting are messed as well, and harder for me to use. I could go on and on, but I guess I am done with Samsung. I may even bite the bullet and get an iPhone. I am not satisfied with my Samsung TV either, but that's another story.

If only I could just back out of the (updates that occurred four (4 times) over couple days. which kinda says someone does not know what they are doing.


Sorry, but like others, I don't want a " you can do this way or some other workaround". Nothing was broken before the "upgrade", so I just want to back it all out. I had my phone just like I wanted it, now it is a stranger.



My customized the way I like it phone is now a stranger to me, so messed up, nothing will fix except a total back out of the "upgrade;.

First Poster
why have they altered the upday news page at front when you strike right from your home page?
it was a great app with everything where you needed it? now it's all junk? hard to find bits and bobs it was easy now it's terrible so bad it's unusable and a waste if space, lots of samsung app where great but all getting ***** due to updates that are deemed better when if fact are worse than bad?